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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 934
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Chapter 934 Punishment For Daddy

There was a hint of frustration in Artemis' tone.

Clearly, he felt quite helpless when faced with this feisty woman.

As for the reason, it was probably another messy situation that couldn't be easily resolved.

The woman standing before him is named Rebecca Sutton. S exuded an alluring mix of sensuality and


She was the top administrative officer of Interpol at that time.

She was indeed the woman he had met in Lofbury before.

However, if there was even a slight chance, he swore he would never want anything to do with this woman in his

lifetime for a certain reason.

With a playful curl of her enchanting red lips, Rebecca revealed a charming smile full of allure. Then, she began to

ascend the steps one by one.

With each step she ascended, Artemis retreated one step back, his hawk-like eyes filled with caution and vigilance.

There's no helping it. That woman was just too audacious and bold. At that moment, there was nothing she dared

not do.

For instance, she would willingly seduce a married man.

“Stop. Maintain a safe distance of more than three meters. Don't come any closer,” he warned.

Rebecca raised her eyebrows, took a step up to the final stair and stood firm. Her hands were tucked into the

pockets of her military trousers, looking dashing and spirited. “Chief Luther, even though you've retired now, I've

been with you for several years. You can't just be ungrateful and heartless. Looking back, our collaboration was

indeed impeccable. After a long period of adjustment, we could understand each other perfectly.”

That was an odd thing to say.

Unaware, one might think that something inexplicably wonderful had once happened between them.

Artemis, somewhat helpless, rubbed his forehead and sighed. “Commander Sutton, my wife isn't even in my grasp

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yet. Could you please stop causing me trouble?”

Rebecca puckered her red lips, speaking with an irresistible charm, “We are, after all, the closest of partners. Look,

you asked me to release a death-row prisoner this time, and I agreed immediately. Not only that, I personally

delivered the person to you. Chief Luther, you mustn't forget your old love just because you have a new one. It

would break a beauty's heart.”

Artemis' robust body shuddered violently twice, and his mouth twitched in tandem.

There was no helping it. That woman had no filter when she talked. If she continued speaking, no one would know

what shocking and outrageous words might come next.

“Rebecca, I no longer have any ties with Interpol. Now, our relationship is simply that of an official and a citizen. You

seem to be quite busy right now. It's best to head back to base as soon as possible so you don't delay your main

tasks,” he urged.

Rebecca blinked her eyes and chuckled lightly. “In my view, catching up with you is indeed a serious matter. I've

been looking forward to it for a long time. Now that I'm here, aren't you going to invite me in to sit? I see a few little

rascals around here eavesdropping. If you keep me standing here, I might say something that could confuse the

children, and then—”

Before she could finish, Artemis immediately waved his hand to interrupt her, then gritted his teeth and said, “I just

wanted to discuss with you the situation of that cartel in Zaewora. Since you've come in person, let's gather in the

study. We can sit down and have a leisurely chat.”

“All right, then.” Rebecca moved swiftly, and in the blink of an eye, she appeared right before Artemis.

At that moment, Artemis was warning the few little ones eavesdropping in the corner, telling them not to be nosy

and to mind their own business.

In that moment of distraction, by the time he realized that Rebecca was close to him, it was already too late to

avoid her.

That audacious woman tiptoed to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Chief Luther, we should kiss when we meet.”

Having said that, she swayed her graceful and charming waist as she walked toward the hall.

Artemis' face instantly darkened, his eyes as cold as ice.

He abruptly turned his head toward Ken at his side, gritting his teeth as he said, “You know what this woman is like.

Who told you to let her in?”

Ken was on the verge of tears. It's not my fault at all. She's the top commander of Interpol. She can easily deploy a

couple of advanced weapons, the most cutting-edge stuff in the world. How were we supposed to stop her? We

couldn't possibly risk our lives to do that, could we?

“W-When Ms. Sutton was at the entrance, she set up two cannons. She said either let her in, or she'll level the

entire research base. I-I was thinking that the young masters and the others were inside, so I didn't dare to gamble

on the extent of that woman's madness,” Ken responded.

Artemis once again rubbed his forehead, his gaze falling on the three siblings peeping over the wall.

Zayron hummed a tune, then said rudely, “Old Fox, you're done for.”

Maxton chimed in, “You're really in trouble this time.”

Susan perfectly embodied what it meant to be a cheeky child. She loved a good spectacle and never shied away

from a commotion. “Daddy, your punishment is coming soon.”

Artemis was rendered speechless.

He couldn't help but give a wry smile. He decided to hurry inside to deal with that enchantress, hoping to send that

demon away before his wife returned. If those two women were to meet each other, I'm doomed!

Once his father had entered the living room, Zayron said to Maxton, “Quickly, think of a way to stall Bailey. Don't let

her arrive here so soon.”

Maxton gave him a cold glance and scoffed. “If you hadn't carelessly texted Bailey earlier, would she have known?”

Zayron was regretting it.

Zayron initially thought that his father could suppress the vixen, making her back off. Unexpectedly, she showed no

fear at all. At this moment, she's boldly stepping into the main hall, going to the study with Dad to catch up on old

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“Cut the chatter. Are you going or not? If you don't, and they split up, just wait for Dad to find you a stepmother,”

Zayron replied.

Maxton was rendered speechless.

Maxton gritted his teeth, glaring at his younger brother for a good while before finally turning to Ken and saying

fiercely, “Take me to the Hoffman residence.”

Meanwhile, inside the reception room in the main house of the Hoffman residence, Raymond leaned back in the

main seat, squinting at Zeke across from him.

They had been there for ten minutes, but no words were spoken.

They were sizing each other up, engaged in an invisible contest.

In the end, it was Raymond who was the first to admit defeat. Because of the game, I lost to the younger ones.

Upon heaving a heavy sigh, Raymond said leisurely, “You are excellent, a standout among the younger generation.

You're as capable as Artemis. Most importantly, you are Artemis' elder cousin. In the future, when the Luther and

Shurmer families unite through marriage, their power and influence will undoubtedly be overwhelming. And you,

you will become the object of countless noble ladies' affection. In other words, you will be able to marry a woman

who is a match for you. Now that I've stepped down as the head of the family, Julie has lost her backer. She is no

longer the esteemed princess, and as for you—”

Before Raymond could finish speaking, Zeke interrupted, “I came to Moranta with one purpose, and that's to bring

Juliana back to the Shurmer family. Mr. Hoffman, I understand your concerns. Now that Archie is in charge, you

should be able to feel a bit more at ease. As for Juliana, she's just a girl. Let's not put so much pressure on her. Let

her enjoy life in my arms.”

Those words, spoken by Zeke with utmost sincerity, also moved Raymond slightly.

He didn't want his daughters to get married, but in the end, both his sons-in-law turned out to be highly influential

figures in the world.