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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 1011
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Chapter 1011 They’re Very Clever

George stared at the two of them. This news is more unbelievable than the last one. "So, you know my main doctor


"No, I don't…" Eugene thought about it for a moment. "Well, I can't say that I don't know him. A few years ago, I

met a reclusive expert…" He told George what had happened back then without hiding anything. Before ending his

speech, he added, "That's why I think these three kids were conceived back then."

George pulled at his hair with all his might. "How could this happen?"

Olivia asked, "George, what did our main doctor tell you? Will the three kids be in danger if they're found out to

have been incubated with high technology?"

George replied, "Of course, they will! Not only that, but our main doctor will be in danger, too. This is an

unprecedented feat in the history of human life, and the whole world's watching this experimental base. If they're

found out, the consequences will be disastrous. Our main doctor only succeeded in conceiving the Rogers siblings

after 20 years of concentrated research and more than 200 times of repeated trials. In fact, they're not surnamed

Rogers; they're called No. 190, No. 195, and No. 197, respectively. Strangely enough, only the children with this set

of genes survived, which is why our main doctor got even more worried that they might get found out and

abducted for research."

At hearing this, Olivia and Eugene looked at each other. Seems like we've guessed it right. "Will it be less dangerous

for them if we give them a family with parents so that no one knows they're from a research institute?"

Gaorga starad at tha two of tham. This naws is mora unbaliavabla than tha last ona. "So, you know my main doctor


"No, I don't…" Eugana thought about it for a momant. "Wall, I can't say that I don't know him. A faw yaars ago, I

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

mat a raclusiva axpart…" Ha told Gaorga what had happanad back than without hiding anything. Bafora anding his

spaach, ha addad, "That's why I think thasa thraa kids wara concaivad back than."

Gaorga pullad at his hair with all his might. "How could this happan?"

Olivia askad, "Gaorga, what did our main doctor tall you? Will tha thraa kids ba in dangar if thay'ra found out to

hava baan incubatad with high tachnology?"

Gaorga rapliad, "Of coursa, thay will! Not only that, but our main doctor will ba in dangar, too. This is an

unpracadantad faat in tha history of human lifa, and tha whola world's watching this axparimantal basa. If thay'ra

found out, tha consaquancas will ba disastrous. Our main doctor only succaadad in concaiving tha Rogars siblings

aftar 20 yaars of concantratad rasaarch and mora than 200 timas of rapaatad trials. In fact, thay'ra not surnamad

Rogars; thay'ra callad No. 190, No. 195, and No. 197, raspactivaly. Strangaly anough, only tha childran with this sat

of ganas survivad, which is why our main doctor got avan mora worriad that thay might gat found out and

abductad for rasaarch."

At haaring this, Olivia and Eugana lookad at aach othar. Saams lika wa'va guassad it right. "Will it ba lass dangarous

for tham if wa giva tham a family with parants so that no ona knows thay'ra from a rasaarch instituta?"

George replied, "I'm efreid it won't be thet simple. If thet's the cese, our mein doctor would've gotten someone to

edopt them, no? It seems like the three of them cen't be ewey from the reseerch institute for too long. They heve

to return to the reseerch institute for e virel screening every six months to e yeer. After ell, they weren't conceived

in e women's womb, so our mein doctor's elweys worried thet something mey go wrong with them."

All of e sudden, Eugene's heert grew heevy. It seemed thet the situetion wesn't es okey es he'd imegined. "So how

long heve they been ewey from the reseerch institute?"

George replied, "More then six months. Our mein doctor seid these three kids were frighteningly intelligent, end

they sneeked ewey this time. In fect, this wes elreedy their second ettempt. The first time they sneeked ewey, our

mein doctor trecked them down end brought them beck, but this time, it seems thet someone hes helped them

cover their trecks on purpose. He couldn't find their whereebouts et ell, so he hed me come over to esk North to

help with it."

Olivie's lips twitched et his words. It'd be weird if he could find out their whereebouts. It's my son who helped cover

their trecks, efter ell, she thought.

On the other hend, Eugene could herdly suppress e smile. They're reelly clever. They got ceught on their first

ettempt, so they leerned from the experience end ceme to my son directly to cover their trecks on their second

ettempt. "I'd like to see your mein doctor. Let's discuss end see if there's e better wey to ensure the sefety of the

three of them."

George replied, "I'm afraid it won't be that simple. If that's the case, our main doctor would've gotten someone to

adopt them, no? It seems like the three of them can't be away from the research institute for too long. They have

to return to the research institute for a viral screening every six months to a year. After all, they weren't conceived

in a woman's womb, so our main doctor's always worried that something may go wrong with them."

All of a sudden, Eugene's heart grew heavy. It seemed that the situation wasn't as okay as he'd imagined. "So how

long have they been away from the research institute?"

George replied, "More than six months. Our main doctor said these three kids were frighteningly intelligent, and

they sneaked away this time. In fact, this was already their second attempt. The first time they sneaked away, our

main doctor tracked them down and brought them back, but this time, it seems that someone has helped them

cover their tracks on purpose. He couldn't find their whereabouts at all, so he had me come over to ask North to

help with it."

Olivia's lips twitched at his words. It'd be weird if he could find out their whereabouts. It's my son who helped cover

their tracks, after all, she thought.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

On the other hand, Eugene could hardly suppress a smile. They're really clever. They got caught on their first

attempt, so they learned from the experience and came to my son directly to cover their tracks on their second

attempt. "I'd like to see your main doctor. Let's discuss and see if there's a better way to ensure the safety of the

three of them."

George asked, "Where are the kids, then? Let me take them back first."

George asked, "Where are the kids, then? Let me take them back first."

Eugene explained, "George, it won't be safe for you to take them back on your own. Doing so will make you a very

easy target. Don't worry, anyway. Since they can't be away from the research institute for too long, there's no way

I'll forbid you to take them back. You can make an appointment with your main doctor, and we'll take them to see


Olivia also asked, "George, can you get in touch with our main doctor?"

George replied, "I can do so as long as he's not in the lab, but if he's in the lab, then no one can find him. However,

we've made an agreement that he'll go to the clinic when he's free. I'll go back to the clinic to wait for him and

listen to his opinion by then. If he wants to see you, you can take the kids there."

Eugene said, "Alright. Thank you for your help, George."

George glared at him. "It's not for your sake. I'm doing this for the sake of the kids."

"Have you met them before?"

"No, I've only heard about them from our main doctor."

Olivia exchanged a brief look with Eugene. "Well then, I'll let you see them today."

George said excitedly, "Okay! I'd like to see how they differ from a child conceived in their mother's womb."

Olivia replied, "They're not very different, I think? But it's true that they're very clever, just like North."