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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 724
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Chapter 724

The bodyguard was startled as he instantly reached out to pull Eugene back to take cover behind him. "President

Nolan, watch out."

"Crack-" The porcelain vase landed by their feet at the door and it was shattered into pieces.

At that point, Eugene's expression instantly darkened as he shot at the person in the room full of cold oppression.

"How long are you keeping this up?"

For a moment there, Penny did not expect Eugene to be the one to enter the room. Stunned, she turned around

and took a seat on the couch. She did not bother to cast eyes on him, but she stopped her tirade.

He stepped past the broken porcelain pieces and entered the room.

As soon as he walked in, he realized that the room had been turned upside down with the furniture scattered

around while the items-supposedly seated nicely on the desks and walls—were all lying on the ground. It looked as if

it had been robbed!

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At that instance, Eugene was about to flare up at her again. After all, she was old enough to reflect on her actions

and repent; instead, she was behaving so abominably! He had initially kept her at home for the past two days to

calm her down, but looking at how things were right now, she clearly had not done any of that. It would take

someone with a very hot temper to have caused such havoc.

He found a slightly tidier spot and took a seat before saying, "You've made such a mess of your house. Do you not

plan to stay here any longer?"

Penny scoffed, "Gosh! Is this my house? I thought that it belonged to you. You have the whole place under control

and I can't even step foot outside while no one is allowed in either!"

Eugene responded, "I gave instructions for them to keep you at home so that you could at least calm yourself


She snorted coldly. "Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down? Would you be able to keep a cool head if your

parents were taken into custody?"

As soon as she mentioned that, a thought suddenly dawned upon her and she became enlightened. "Come to think

of it, you're actually quite cool- headed. Edward Nolan's your father as well. You've personally thrown your dad into

prison, so I'm sure that no one else would be as level-headed as you. You're way more heartless than a devil!"

Meanwhile, Eugene remain unaffected by her words as he spoke up calmly, "I pray the day never comes for you

when your mom was nearly murdered and you have to turn into a heartless wreck."

Penny angrily retorted, "Your mom was unharmed though, wasn't she? Do you really have to take such drastic

measures and go after them so ruthlessly?"

At that point, Eugene suddenly shot a sharp look at her. "You've always been fixated on this, but my mom was lucky

to keep her dear life! Luck! It was all because of me and Grandpa's dire efforts to save her. It wasn't because your

mother relented and let her off the hook. Penny, I understand how you're feeling right now. You're feeling upset

because of their imprisonment, but if you had to make a choice between death or imprisonment, which one would

you find more acceptable? Huh?"

Penny looked at him pleadingly. "Can't you just cast your revenge aside and let them off?"

Eugene smiled in response. "Why should I forgive them fortheir misdeeds against me? I have nothing to gain from

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that. Had my mom been the one who stole your dad, accused yours of having cheated, forced her out of her house

without a dime before plotting to run her over, what would you have felt? I'm sure that you would be fixated on

seeking revenge for the rest of your life. You should be thankful that my mom's still well and alive. Otherwise, your

mom would have to watch out for the rest of her life! There's no point to argue who's the cruel one here. There are

laws set in this world to protect the victims from immoral actions like this. I stay in my lane and you should too. Or

else, don't be the one whining

when I strike back!"

Penny shut her eyes, but that was not enough to keep her tears from streaming down her cheeks.

"Let her go, and I'll talk some sense into her. I'll even convince her to apologize to your mom. Is that not enough?"

In response, Eugene sneered coldly. "I think you're forgetting something here. We're all grownups here, not some

kids who get detention for doing silly mistakes and call it a day. There are serious consequences to your actions.

Wake up! Do you realize how long my mom has been in a wheelchair? Do you know that she was nearly immobile

for the rest of her life? Not only did your mom try to harm mine, she even tried to murder me, my son, and my

girlfriend! I don't wish to do this at all; at least I know she was a good mother to you. I don't expect you to bear the

same hatred that I do, but you shouldn't expect the same forgiveness of yours coming from me. It's impossible and

it's absolutely ridiculous!"