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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 949
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Chapter 949 Couldn’t Resist Joining In

He wolked out right ofter soying thot.

Christoff couldn't help but feel o mix of omusement ond helplessness, hoving wotched the entire dromo unfold. He

took o few steps toword Stefonie ond smiled.

"So, you wonted to cotch her ond then secretly dismiss her, huh? I must soy, you ore surprisingly ovont-gorde! Still,

I ogree with Olivio. If you con control your son, then go oheod ond do so. If you con't, then let him go. Whot kind of

people do you think they ore to quietly let you toke odvontoge of them? You hove ended up beoring the brunt of the

criticism on top of emborrossing yourself. Isn't it more trouble thon it's worth?"

Heoring thot, Stefonie glored ot Christoff ond hissed, "And who the hell ore you?"

Christoff's lips curled into o sly smile. "Me? Toke o guess," he teosed before woltzing owoy.

Stefonie sneered ond cursed, "I bet Olivio isn't o good womon. She is seeing Eugene ond flirting with you ot the

some time!"

Christoff, who hod olreody reoched the door, turned bock when he heord those words. He crossed his orms in front

of his chest ond looked ot Stefonie with o sorcostic goze. "Mo'om, you con insult me, but you con't insult Olivio. Our

relotionship is indeed ombiguous, but I'm the one who is flirting with her. Do you understond whot I'm soying?"

She immediotely spot, "I knew something wos going on between you two. How shomeless!"

Christoff didn't hold bock. He looked like the devil from hell os he stored ot Stefonie with o vicious goze.

"Don't let me heor you soy one bod thing obout her ogoin, or I'll toke oction. I promise you it won't end with just o

minor scolding!"

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He walked out right after saying that.

Christoff couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and helplessness, having watched the entire drama unfold. He

took a few steps toward Stefanie and smiled.

"So, you wanted to catch her and then secretly dismiss her, huh? I must say, you are surprisingly avant-garde! Still,

I agree with Olivia. If you can control your son, then go ahead and do so. If you can't, then let him go. What kind of

people do you think they are to quietly let you take advantage of them? You have ended up bearing the brunt of the

criticism on top of embarrassing yourself. Isn't it more trouble than it's worth?"

Hearing that, Stefanie glared at Christoff and hissed, "And who the hell are you?"

Christoff's lips curled into a sly smile. "Me? Take a guess," he teased before waltzing away.

Stefanie sneered and cursed, "I bet Olivia isn't a good woman. She is seeing Eugene and flirting with you at the

same time!"

Christoff, who had already reached the door, turned back when he heard those words. He crossed his arms in front

of his chest and looked at Stefanie with a sarcastic gaze. "Ma'am, you can insult me, but you can't insult Olivia. Our

relationship is indeed ambiguous, but I'm the one who is flirting with her. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

She immediately spat, "I knew something was going on between you two. How shameless!"

Christoff didn't hold back. He looked like the devil from hell as he stared at Stefanie with a vicious gaze.

"Don't let me hear you say one bad thing about her again, or I'll take action. I promise you it won't end with just a

minor scolding!"

He only looked away and turned to leave after seeing her frown and hesitate to speak under his fierce gaze.

Olivia happened to be looking for Christoff when he caught up to her. Seeing him approach only now, she couldn't

help but ask, "Why are you so slow?"

Christoff replied with a smile, "I couldn't resist joining in when I saw you having a blast at chewing her out."

"Why did you scold her?" Olivia's face fell. "She didn't do anything to you."

He looked at her and insisted, "But she bullied you!"

Olivia felt the corners of her mouth twitch at that. "The one she bullied was Jewel! You saw how I was one-sidedly

venting my anger on her."

"Uh-huh, but she still pissed you off."

Olivia was at a loss for words. "Enough, you. Can't you start acting like a normal human being?"

He chortled at that. "How is it that you are still upset even though I'm being nice?"

"I do have to thank you for tonight," she commented. "I was really worried earlier. I thought that something

happened to Jewel."

"No need to thank me. How about you treat me to a meal this time?" He rubbed his chin with his hand as a

mischievous smile appeared on his face.

Before Olivia could speak, Jewel quickly mediated by intervening, "I'll treat you both. You've been worried because

of me. I'll treat you to a meal someday."

Olivia looked at Christoff and smiled with satisfaction. "Sounds good to me."

Christoff, on the other hand, said nothing.

When the trio got off the elevator, the two men were still being held by the security guards.

Christoff turned to Olivia when he saw this. "What about them?"

"Send them to Alex," she ordered.

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"Forget it." Jewel held onto her as she muttered, "Don't let him know. It is his mother we are talking about. What is

he supposed to do?"

"Hmph! Let him do whatever he wants."

"Forget it," Jewel urged. "Just let them go."

"Are you a pushover?" Olivia glared at Jewel, eliciting a chuckle from the latter.

The three of them then left the hotel.

"Thank you for today. You can go back now. Jewel and I will go home too," Olivia mentioned.

"Alright," the man replied.

Olivia and Jewel proceeded to hail a cab by the roadside.

When they got in the car, Olivia asked, "What did she say?"

"Not much, actually. You and Christoff got there before she said anything."

"She didn't say anything at all?"

"She did. She asked if I still remembered this hotel. She claimed that I did something with another man in this hotel

and betrayed Alex."

Olivia quickly became angry when she heard that. "You shouldn't listen to her. Regardless of whether that incident

was true or not, what right does she have to meddle when even Alex didn't care? Divorced couples can marry each

other again. It has been seven or eight years since then. Can't this matter be put to rest? It is my first time meeting

Alex's mother. She sure is unreasonable. How could she use such a despicable method to bring you here? What was

she thinking of doing if we hadn't come?!"