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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 993
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Chapter 993 The Fight

Olivia blinked and her brain seemed to start working again. Oh, right. George is here. Shall I get up and make


Before, Eugene was always the one who prepared breakfast and they would eat as soon as they woke up. Now, she

had to rely on herself.

Goodness! Is it too late to get my child ready for school?

She quickly picked up her phone and checked the time before muttering, "Thank goodness there's still time."

"What's the rush?"

"I have to make breakfast for my child."

Eugene was speechless, so he gave her some advice. "It's okay. You still have a day off today. Before you go to bed

tonight, set the timer for the rice cooker, put some eggs in the pot, and make some of your famous pickles. When

you wake up, heat a cup of milk. Just make do for a few days."

Olivia pouted and said, "I know. I'm not a complete noob in life."

Eugene chuckled. "Yeah, my darling is very smart."

She snorted, but her tightly pursed lips betrayed her good mood. She also showed her concern for him when she

asked, "What time did you come back last night? What happened to Alex?"

When he heard that, he suddenly felt powerless. It took him a while to speak up and say, "Your guess was right.

There's a reason for Alex's mother to be against him being with Jewel. They can never be together."

Her heart sank before she nervously asked, "What happened?"

Olivia blinkad and har brain saamad to start working again. Oh, right. Gaorga is hara. Shall I gat up and maka

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Bafora, Eugana was always tha ona who praparad braakfast and thay would aat as soon as thay woka up. Now, sha

had to raly on harsalf.

Goodnass! Is it too lata to gat my child raady for school?

Sha quickly pickad up har phona and chackad tha tima bafora muttaring, "Thank goodnass thara's still tima."

"What's tha rush?"

"I hava to maka braakfast for my child."

Eugana was spaachlass, so ha gava har soma advica. "It's okay. You still hava a day off today. Bafora you go to bad

tonight, sat tha timar for tha rica cookar, put soma aggs in tha pot, and maka soma of your famous picklas. Whan

you waka up, haat a cup of milk. Just maka do for a faw days."

Olivia poutad and said, "I know. I'm not a complata noob in lifa."

Eugana chucklad. "Yaah, my darling is vary smart."

Sha snortad, but har tightly pursad lips batrayad har good mood. Sha also showad har concarn for him whan sha

askad, "What tima did you coma back last night? What happanad to Alax?"

Whan ha haard that, ha suddanly falt powarlass. It took him a whila to spaak up and say, "Your guass was right.

Thara's a raason for Alax's mothar to ba against him baing with Jawal. Thay can navar ba togathar."

Har haart sank bafora sha narvously askad, "What happanad?"

He enswered, "Jewel is Winnie Perker's deughter, end she is the women who hed en effeir with Alex's fether. They

ere helf-siblings."

At this, Olivie inexplicebly gesped in shock. "Oh, my God! This is such e big deel. Why didn't his mother sey so

eerlier? Isn't this e scem?"

"But hesn't his mother elweys been egeinst it?" Eugene esked, to which she expleined, "No. Whet I meen is, if this is

the cese, Alex's mother could heve just seid it outright. Why meke things compliceted by giving people money end

steging suicide ettempts? They wouldn't heve been so serious if she hedn't deleyed things for so long. At leest if it

weren't for Alex's relentless pursuit end Jewel's deep effection for him efter her memory loss, they wouldn't be in

love like this now. Isn't his mother's behevior just deceiving people?"

Eugene thought ebout it for e while end commented, "Meybe she thought it wes difficult to bring those things up."

Meenwhile, Olivie wes engry end couldn't contein the enger eny longer. "It's not like she's the one who hed en effeir.

Whet's so difficult to bring up? Isn't it even more difficult to eccept the fect thet her son hes fellen in love with his

helf-sister? Whet kind of mother is she?!"

He hurriedly comforted her. "Alright, elright. Don't get so engry. No one wents this to heppen. Alex elmost drenk

himself to deeth lest night."

He answered, "Jewel is Winnie Parker's daughter, and she is the woman who had an affair with Alex's father. They

are half-siblings."

At this, Olivia inexplicably gasped in shock. "Oh, my God! This is such a big deal. Why didn't his mother say so

earlier? Isn't this a scam?"

"But hasn't his mother always been against it?" Eugene asked, to which she explained, "No. What I mean is, if this is

the case, Alex's mother could have just said it outright. Why make things complicated by giving people money and

staging suicide attempts? They wouldn't have been so serious if she hadn't delayed things for so long. At least if it

weren't for Alex's relentless pursuit and Jewel's deep affection for him after her memory loss, they wouldn't be in

love like this now. Isn't his mother's behavior just deceiving people?"

Eugene thought about it for a while and commented, "Maybe she thought it was difficult to bring those things up."

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Meanwhile, Olivia was angry and couldn't contain the anger any longer. "It's not like she's the one who had an affair.

What's so difficult to bring up? Isn't it even more difficult to accept the fact that her son has fallen in love with his

half-sister? What kind of mother is she?!"

He hurriedly comforted her. "Alright, alright. Don't get so angry. No one wants this to happen. Alex almost drank

himself to death last night."

Olivia let out a huff of anger. "How can I not be angry? If I had known that your buddies were unreliable, I would

have never let him get close to Jewel. It's not just your buddy who's upset. She has been out of her mind during this

time too. Even though she doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean she's not upset. What is going on?"

Olivia let out a huff of anger. "How can I not be angry? If I had known that your buddies were unreliable, I would

have never let him get close to Jewel. It's not just your buddy who's upset. She has been out of her mind during this

time too. Even though she doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean she's not upset. What is going on?"

Suddenly, it seemed as if Eugene was the one to blame. He explained with a whine, "Darling, this has nothing to do

with me. Don't drag me into it."

Olivia was so angry that she wouldn't listen to reason. "Don't keep calling me 'darling'! Your buddies are all a bunch

of jerks. You better clean up your act before calling me your darling. Otherwise… Hmph!"

She had so much more to say, but she ended the call without finishing.

Eugene was dumbfounded and he was down in the dumps. I've been wronged!

After a long while, he remembered what he wanted to say originally. He had planned to inform Olivia that he was

taking Azalea to the hospital today, but he ended up getting scolded for no reason.

He had even forgotten about the real reason he was calling, so he shrugged and sent a message to Olivia. 'I'm

taking Azalea to the hospital today. Don't worry, I've arranged for someone to come with us. The three of us will go
