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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 124
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124-He Doesnt Care About Me

Mr. Kay stepped away from me after he had traumatized me and Lazlo. The instant he left the cellar, I

found Lazlo forcing his body up and reaching the end of his cell to come out in the light and stare at me,

*t’ll fucking kill that asshole, Lazlo muttered, tightening his grasp around the bars and holding tears of

anger in.

*Are you al-right?” I asked him, worried because of the blood all over his face and head from the fall


“Enya! I will not let him do anything to you, do you hear me?” He ignored my question and reminded me

that he was here to protect me if shit goes down

I appreciated his concern but I didn’t believe he would be of any more help. If anyone can help us, it has

to be me. With the amount of wolfbane in our systems, the only one with any sort of power left was me. If

only I can get this bracelet off my wrist.

“Enya! Did he do anything to you beside the obvious markings on your arm?” He had to clench his jaw in

order to ask me that.

“He didn’t I shook my head, “Laz-lo! Did you find him?” I just didn’t even want to say Thiago’s name out

of the fear of the Hunter hearing about him and finding him.

“He is fine. Actually, he was looking for you.” Lazlo sounded very down when talking about it. But yet he

said it.

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“He is not a monster. I know he messed up but he didn’t mean to bring any harm to you.” Lazlo

whispered in his mouth. I was beginning to see him differently now.

He had shown so much concern for Thiago and despite being uncomfortable and having a chance to use

this moment to make me hate Thiago, he was taking his side.

“I know.” I uttered, a little surprised that Thiago was looking for me.

“Is he okay? Why didn’t he wake up?” my eyes traveled to Maynard, who was passed out like he wasn’t

going to wake up anytime soon.

“He was hit by more arrows than I was,” Lazlo responded and did a quick scan of my body.

“Enya!” he then proceeded to talk, “I am so—rry for –” he ceased in the middle of what he was saying but

I knew what it was about.

“It is okay. I think we should think about getting out of here first,” I stated because I feared Mr. Kay would

be looking for ways to lure Thiago

I knew he wouldn’t come but what if he does gets his hands on him somehow?

“Who is this psychopath?” Lazlo asked, not knowing much since he woke up late.

“He is the Hunter. He had been looking for Thiago,” I uttered but my attention was mostly on my arms

now. They were hurting like nothing else

“Oh Goodness!” Lazlo sighed, grasping the bars and trying to shake them.

He couldn’t transition because he had wolfbane in his system. I was too weak too and since he had

injected wolfbane in my body as well, i was also helpless.

“I just need to get this bracelet out of my hands,” I raised my face and eyed at the bracelet in my left


“What is it?” Lazlo narrowed his eyes to get a good look at it.

*Just think of it as a barrier. This thing is the reason we are stuck here or else we would have escaped

long ago,” I tried moving my wrist in the chains but it only caused cramps in my muscles.

Lazlo was about to say something before he heard the cellar door opening and steps taking the stairs

down to us. Mr. Kay had come back to probably torture us some more.

“So, I texted your monster friend but it seems like he isn’t reading my messages,” Mr. Kay grabbed a

chair and dragged it in front of me. He sat down on it facing me.

“What do you want from her? let her go and I will give you whatever you have ever desired for,” Lazlo

shouted from his cell. Mr. Kay unwrapped the burrito and took a huge bite out of it, honestly making me

gag at the sight of him eating like a pig.

“Umm! You will give me something? An Alpha of Blood Moon Hounds Pack will give me something.

Alpha Lazlo! if you have spent less time getting beaten up by your dad and more time looking up the files

of the exile members, you wouldn’t be asking me that question, there was a fit of hidden anger in his

voice when he said Lazlo’s pack name.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Lazlo was being honest. He had recently imprisoned his father

and taken command of him. Right before he gained access to everything, he traveled back to the

academy. Which was why he couldn’t really get to know more about the pack and its matters

“Of course, you wouldn’t. Maybe when you meet your father next time, ask him about me. Oh, wait! You

wouldn’t be meeting him or anyone

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124-He Doesn’t Care About Me

next time,” he let out a chuckle before he dropped the burrito recklessly and started dialing a number.

I could only assume who he was calling.

The instant somebody picked up the call, he put it on speaker.

“Ah! The big bad wolf,” the way he mentioned him with a smirk across his lips and a deadly eye contact

made with me, he made my heart drop in my chest

I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip. Even Lazlo started panicking because he too knew Mr. Kay

would make Thiago come here and surrender before him.

“Hm?” Thiago only responded very carelessly.

“You must be looking for your friends,” Mr. Kay had a smile of triumph on his lips when asking Thiago

that question.

“No! I’m actually at a bar.” Thiago replied very comfortably. I didn’t know if he was joking or being too


“Well, after you are done with the bar, you can come here to meet them. They are with me,” He said

proudly, turning around to watch Maynard, who was beginning to wake up now.

I tried taking a good look at Maynard to make sure he was fine but in the middle of me worrying about my

mate, I heard Thiago respond to Mr. Kay

“No, thank you. I have better things to do,” the instant Thiago said that he cut the call on his face.

Not only Mr. Kay, but Lazlo and I too were stunned now.