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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 283
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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee Chapter 283


283- Bring In The Warriors, We Caught A Monster "Excuse me, say that again!" the cop asked,

looking aroundto watch our faces.

We all looked like we had seen a ghost.

Maynard was gently shaking his head, warning Christina to not go that way.

"I killed Mr.Tripper." Maynard got on his feet to confess before Christina said something stupid.

I was in shock.

She was going to throw Thiago under the bus when he had been nothing but defending her all

this time?

"No! That's not true. I saw a Lycan attack Mr.Tripper." She turned even louder and more

confident when she realized Maynard was ready to give up.

"Wow! We got two confessions." The cop laughed, staring at us and observing us.

"But I'm the witness," Christina added.

"I'm admitting to killing Mr.Tripper; I don't know what else is needed?" Maynard said as he

stepped ahead to reach the cop.

"Which makes me wonder who would be so desperate to turn himself in after killing

someone?"The cop has kind of taken an interest in Christina's story.

"Because he is trying to protect someone." Christina had lost herself entirely.

She didn't care what happened afterwards.

She was trying to save Maynard while putting Thiago in danger.

"Someone as in the Lycan? Do you know who is the Lycan, Missy?" - The cops hadfinally caught

up with her story.

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I turned my face and saw Thiago looking down, probably preparing himself for the worst


"I know," Christina claimed.

"Christina! Why the fuck are you lying? You know, I did it.

You saw me slaughtering him." Maynard was aggressively trying to defend Thiago, who was innocent.

"It was this guy. He is a Lycan. And if you don't believe me, ask him to transition. He is an Alpha. It shouldn't be that

hard for him to control his transition," Christina broke all the rules of friendship and pointed at Thiago.

The cops shared a look and pulled their guns out to direct them at Thiago.

"Hey! Back off. This is not true," | interjected.

Lazio and Maynard rushed in front of me to shield Thiago and me.

"We advise you two to get out of the way." the cop ordered.

"We've got a situation here. We need more people." He then spoke on his radio to bring in the warrior.

It wasn't every day that they would catch a Lycan.

"You guys are wrong about this. He is not a Lycan," I was panicking when a name popped up in my head.

"She probably remembers the serial killer Argo the Lycan and is confusing him with Thiago.

She is traumatized." I was yammering, shaking, as I was stunned that the thought of Argo never occurred to me.

"Argo?" the cop mentioned.

"We called him a Lycan because he was a mutant.

There were some experiments performed on him.

He wasn't a true Lycan; there had been none.

So we need you to back away from him.

If he is a Lycan as she is saying, the entire species of werewolf is in danger." The seriouslook on the cop's face

scared me.

He could not be serious.

I am not going to step away from Thiago.

"No! He is not a Lycan," I repeated, and this time even louder.

"Step aside or else we will have to take strict measures," the cop warned me, pointing the gun at us.

I felt a little tap against my arm.

Thiago was trying to speak to me.

"Let me go," he whispered, his eyes sparkling right into mine.

I felt like my heart would stop at any moment.

"No!" I shook my head.

I won't be able to see him again if I let him go now.They will take him awayfrom me and perform crazy experiments

on him.

Look how they messed up Argo.

"There is no need to take him away when I am making a full confession." Maynard raised his voice while spreading

his arms around.

"Then ask him to transition and everything will be crystal clear." It was Zander who sided with

his sister.

"How can he shift when he has wolfbane in his system?" After staying silent for a while, Lazio

spoke up.

His excuse stunned us all.

"His wolf is a bit aggressive, and why not? We all know him as Alpha Thiago Shepard. He got it

from his father, who was known for being aggressive. My beta and I have been trying to calm

him down, and the only way to do so is to give him wolfbane for a few months andsee how

much it works. So you ask him and forcing him to transition is just messy." We were not ready

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for themto take away Thiago.

If they did, there would be no return for him.

"Then let us take him away and check him ourselves." The cops seemed too interested in the

theory of catchinga werewolf who was special.

This would automatically mean they would get a promotion.

"They want a special werewolf," I whispered, closing my eyes and clenching my fists.

"Then you should take me away. The only special werewolf here is me," I said in tears, shocking

them all.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Thiago complained from behind me.

I know that even if he wants to show them he is a Lycan, he cannot.

Maynard had told me about injecting wolfbane and silver into his body the other day.

"This is a lie. She is just an omega." Now that I was the one under radar, Zander backed away

from theclaims.

"Missy! You really want us to believe that you are special?" The cops shared a laugh, shaking

their heads at me.

"Oh really? How about i'd rather show you?" I smirked, raising my hands even when Lazio,

Maynard, and Thiago were trying to prevent me from doing anything toexpose myself.

The moment I pointed at the cops, a wind blew in their direction and the guns in their hands

turned hot like an iron.

They dropped the guns in panic and then watched my face with terror-filled eyes.

"Do you want me to prove some more?" I asked the cops a question, lowering my hands and

straightening my back.

"Bring in the warriors, we caught a monster." Hearing them call me a monster when all thistime

I never thought of myself as one was truly an eye-opening moment for me.

*********************** Everybody is ready to sacrifice their freedom for each other.