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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73 The Furious Supreme Leader

“Alright.” Caspian handed the submachine gun to Sylvia and prepared to leave the

Paradise Clubhouse with Zoey.

Quentin, now a hostage, saw his men starting to gather around.

“All of you, stop right there! Do you want me dead?” he shouted in panic. If Sylvia opened

fire, it would be all over for him.

Hearing that, his men dared not get any closer.

“You stay right here. If you make any move, I’ll kill you.” Sylvia slowly backed away while

keeping the submachine gun aimed at Quentin.

With the gun behind him, he had no choice but to stand still, waiting for Sylvia to retreat.

At the same time, his men dared not make a move as they watched her every step.

They found it hard to believe that she had obtained a submachine gun, suspecting she

was not an ordinary person.

Just as Caspian and Zoey were about to get into the SUV, Sylvia caught up. She got into

the driver’s seat, and they drove away.

At the Paradise Clubhouse, after Sylvia left, Quentin couldn’t hold on any longer,

collapsing on the ground due to his severe injuries.

“Mr. Lane!” The Flying Dragons members rushed to his side.

“Mr. Lane, are you okay?” they asked with concern.

Quentin was irritated. “Are you all blind? Do I look okay? Get me an ambulance!”

“Mr. Lane, we can’t let this slide! Those two killed so many of our men. We should go after

them now and get our revenge for you and our brothers!” one of his men suggested.

“Forget it. Those two have some serious skills. Even if you go after them, it’ll be death

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waiting for you,” Quentin replied.

Now he knew the capabilities of Caspian and Sylvia. If he wanted revenge, he needed a

well- planned strategy.

“But we can’t just let it slide, right?”

“Of course not, but it’s not time for revenge yet. We need to plan things out. Report what

happened here to the supreme leader.”




In the Caspian found that Zoey still appeared scared, so he comforted her. “Relax, we’re

safe now.”

“That scene was terrifying. So many people died, and there was blood everywhere. I was

scared to death!” Zoey said.

Puzzled, he asked, “How did you end up being captured by Quentin’s men?”

“I was out shopping, and then a car suddenly pulled up. A few people got out, and they

just grabbed me into their car,” she explained.

“I see. Be more careful when you go out after this,” Caspian advised.

“Yeah, I know. But after what happened, I’m scared to be alone in my old place,” Zoey

expressed her concerns.

After going through this, she was terrified of being taken away by Flying Dragons

members again.

Also, after witnessing such a gruesome scene, she now felt even more afraid about

staying alone in her room. The image of corpses piled on the floor haunted her thoughts.

“So, what are you going to do?” Caspian asked.

“I want to move into your villa to be with Willow,” Zoey replied.


The villa had plenty of vacant rooms, and Zoey and Willow were best friends. So, it was

fine for Zoey to move in and stay for a while.

“Let me ask Willow first.” Zoey felt that moving in without notice might be somewhat


Before she made the call, Caspian told her, “Okay, but don’t tell her about what

happened, and definitely don’t mention that we killed many people.”

“Why not?” Confused, she looked at him.

“I don’t want her to worry, so it’s best to keep quiet,” he explained.

“But no matter what, I need a reason to tell her why I want to stay at the villa. How can I

do that without revealing anything?” Zoey inquired.

“You two are such close friends. Do you really need more reasons to stay with her for a

few days?” Caspian grinned.


“That makes sense. By the way, thanks for tonight. If you hadn’t been there, I can’t

imagine what would have happened.” She looked at him gratefully.

“No problem. You’re Willow’s best friend, so it was only right to save you,” Caspian said


“Come to think of it now, it really was incredible. I was just kidnapped, and you appeared

out of nowhere. Is this fate?” Zoey said.

“Uh, I would say it was a coincidence. You’re a writer. You should know what a coincidence

is, right?” he replied.

“Alright, you can call it what you want. I’ll give Willow a call now.” With that, she dialed

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Willow’s number.

She shared her idea of moving into the villa with Willow, who was not only okay with it but

also excited.

Willow felt that her villa was a bit empty, especially since her parents had moved out.

Having Zoey move in would provide her with company.

Following that, Caspian took Zoey back to her rented house to pack her things, including

her laptop. As a writer, she couldn’t afford to miss her writing commitments.

She wasn’t originally from Southlake City. She had come to the city after graduating from

college. Despite having a steady income, she hadn’t bought a house and had chosen to

rent instead.

Once Zoey was ready, Sylvia drove Caspian and Zoey to Riverside Villa and left right after

dropping them off.

Willow was thrilled to see Zoey.

Zoey followed Caspian’s advice by not mentioning the events of the evening.

If Willow found out that Caspian and Sylvia had gone on a killing spree in Paradise

Clubhouse, she would be terrified.

On the other hand, the Flying Dragons‘ supreme leader, Garrett Johnson, was furious when

he learned that Caspian and Sylvia had infiltrated Paradise Clubhouse and killed many of

his men.

“Damn it! That Caspian dared to cause trouble in my territory and killed so many of my

men! Does he think we’re easy to mess with? If I don’t seek revenge, how can the Flying

Dragons continue to thrive in Southlake City?”

“Mr. Johnson, I know some details. The reason Caspian went after Mr. Lane was because

Mr. Lane killed Caspian’s foster mother,” one of his men explained.


“So what? What’s the problem with us killing one person? No one dares to challenge us in

Southlake City. If I don’t kill Caspian, how can we maintain our reputation, and how can we

make others respect us?” Garrett’s anger only grew as he spoke.