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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94 Killing the Eight Men

The eight men dashed toward Caspian and had him surrounded in an instant.

Caspian took a good look at them. These men were all in black and were masked. They

seemed to be hitmen.

Even the air they exuded felt different than ordinary men. All of them had daggers. They

seemed to be professionals. They were certainly not to be underestimated!

“So, you’re Caspian?” the man leading the group asked.

“That’s right. Who are you guys?” unfazed, Caspian answered.

“We’re the Dark Blades. And we’re on the eighth spot on the list of top hitmen!” The man

in black said.

In the underworld of Diatoran, there was a group called the Dark Blades that was placed

eighth on the list of top hitmen. They were known for carrying out their job with merciless

means. They always managed to finish their job, and there were no targeted victims who

had managed to escape from them yet!

“Who hired you for this?” Caspian asked.

“You don’t have to know that since you’re going to die anyway. However, I’ll let you die

knowing the answer. It’s the York family!” the leader said.

Caspian could guess it too. It had to be either the York family or the Flying Dragons.

“We got our money, so we have to do our job!” the leader added.

“I’m afraid that you’re not capable of finishing the job,” Caspian said expressionlessly.

“What a joke. Nob*dy has managed to escape from us yet!”

“Stop with your nonsense. Just do what you have to!” Caspian said.

“Since you’re so excited to die, we’ll fulfill your wish then!” the leader said.

Caspian had already made all necessary preparations for this. It was just that these men

were highly skilled as professional hitmen.

Sitting in the car, Willow was watching everything anxiously. She could feel the murderous

air surrounding her. She didn’t even dare to breathe.

The York family spent a fortune to hire the Dark Blades to kill Caspian. They told the Dark

Blades that Caspian wasn’t an ordinary man, and they had to be careful.

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The Dark Blades knew that if the York family could pay 200 million to kill this man, he was


Just by looking at Caspian, who was standing there, they felt an extraordinary air from

him. They felt pressured out of nowhere. They thought that Caspian was certainly a strong


The Dark Blades were trying to find any weaknesses of Caspian, but there were none at

all. Hence, they had no choice but to start attacking him.

With a gesture from the leader, the eight men all charged toward him.

In the blink of an eye, blades could be seen everywhere.

Caspian was surrounded and attacked by those men at the same time. The daggers in

their hands were extremely sharp. They moved as quickly as shadows.

Sitting in the car, Willow watched the fierce fight happening outside. Only then did she

understand how professional hitmen did their jobs.

The one she hired back then could not be compared to these men at all.

These people had their own special techniques. And Caspian couldn’t get rid of all of them

as swiftly as last time. Willow started to worry.

Zoey was working on her production in the villa. After hearing noises from the outside, she

rushed out of the house to check what was going on.

When she reached the doorstep, she saw Caspian fighting against eight men in black. She


scared out of her wits.

She didn’t know who these men in black were. But judging from the techniques they used

in the fight and how Caspian had to fight back, she knew that these men weren’t just any

regular people!

Without any hesitation, Zoey headed back to the villa and called the police station.

Joey was at Riverside Park. She wanted to look for clues on any possible eyewitnesses who

saw Caspian’s foster mother being killed that day.

Right then, she got a call. It was from her colleague. She told her that there were men

trying to kill someone at the Riverside Villa!

The distance from Riverside Park to the Riverside Villa wasn’t far. Without thinking twice,

Joey immediately drove over to the villa as soon as she could.

In front of the Riverside Villa, the fight between Caspian and the Dark Blades was still

ongoing even after ten minutes. Hundreds of techniques were used. With no weapons on

him, he was


The Dark Blades were famous hitmen in Diatoran after all. The reason why Caspian

couldn’t get rid of them immediately wasn’t because of his lack of skills. The injury on his

arm hadn’t healed yet.

He might not have been affected by the injury if he had faced regular men. But fighting

against actual hitmen with an injury like that was fatal to him.

Even so, he managed to seriously injure two of them.

The Dark Blades then stopped attacking. They had seen how skilled Caspian was.

They had the upper hand for having more men anyway. As long as they didn’t let Caspian

escape, they’d be able to end his life sooner or later!

At that moment, Caspian was standing behind the Rolls–Royce.

Willow suddenly remembered that the machete Caspian used when he saved her last time

was in the back of that Rolls–Royce.

She hurried to open the trunk from inside the car.

Seeing that, Caspian realized what she was trying to do. So, he pulled the machete out



When the Dark Blades saw Caspian fishing out a machete, they were all taken aback.

The eight of them attacked Caspian all at once. It was a tough fight for them even when

Caspian was unarmed. Now that he had a weapon with him, it would be even more

difficult for them to defeat him!

“Why did all of you stop? Fight me!” Holding the machete in his hand, Caspian yelled.

The Dark Blades were professional hitmen after all. Since the York family had already paid

them for this job, they had to kill Caspian no matter what. If not, they wouldn’t be able to

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keep their position in this industry anymore.

“Attack!” the leader commanded again.

Gripping their daggers tight, the eight men charged at Caspian.

But now that Caspian had a machete, it was much easier for him to fight those men.

Caspian swung his machete hard when the men surrounded him again.

Instantly, everyone could feel how powerful he was.




Shrieks and screams could be heard everywhere. Four men couldn’t avoid him in time

when Caspian slashed their chests.

Although the other men weren’t hurt, they were all horrified. But they didn’t back off.

Now that Caspian was armed, he was able to attack more powerfully. He was swift as he

countered all their attacks.

Willow was still in the car. She only relaxed after seeing Caspian having the upper hand

with the machete.

After informing the police about this, Zoe returned to the villa again. She didn’t want to

miss out on such an intense fight.

Caspian emitted an air of dominance as he held the machete as if he was invincible.

The result was clear. Caspian managed to defeat the Dark Blades with just ten techniques


his machete.

Nob*dy could win all the time after all. The moment they decided to kill Caspian, they

were fated to end up this way.

Back then, the enemy of Diatoran sent countless strong hitmen to hurt Caspian. But they


all defeated.

As the ruler of Diatoran, Caspian would have died many times if he wasn’t skilled enough

to fight people like the Dark Blades.

After seeing Caspian defeat the Dark Blades, Willow only opened the car door with

