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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97 The Flying Dragons

“I don’t want to die with you. Just focus on driving,” Caspian said expressionlessly.

She got so anxious because of such a minor matter. It was not worth losing their lives over


For safety reasons, Caspian removed the cuffs quietly.

Putting his kind of stuff on him was useless. If anything happened suddenly, he’d be able

to react right away.

“Don’t worry! I’m an amazing driver, nothing will happen!” Joey said proudly.

“I told you to just focus on driving! don’t get us killed!” Caspian said.

“Don’t jinx it! If I die, you won’t survive either!” Joey said viciously.

Right after she said that, a huge truck hurled toward them from across the street.

“Ah!” Joey shrieked.

It seemed to be too late to avoid this truck now. If this went on, the two vehicles would


into each other for sure!

In that critical moment, Caspian stretched his arm out and jerked the steering wheel. He

made the car swerve to the right.


The big truck rammed past them.

Joey was so terrified that she was trembling all over. Her face turned pale. They were just

a few seconds away from death!

Caspian took control of the steering wheel. He then pulled the brake up and stopped the

car at

the roadside.

At that moment, Joey was still too horrified to regain her composure.

“Is this what you call being an amazing driver? Why are your legs shaking now?” Caspian


If he hadn’t helped just now, the two would have died. Joey was such a careless woman!

She nearly killed him!

Joey came back to her senses. She recalled what happened. Thankfully, Caspian took

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action in time. Or else, they really would’ve lost their lives.

“Your… Lowering her head, Joe saw that the cuffs on Caspian’s hands were





“I just exerted a bit of strength and the cuffs broke on their own. The quality of these cuffs

from your police station isn’t that good,” Caspian said.

Joey was embarrassed.

But she was still thankful that Caspian acted immediately. Or else it would have been a


“Just drive. Aren’t you going to save someone?” Caspian asked.

“Let me take a breather.” Joey released a long sigh. After what happened just now, her

limbs. were shivering. She couldn’t drive at all in her current condition.

“I’ll drive then,” Caspian said. He could tell that it wasn’t suitable for Joey to drive now.

“Do you know how to drive?” Joey asked.

“Don’t talk nonsense. Get out of the car first.” Caspian rolled his eyes at Joey. He then

exited. the shotgun seat.

Joey got out to exchange seats with Caspian.

The moment Caspian sat in the driver’s seat, he hit the gas hard and sped off.

The car’s speed was even higher than now it was when Joey drove.

“Hey! Why are you driving so fast? Are you trying to get us killed?” Joey immediately

grabbed the armrest and yelled. Only at that moment did she realize how scary it was to

be in the shotgun seat.

No wonder Caspian seemed so nervous when he was in the shotgun seat just now.

“Your colleagues would die if we arrived late,” Caspian said.

The car sped all the way and reached the base of a mountain. He parked the car at the


The moment they got out of the car, Joey saw Mason crouching on a tree in the middle of

that mountain while holding a gun.

Harry was hiding in another tree. Both of them were covered in fresh blood!

Under the tree, Mason and Harry were surrounded by many men, who were getting closer.

“Stay in the car. Don’t run anywhere!” Joey said.

“If you keep talking, they’ll die in no time.” Caspian pointed at the two on the tree.

Joey knew that they couldn’t afford to waste time any longer. She then quickly pulled her

gun out and dashed over.

When Joey got out of the car, Caspian exited the car too. He walked over from another




The cops were in danger fighting off some criminals now. As Lord Caspian, he couldn’t just

ignore the matter.

In the middle of the mountain, Mason had no bullets on him anymore. Harry was suffering

from serious injuries as well, and his current condition was unknown.

Due to the clear difference in numbers, they could only run away after being exposed.

The two were shooting at the others as they backed off. They went into the dense forest

as they fought off these people.

But they were too weak with just the two of them. They were eventually stuck. Harry was

shot once. The two separated amid the chaos.

He could only hide in the tree to dodge their enemy’s attacks.

Mason saw the enemies surrounding the tree below. They were slowly closing in on them.

He was prepared for what was coming. Sacrificing himself for the country was something

to be proud of.

Bang! Bang! Bang!”


Just when Mason was left hopeless, he heard gunshots. The criminals below him slumped

to the ground.

He jerked his head back. To his shock, it was his chief, Joey, who rushed over!

Mason immediately got excited when he saw Joey.

But when he saw that Joey was alone, the hope in his eyes dimmed a little. He thought

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Joey would bring their team with a lot of people over to support them.

“Mason, Harry, I’m here!” Joey shouted.

“Chief, don’t move any further! They have a lot of people with them. It’s dangerous!”

Mason yelled.

There were too many men on the enemy’s side. Joey would just sacrifice herself if she

came over alone.

But how could Joey back off at this moment? She was the chief officer. She couldn’t just

stand aside and watch her subordinates being in danger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As Joey shot a few times, she ran ahead.



Joey’s sudden appearance caught those men off guard. A lot of them got shot and killed.

They were mostly from the Flying Dragons.

Joey had always wanted to get rid of this drug cartel. But the Flying Dragons had their

roots deep in Southlake City. It wouldn’t be realistic to catch them in such a short time.

She could only deal with them bit by bit, then get rid of them from Southlake City as a


Those men finally reacted in time. They all ganged up on Joey and fired at her.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


The sound of gunshots didn’t stop. These criminals actually had rifles with them!

“Kill her!” a man shouted.

That was one of the two protectors of the Flying Dragons, Jaden Chance. There were two

leaders and two protectors of the Flying Dragons. They were Quentin, Skylar, Jaden, and

Simon Miller.

Jaden came to the Rocky Den under the leader’s instructions to handle some dealings with

the Shadow Tigers from abroad.

He didn’t expect that they would be discovered by the cops.

After hearing Jaden’s orders, the men from the Flying Dragons started to fire at Joey at the

same time.