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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chatper 743
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Chapter 743 Uncharacteristic

The next day, the senior officers of Diatoran gathered in the king’s residence

once more.

All four Champions of Diatoran also showed up.

Balthazar asked, “My fellow men, I’m sure you’ve already heard that Filrenian troops are now

threatening us right at our borders. Who has a plan to defeat our enemies?”

Dax spoke up. “Filren never learns! Your Majesty, allow me to lead my men to expel the Filrenian

troops out of our country!”

Keith explained, “Filren is nothing to worry about, Your Majesty. Lord Caspian had already occupied

their capital once. We are confident that we can defeat them again!”

Benjamin chimed in, “That’s right. It’s just Filren. We have nothing to worry about.”

Joseph commented, “We already beat Filren to a pulp back then, and now they’re back for more? We

might as well take this opportunity to wipe out Filren once and for all!”

All four Champions had expressed their agreement to fight back against Filren.

Balthazar asked, “All four of you have made great points. Anyone else that would like to express their


A senior officer spoke up. “Your Majesty, I wholeheartedly agree with our Champions. I believe we can

defeat Filren.”

Another officer commented, “Your Majesty, I believe that this is a good opportunity for us to strike

back and destroy Filren once and for all.”

Balthazar then turned to Jerry and asked, “Jerry, what do you think?”

Jerry replied, “Your Majesty, I believe we should not fight back against Filren.”

Everyone was surprised by Jerry’s answer.

They could only wonder why Balthazar’s trusted advisor was the only person going against

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Balthazar asked, “Your reason being?”

Jerry explained, “We already have too many enemies. If we were to start another


war with Filren, then Vadesia, Astronia, and even Estrya would also join in the fight to take advantage

of the chaos.”

“What do you think we should do, then?”

“I believe we can opt for a friendly exchange with Filren instead.”

Everyone else in the room was in disbelief upon listening to Jerry’s idea.

“We’ve already defeated Filren once. Why should we suddenly lower ourselves in front of them? This

has to be a joke!”

“Yeah! Who the fuck do they think they are? Showing them any kindness would only make them even

more demanding!”

“Is Diatoran supposed to lower its head toward its enemy? Especially to Filren, of all things?”

Balthazar declared, “Be quiet for a moment and listen to what Jerry has to say.”

The crowd immediately fell silent.

Balthazar asked, “Jerry, please elaborate on your plan. What good will it bring Diatoran if we were to be

on friendly terms with Filren?”

Jerry explained, “Your Majesty, with Tigra already an ally on our south, inviting Filren to ally would

ensure that we would no longer be surrounded by potential enemies. Vadesia and Astronia are

relatively far away from us, and they would never act rashly ever again.”

“What you said makes quite a lot of sense.”

“We’ve just recovered from a war, and our citizens had to bear the brunt of the aftermath. I believe we

shouldn’t start another war and should instead seek alternatives that would benefit our people without

any bloodshed!”

Jerry then manipulated Balthazar’s thoughts once more.

Balthazar praised, “I’m truly glad to have appointed you as my trusted advisor. Your thoughtful insight

will be of great benefit to the citizens of Diatoran!”

“Your Majesty, do you agree with my proposal?”

“Of course I do. Your plan is more beneficial and farsighted.”

Balthazar had long lost his own ability to reason and form thoughts.

All four Champions began to panic,

Dax explained, “Absolutely not, Your Majesty! Diatoran’s reputation would lessen if we were to ally with

Filren! Other countries will then follow their

example and bully us!”

Joseph chimed in, “Your Majesty, we can’t show weakness to our enemies! Other countries will

definitely follow suit when they see that filren has gained benefits without any losses!”

Jerry explained, “I’ve already thought about all the possibilities. Other countries would definitely join the

fight if we were to go to war with Vilren, and Diatoran would once again be surrounded. Would you be

able to deal with it then?”

Benjamin was annoyed. “We wouldn’t stay back and do nothing if Caspian were still here.”

“Lord Caspian had already been deposed for disobeying His Majesty. Are you implying that His Majesty

had made a wrongful judgment, Champion of North Aridlands?”

Benjamin was pissed, but he couldn’t complain about it. “Of course not. I just feel that it’s a pity.”

“Casplan had gotten arrogant due to his achievements and no longer took His Majesty seriously. Ils

punishment was an appropriate one. There will be no discussion about him any further.”

Joseph commented, “We would’ve had nothing to worry about if Casplan’s armored battallon was still

with us.”

Dax added, “I think we should summon the armored battalion back to Diatoran.”

“What is this? Is every other troop, useless except for Casplan’s own men? The armored battalion has

just arrived in Tigra and won’t be able to return to us immediately.”

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Keith explained, “We do have troops other than the armored battalion. We won’t have to worry about

other countries joining the war If we can defeat Filren in a short enough time.”

Jerry replied, “That’s easy for you to say. If we start another war, Vadesia,

Astronia, and even Estrya will be back for more! Our only way out now would be to form an alliance

with Filren.”

Jerry then controlled Balthazar once more to speak in his favor. “That’s enough from all of you. I’ve

already decided to follow Jerry’s plan.”

Joseph explained, “But Your Majesty, for a glorious country like ours to be lowering our heads to a small little country like Filren would turn us into a laughing stock!”



Keith added, “That’s right! Just let me lead the charge, Your Majesty! And if all else fails, we can always

ask Casplan for help.”

Benjamin chimed in, “Yeah! Reinstating Casplan as the Diatoranian God of War would solve all our


Dax commented, “Casplan may have disobeyed His Majesty, but his actions were for the benefit of the

country. We can always bring him back.

Balthazar replied, “That’s enough. Casplan already showed that he no longer took me seriously when

he ignored my royal scepter.

“Inviting him back to his post now would be awkward and humiliating for me. I’ve already decided that

we’ll ally with Filren.”

Keith complained, “But Your Majesty, you’ve said so yourself that Diatoran would never submit to

anyone else.

the sudden change?”

“Killing one another for the rest of time is not the answer. We can only seek to develop and advance as

a country peacefully.

“And remember, anyone who dares to go against my orders will suffer the same fate as Caspian!”