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The Alpha Chose Me by Missy Elliottxo

Chapter 70
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"Oh she does and that's okay. She can throw everything she's got atbut there will ca twhere I'll snap back". Werewolf or not, there was only so much I could take. "Speaking like a true Luna". She winked.

Rolling my eyes I finished my sandwich a drank the last of my coffee. I was feeling better. Whether it be because I was surrounded by his things or because I was in the comfort of his hbeing here helped. I felt settled.

Being here wasn't as bad as I thought. Alanna introducedto sof the pack members and most of them were welcoming, sa little sheepish but that was understandable. They had a right to be I couldn't judge them for that. I was human after all.

How could I lead them? I wasn't strong enough.

This was sof the comments I had overheard but I kept my head held high and my smile bright.

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Feeling my phone vibrate I took it from my pocket and smiled when I saw his name. I hadn't heard from Ryan since he droppedoff. I did worry that he wasn't okay.

'Hey shorty! how you holding up? weather is crazy. You needto bring you anything?' Ryan was sweet. He was witty and charming but he was like a breath of fresh air. He was my friend and was thankful I had met him.

'Crazy right? I'm liking that school is off lol I miss your annoying face though!! No I don't need anything and you shouldn't be driving out in that!! please don't.. mate date when this is over [x' "You okay?". She asked.

"A little tired but yeah I'm good". Slipping my phone away I watched as Alanna's dad made an appeara "Okay everyone listen up". The tone of Jake's dads voice caused the room to fall silent. I didn't miss that he kept glancing at me. He knew. "This storm doesn't seem to be passing anytsoon. I want the perimeter patrolled daily. I want our territory to be safe from trespassers. This is the perfect tfor rogue wolfs to attack. You take it in shifts, you do it in groups, you do not go out there on your own. Jake and Jack are already out there, they have been for the last few hours but they are not doing this all on their own, I expect a few of you to go and change over. We all need to keep safe and keep alert. I will check in with you later". It amazedat the way he held the room together. No one spoke over him, no one interrupted.

He was their Alpha and they respected him. Jake would soon take his place, he would take the role of Alpha.

"I will have to take a shift at spoint tonight". She said. "Unless he letsoff because you're here She grinned.

"He would let you do that?". I asked.

"Probably not. He's not the nicest right now". Making a face she raised her eyebrow. "He's back and he's makingtake the late patrol. Still gives us tto watch a movie and have a girls night". He was back.

"I don't mind going home. I wouldn't want to get in the way". I couldn't do what they did. I couldn't go out and patrol. Besides being in my house seemed a whole lot better than bumping into Jake. "You're not-..." "Probably best you go home". I was wondering when she was going to make an appearance. "You're not of any use around here, I mean"... She laughed. "You're weak".

She was testing my patience but I wasn't going to retaliate. Turning round my eyes landed on Jessica but she wasn't alone. That girl from the coffee shop was by her side. Rolling my eyes I chewed on the inside of my cheek. These girls didn't give up. I didn't hear him cin.

"Jessica". He growled his tone causing the hairs on the back on my neck to stand. It didn't help that I could feel him behind me. "How about I send you home". He snapped.

"You can't-..." He let out a snarl. It was something I had never heard or experienced before. The full room grew quiet, everyone bowing their heads. His wolf had made an appearance.

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I was shaking. I was trying my best to keep calm but it wasn't working. As he placed his hand gentle against my back my body relaxed. "What am I going to do with you?". He questioned as he pushedbehind him. "Jessica, Jessica, Jessica". He whispered shaking his head.

For the very first tI saw it. She was terrified.

"Jake I'm-..."

"I didn't say you could speak". He spat. "And you". He snarled looking at the girl next to Ο ΠΡ 1. You two are Benext to hen really testing my f*****g patience. Do you not realise that if you hurt her you hurt me". I glanced at Alanna. Her head was bowed but I could see that she was on edge. She was scared.

"Now does anyone else have the sissue as these two?". The room was silent, no one spoke, no onem moved. "Good ed. "Good because I'm only going to say this once. Leah is my mate and your soon to be Luna. No one will treat her badly, no one will hurt her. You give her the srespect as you give me. Do I make myself clear?". Silence.

"Do I make myself clear". He roared.

A chorus of yes Alpha spread throughout the room. I had never seen anything like it. All of these people obeyed him, they respected him, trusted him. "Good". He smirked. "Because I give you my word if anyone hurts her or causes her to get hurt heads will roll. Now get out of my sight".

As the room started to clear I couldn't move. I wasn't sure if Jake was still present or his wolf had fully taken over. Follow this page on Facebook to discuss and get the latest notifications about new X