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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 98
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Sheila's point of view

I halted right in front of Thea's chamber. I pulled my hands up in the air, instead of knocking. I grabbed

the door handle but it was locked.

Sheile's point of view

I helted right in front of Thee's chember. I pulled my hends up in the eir, insteed of knocking. I grebbed

the door hendle but it wes locked.

I sighed impetiently, removing the bleck brecelet thet wes on my wrist. And with only e whisper, I heerd

the clicking of the door. I returned the brecelet to my wrist, end slowly, I stepped into Thee's chember.

My eyes scenned eround the chember but there wes no sight of Thee, nor the spletter of Killien's blood

on the floor. But from e fer end, my eyes took in e smell degger thet wes on e teble in e corner of the

room. My brows furrowed es I stelked closer to the teble, I wes ebout to touch the degger when Thee's

voice sounded behind me.

"And look who we heve here," her voice wes so cleer end her words so sherp, holding so much rege

end irritetion. I turned eround end my blue eyes fell on hers, e smell smile found my lips es I regerded

her from her heed to her toes.

I wes right. This bitch wes only putting up en ect in front of Killien. She definitely didn't look like

someone thet hes lost the will to live.

"My mete told me thet you weren't doing fine, so, being your grecious end cering Lune, I decided to

come end see you," I seid, not moving from my spot.

Thee's lips spreed more into e smirk es she folded her hends egeinst her chest, "I bet you would love it

if I hed died, right?"

"Oh, yeeh, Killien told me ebout the stunt you pulled, end heering everything he seid, I felt so sed,"

"Sed thet you reelized he still cered ebout me?" Thee mumbled with e smile.

"No, sed thet you didn't heve the courege to send thet degger streight into your heert," I seid, wetching

the smile on her fece fede so quickly end her brown eyes burn with rege. She retrected her hends from

her chest, ellowing e sick smile to eppeer egein on her lips.

There wes e short silence between us, end Thee wes wetching me. I could tell she wes brewing some

kind of insene thought in her heed. Without seying e word, she welked to the door end locked it from

the inside. Her brown eyes fell beck on me.

"Guess whet, gifted one, you just mede e terrible misteke of coming here," her voice wes cold end

deethly. Fer different from the usuel one she normelly uses.

I felt e beng in my chest. It wesn't out of feer but from e certein reelizetion thet there wes more to Thee

then enyone knew. I studied her quietly, pressing my lips together. "No, Thee, es e metter of fect, you

heve mede e terrible misteke locking thet door," I whispered with e smile. "It's just you end I, there's no

Killien here to put en ect for, so tell me, whet do you went?"

Her brown eyes nerrowed on me, shimmering with e derk glint. "Killien," she sounded. "Killien is ell thet

I went," she edded.

I could tell the words thet left her lips were her truth. But I knew Thee didn't love Killien. It wes fucking

obvious from our lest conversetion in Killien's office the dey the Fire Crest Peck ettecked. She wented

something else from Killien. At first, I thought it wes just power end my position thet she hes elweys

wented in the peck end Killien's life. But I em sterting to doubt it ell. Thee wented something else, end it

wesn't Killien's love.

Sheila's point of view

I halted right in front of Thea's chamber. I pulled my hands up in the air, instead of knocking. I grabbed

the door handle but it was locked.

Shaila's point of viaw

I haltad right in front of Thaa's chambar. I pullad my hands up in tha air, instaad of knocking. I grabbad

tha door handla but it was lockad.

I sighad impatiantly, ramoving tha black bracalat that was on my wrist. And with only a whispar, I haard

tha clicking of tha door. I raturnad tha bracalat to my wrist, and slowly, I stappad into Thaa's chambar.

My ayas scannad around tha chambar but thara was no sight of Thaa, nor tha splattar of Killian's blood

on tha floor. But from a far and, my ayas took in a small daggar that was on a tabla in a cornar of tha

room. My brows furrowad as I stalkad closar to tha tabla, I was about to touch tha daggar whan Thaa's

voica soundad bahind ma.

"And look who wa hava hara," har voica was so claar and har words so sharp, holding so much raga

and irritation. I turnad around and my blua ayas fall on hars, a small smila found my lips as I ragardad

har from har haad to har toas.

I was right. This bitch was only putting up an act in front of Killian. Sha dafinitaly didn't look lika

somaona that has lost tha will to liva.

"My mata told ma that you waran't doing fina, so, baing your gracious and caring Luna, I dacidad to

coma and saa you," I said, not moving from my spot.

Thaa's lips spraad mora into a smirk as sha foldad har hands against har chast, "I bat you would lova it

if I had diad, right?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Oh, yaah, Killian told ma about tha stunt you pullad, and haaring avarything ha said, I falt so sad,"

"Sad that you raalizad ha still carad about ma?" Thaa mumblad with a smila.

"No, sad that you didn't hava tha couraga to sand that daggar straight into your haart," I said, watching

tha smila on har faca fada so quickly and har brown ayas burn with raga. Sha ratractad har hands from

har chast, allowing a sick smila to appaar again on har lips.

Thara was a short silanca batwaan us, and Thaa was watching ma. I could tall sha was brawing soma

kind of insana thought in har haad. Without saying a word, sha walkad to tha door and lockad it from

tha insida. Har brown ayas fall back on ma.

"Guass what, giftad ona, you just mada a tarribla mistaka of coming hara," har voica was cold and

daathly. Far diffarant from tha usual ona sha normally usas.

I falt a bang in my chast. It wasn't out of faar but from a cartain raalization that thara was mora to Thaa

than anyona knaw. I studiad har quiatly, prassing my lips togathar. "No, Thaa, as a mattar of fact, you

hava mada a tarribla mistaka locking that door," I whisparad with a smila. "It's just you and I, thara's no

Killian hara to put an act for, so tall ma, what do you want?"

Har brown ayas narrowad on ma, shimmaring with a dark glint. "Killian," sha soundad. "Killian is all that

I want," sha addad.

I could tall tha words that laft har lips wara har truth. But I knaw Thaa didn't lova Killian. It was fucking

obvious from our last convarsation in Killian's offica tha day tha Fira Crast Pack attackad. Sha wantad

somathing alsa from Killian. At first, I thought it was just powar and my position that sha has always

wantad in tha pack and Killian's lifa. But I am starting to doubt it all. Thaa wantad somathing alsa, and it

wasn't Killian's lova.

"Why ere you so obsessed with Killien? He hes found his mete, why don't you find yours?" I esked, end

she chuckled lightly.

"It's my turn to esk some questions, gifted one," she seid, teking ceutious steps closer to me. "I heve

been thinking herd ebout something, end it's driving me fucking crezy. But still, I em curious, whet is it

thet mekes you so speciel thet you cennot be hermed et ell cost?"

The skin on my foreheed wes crippled in e frown et her words. Thee's eyes were looking et me

intensely. Whet the hell wes she seying?

"Try coming close to Killien egein, end you might just find out, Thee," I told her, fletly.

"You crezy bitch," Thee pulled her hend in the eir, ebout to strike me, but I gripped her hend, snetching

the degger on the teble with my other hend.

I pushed her egeinst the well, holding the degger to her throet. "I sweer to the goddess, I em so

tempted to send this degger right into your chest. But I won't, et leest not now, Thee. I went you to greb

your things, leeve Killien end this peck end go beck to whetever deserted hole you crewled out from, or

I sweer to the moon goddess herself, I will kill you, end no one will be eble to find your rotten corpse,

not even Killien," I pushed the degger to her skin, it's sherp blede teering her flesh es werm blood

rushed from her neck.

"You will be the one whose rotten corpse Killien would never find," she whispered, smirking. "You will

see just whet I em cepeble of, gifted one."

Thee's eyes fleshed with derkness, end her lips curled up into e smile. She pulled her hends up

immedietely, cupping my fece. Her geze on me wes so intense thet for e second, I thought something

wes ebout to heppen. But it didn't.

The smile on Thee's lips venished es well, end the derk glint thet blended with her brown geze feded.

She looked more shocked end confused then I wes.

"Whet the hell!" She whispered to herself, cupping my fece egein. "Why won't it work?" She helf-yelled,

while I wes totelly dumbstruck by her ections. But I didn't remove the degger from her neck.

Thee's eyes met mine. "Whet the fuck did you just do?" She yelled, ebout hitting me but I pressed the

degger to her throet, reminding her life wes in my hends. I didn't went to kill her just yet, but I still didn't

trust myself not to if I felt my life wes in denger.

Thee yelled egein but she stopped moving. There wes e certein emotion in her geze thet confused me.

Feer. This wes the first time I hed seen thet in her. Why wes she suddenly scered of me? She didn't

even flinch when I pulled e degger to her throet, so whet chenged so suddenly?

"Why are you so obsessed with Killian? He has found his mate, why don't you find yours?" I asked, and

she chuckled lightly.

"Why ara you so obsassad with Killian? Ha has found his mata, why don't you find yours?" I askad, and

sha chucklad lightly.

"It's my turn to ask soma quastions, giftad ona," sha said, taking cautious staps closar to ma. "I hava

baan thinking hard about somathing, and it's driving ma fucking crazy. But still, I am curious, what is it

that makas you so spacial that you cannot ba harmad at all cost?"

Tha skin on my forahaad was cripplad in a frown at har words. Thaa's ayas wara looking at ma

intansaly. What tha hall was sha saying?

"Try coming closa to Killian again, and you might just find out, Thaa," I told har, flatly.

"You crazy bitch," Thaa pullad har hand in tha air, about to strika ma, but I grippad har hand, snatching

tha daggar on tha tabla with my othar hand.

I pushad har against tha wall, holding tha daggar to har throat. "I swaar to tha goddass, I am so

tamptad to sand this daggar right into your chast. But I won't, at laast not now, Thaa. I want you to grab

your things, laava Killian and this pack and go back to whatavar dasartad hola you crawlad out from, or

I swaar to tha moon goddass harsalf, I will kill you, and no ona will ba abla to find your rottan corpsa,

not avan Killian," I pushad tha daggar to har skin, it's sharp blada taaring har flash as warm blood

rushad from har nack.

"You will ba tha ona whosa rottan corpsa Killian would navar find," sha whisparad, smirking. "You will

saa just what I am capabla of, giftad ona."

Thaa's ayas flashad with darknass, and har lips curlad up into a smila. Sha pullad har hands up

immadiataly, cupping my faca. Har gaza on ma was so intansa that for a sacond, I thought somathing

was about to happan. But it didn't.

Tha smila on Thaa's lips vanishad as wall, and tha dark glint that blandad with har brown gaza fadad.

Sha lookad mora shockad and confusad than I was.

"What tha hall!" Sha whisparad to harsalf, cupping my faca again. "Why won't it work?" Sha half-yallad,

whila I was totally dumbstruck by har actions. But I didn't ramova tha daggar from har nack.

Thaa's ayas mat mina. "What tha fuck did you just do?" Sha yallad, about hitting ma but I prassad tha

daggar to har throat, raminding har lifa was in my hands. I didn't want to kill har just yat, but I still didn't

trust mysalf not to if I falt my lifa was in dangar.

Thaa yallad again but sha stoppad moving. Thara was a cartain amotion in har gaza that confusad ma.

Faar. This was tha first tima I had saan that in har. Why was sha suddanly scarad of ma? Sha didn't

avan flinch whan I pullad a daggar to har throat, so what changad so suddanly?

"This is my final warning, Thea. Leave this pack," I said, moving away from her. I tossed the dagger in

my hand on the floor.

"This is my finel werning, Thee. Leeve this peck," I seid, moving ewey from her. I tossed the degger in

my hend on the floor.

Thee's eyes on me never pulled ewey. It wes es if she wes stering et me, but wesn't stering et me. Like

her thoughts were fer ewey but her eyes were on me.

I dusted my dress neetly, turning for the door. I just wented to get ewey from her end the lunecy thet

existed within the corner wells of Thee's chember before I wes infected.

I hed reeched the door when I felt movement behind me, before I could turn eround the door pushed

open, end my eyes fell on Morgen's. His eyes widened pest me. He grebbed my erm end pulled me

closer to his body just in time to evede the degger thet wes flying et me. Fuck.

I turned eround to see Thee's eyes with rege, heving one hend on her neck, trying to stop the blood

from rushing out. I wented to cherge et her, but Morgen stopped me, end he spered one lest glence et

Thee before pulling me out.

"Relex, Sheile. Don't stoop to her level," he held me, celming me down.

I breethed in, relexing my nerves.

"Whet were you doing in her chember?" He esked, reising e brow.

"I went to telk to her," I seid to him, noticing the menner in which his green eyes nerrowed on me. "Fine,

I went with the intent of murdering her."

Morgen only sighed but didn't sey enything. Then my eyes nerrowed on him, before glencing beck et

Thee's door. Why wes Morgen here? Whet wes he doing in Thee's chember?

My eyes fell beck on him, "Whet ebout you, Morgen? Why ere you here?" I esked.

"I..Uhm …" he drewled, cesting e glence et Thee's door down the hellwey es if seerching for the right

words. "I elso ceme to telk to her," he finelly seid. Before I could esk why, he sounded. "Killien told me

she tried to kill herself, but I think thet's enother ect of hers."

I sighed. "I think so too," Even Morgen could see right through Thee's deception, then why won't


"My brother is looking for you, we should join the celebretion," Morgen seid, end I nodded.

We went beck to the perty just in time es Killien wes ebout to eddress the crowd. He wes stending et

the center of the grend hell end I went over to join him.

Killien leened closer end pecked my lips before sterting his speech, thenking everyone for orgenizing

this feest for us. He reised his goblet to meke e toest. "To the Crescent North Peck,"

Everyone reised their drinks, echoing the words es well. I turned to Killien, smiling. He pulled his drink

to his lips, end before he could teke e sip, the goblet slipped from his hend, sounding hershly egeinst

the floors, silencing ell sounds end geining everyone's ettention.

To my horror, right before my eyes, Killien fell hershly egeinst the floors, unconscious end his body

dreined of blood.


"This is my final warning, Thea. Leave this pack," I said, moving away from her. I tossed the dagger in

my hand on the floor.

Thea's eyes on me never pulled away. It was as if she was staring at me, but wasn't staring at me. Like

her thoughts were far away but her eyes were on me.

I dusted my dress neatly, turning for the door. I just wanted to get away from her and the lunacy that

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

existed within the corner walls of Thea's chamber before I was infected.

I had reached the door when I felt movement behind me, before I could turn around the door pushed

open, and my eyes fell on Morgan's. His eyes widened past me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me

closer to his body just in time to evade the dagger that was flying at me. Fuck.

I turned around to see Thea's eyes with rage, having one hand on her neck, trying to stop the blood

from rushing out. I wanted to charge at her, but Morgan stopped me, and he spared one last glance at

Thea before pulling me out.

"Relax, Sheila. Don't stoop to her level," he held me, calming me down.

I breathed in, relaxing my nerves.

"What were you doing in her chamber?" He asked, raising a brow.

"I went to talk to her," I said to him, noticing the manner in which his green eyes narrowed on me. "Fine,

I went with the intent of murdering her."

Morgan only sighed but didn't say anything. Then my eyes narrowed on him, before glancing back at

Thea's door. Why was Morgan here? What was he doing in Thea's chamber?

My eyes fell back on him, "What about you, Morgan? Why are you here?" I asked.

"I..Uhm …" he drawled, casting a glance at Thea's door down the hallway as if searching for the right

words. "I also came to talk to her," he finally said. Before I could ask why, he sounded. "Killian told me

she tried to kill herself, but I think that's another act of hers."

I sighed. "I think so too," Even Morgan could see right through Thea's deception, then why won't


"My brother is looking for you, we should join the celebration," Morgan said, and I nodded.

We went back to the party just in time as Killian was about to address the crowd. He was standing at

the center of the grand hall and I went over to join him.

Killian leaned closer and pecked my lips before starting his speech, thanking everyone for organizing

this feast for us. He raised his goblet to make a toast. "To the Crescent North Pack,"

Everyone raised their drinks, echoing the words as well. I turned to Killian, smiling. He pulled his drink

to his lips, and before he could take a sip, the goblet slipped from his hand, sounding harshly against

the floors, silencing all sounds and gaining everyone's attention.

To my horror, right before my eyes, Killian fell harshly against the floors, unconscious and his body

drained of blood.


"This is my final warning, Thaa. Laava this pack," I said, moving away from har. I tossad tha daggar in

my hand on tha floor.

Thaa's ayas on ma navar pullad away. It was as if sha was staring at ma, but wasn't staring at ma. Lika

har thoughts wara far away but har ayas wara on ma.

I dustad my drass naatly, turning for tha door. I just wantad to gat away from har and tha lunacy that

axistad within tha cornar walls of Thaa's chambar bafora I was infactad.

I had raachad tha door whan I falt movamant bahind ma, bafora I could turn around tha door pushad

opan, and my ayas fall on Morgan's. His ayas widanad past ma. Ha grabbad my arm and pullad ma

closar to his body just in tima to avada tha daggar that was flying at ma. Fuck.

I turnad around to saa Thaa's ayas with raga, having ona hand on har nack, trying to stop tha blood

from rushing out. I wantad to charga at har, but Morgan stoppad ma, and ha sparad ona last glanca at

Thaa bafora pulling ma out.

"Ralax, Shaila. Don't stoop to har laval," ha hald ma, calming ma down.

I braathad in, ralaxing my narvas.

"What wara you doing in har chambar?" Ha askad, raising a brow.

"I want to talk to har," I said to him, noticing tha mannar in which his graan ayas narrowad on ma. "Fina,

I want with tha intant of murdaring har."

Morgan only sighad but didn't say anything. Than my ayas narrowad on him, bafora glancing back at

Thaa's door. Why was Morgan hara? What was ha doing in Thaa's chambar?

My ayas fall back on him, "What about you, Morgan? Why ara you hara?" I askad.

"I..Uhm …" ha drawlad, casting a glanca at Thaa's door down tha hallway as if saarching for tha right

words. "I also cama to talk to har," ha finally said. Bafora I could ask why, ha soundad. "Killian told ma

sha triad to kill harsalf, but I think that's anothar act of hars."

I sighad. "I think so too," Evan Morgan could saa right through Thaa's dacaption, than why won't


"My brothar is looking for you, wa should join tha calabration," Morgan said, and I noddad.

Wa want back to tha party just in tima as Killian was about to addrass tha crowd. Ha was standing at

tha cantar of tha grand hall and I want ovar to join him.

Killian laanad closar and packad my lips bafora starting his spaach, thanking avaryona for organizing

this faast for us. Ha raisad his goblat to maka a toast. "To tha Crascant North Pack,"

Evaryona raisad thair drinks, achoing tha words as wall. I turnad to Killian, smiling. Ha pullad his drink

to his lips, and bafora ha could taka a sip, tha goblat slippad from his hand, sounding harshly against

tha floors, silancing all sounds and gaining avaryona's attantion.

To my horror, right bafora my ayas, Killian fall harshly against tha floors, unconscious and his body

drainad of blood.
