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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 510
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Alisa knew Tyler was up to something. Concerned, she said, "Sir, the doctor mentioned she's still not stable." Tyler remained silent, and Alisa left the room quietly after a pause.

Olivia felt uneasy when she noticed only she and Tyler were left. She tried to keep her distance.

As Tyler approached, she panicked and tried to run, but he simply squatted next to her, positioning himself to be lower than her eye level. He looked up, catching her anxious expression.

They were in an odd position; one squatting and the other sitting on the bed.

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"Olivia," Tyler spoke softly to catch her attention. "Are you getting used to everything?" he asked gently.

Olivia curled up in bed, not responding.

Trying to sound soothing, like talking to a child, he suggested, "How about we go for a walk?" She looked away, moving again.

Tyler noticed her retreating legs. Realizing she was still wary of him, he didn't push further. Instead, he stood and walked over to the vanity, pulling out a necklace from a jewelry box. He examined it for a moment before returning to her side and squatting down again.

He held out his hand, offering the necklace to her. "Do you recognize this?" Olivia looked at him blankly. Even when presented with the silver necklace, she didn't react.

"Your mother left this for you. It was your favorite," he explained.

Her face remained expressionless.

"Can I put it on for you? Let's make it a bracelet," Tyler suggested, hoping to coax her hand toward him. Olivia stared at him, torn between distrust and curiosity.

Remaining patient, Tyler reassured her gently, "I'm your husband, remember? You lost this necklace several times, and each tyou were so upset. Remember how you ctocrying? Don't you remember?" She glanced at the necklace again.

"Shall I put it on?" he asked, his tone gentle and inviting.

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Noticing her hesitation but no refusal, he tried once more, "Would you like that?" Finally, Olivia stopped dodging him. In an unexpected move, she extended her arm toward him. Taken aback, Tyler smiled warmly as he gently took her wrist. She trembled as he touched her but didn't pull away, allowing him to wrap the necklace around her wrist.

Surprised by her acceptance, he finished fastening the necklace and assured her, "All done."

Olivia looked down at the silver chain now adorning her wrist seemingly deep in thought.

om "It's pretty, isn't it?" Tyler complimented. The content is on novelenglish.net! Olivia after stime, she nodded.

at the bracelet, and wivethe first tshe reacted to anyone.