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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 517
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Camilla continued, "Ms. Ana had talked to Ms. Olivia before. Because of your relationship with Ms. Naomi, she had been threatening Olivia. She put a lot of pressure on her two days ago, and it made Olivia collapse from too much stress..." Tyler listened without showing any feelings.

As Camilla spoke, her voice got quieter until it was almost too low to hear. "You could say that Ms. Ana has been controlling and threatening Olivia since she first cinto the house. It was her last straw..." Tyler's expression was icy, making Camilla feel a bit uncomfortable. Still, he spoke calmly, "Got it." Downstairs, Ana stopped Stephen to ask about Olivia.

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He smiled and said, "Mrs. Harris is much better now. She's improved a lot since a few days ago." Hearing this, Ana felt relieved and blurted out, "That's great, even if it's just a little." "Don't worry, Ms. Ana. She'll definitely recover." "Okay, thanks," Ana replied.

Stephen added, "I'll go now if that's everything." "Okay." Ana felt a bit better about her conscience. As long as Olivia wasn't in a hopeless situation, that was enough for her.

Just then, a voice surprised her, and she saw Tyler standing in front of her.

"Tyler," she said, startled.

"Why didn't you answer when I called you?" Ana hadn't noticed him coming down, which was why she hadn't heard him. She tried to smile and said, "Oh, I was just asking Stephen about Olivia. I heard she's doing better." She didn't look as proud as usual and was faking her smile.

"It seems you really care about Olivia." Still smiling, she replied, "Of course, she's my daughter-in-law." "Right, the daughter-in-law you carefully chose." Ana sensed Tyler's cryptic tone, and she looked at him, her smile fading.

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"You're feeling guilty, aren't you?" Tyler's gaze was sharp. "Are you pretending to care just to feelless guilty? When did you start having a conscience?"

It was the first tshe didn't argue against his mockery. Her lipso m trembled as she tried to meet his gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't know? Or do you think no one will find out?" s'a'h th om (Hind) vel n&t website on Google to access chapters of early and in the highest quality. Ana's breathing becfaster, and

she clenched her fists. Taking a deep breath, she said, "I think you should treatbetter. Also, I really don't En.

know what you're talking about." Her hands were shaking, and eventually, she collapsed.

Tyler just scoffed at how helpless she looked.