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The Billionaire Alpha’s Contract Lover

Chapter 1782
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Chapter 1782


“You can’t control me!” Nick would never allow Griffon to

manipulate him, even if he was in excruciating pain, he refused to


Griffon didn’t force Nick, he simply picked up the controller and

gently pressed the button to activate the pain control system.

Nick instantly screamed in agony, the heart–wrenching sound

echoing through the chip room, sending shivers down the spine.

He was drenched in cold sweat, his face deathly pale, but he still

lifted his head to look at the tall, imposing man in front of him.

“I’ve informed 1-1, he will be here soon, and when he arrives, you

will have nowhere to hide!”

Griffon, with an expressionless face, walked up to Nick, staring at

the aged face, and spoke in a cold voice.

“Follow my orders, or I will make sure you have nowhere to hide

right now.”

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Nick, who was on the verge of passing out from the pain, glanced

at the controller in Griffon‘ hand and then at the console.

The screen showed that his chip at the back of his head was

Chapter 1782

already linked to Griffon‘ chip.

If Nick wanted to survive, he had to listen to Griffon.


If he didn’t, Griffon‘ controller could make him suffer to the point

of death. Unless 1-1 arrived and rewrote Griffon‘ chip program to

regain control.

But the key issue was that it would take a long time for 1-1 to arrive. During this time, Nick would undoubtedly be

under Griffon‘ control, or he would be tortured to death. Thinking of this, Nick reluctantly lowered his head and said,

“Activate the full area control key. I’ll instruct Venom to track down the Brook Thorin and

Tara Thorin.”

Griffon turned to the console, took out the full area control key, and pressed the start button. “Go on.”

Nick, enduring the pain, gritted his teeth and said, “Venom, take your wolf and find the Brook Thorin and Tara

Thorin. Bring them

back within a day.”

Venom, sitting in the program room, heard the broadcast and froze, his eyes filled with disbelief.

He thought Griffon was already dead in the upper area, and he was waiting for 1-2 to come and punish him. He

never expected to

receive such news.

Did Griffon negotiate with 1-2, or did he directly force 1-2 to

Chapter 1782



Venom was not sure, but he knew that his understanding of

Griffon had reached a new level.

After snapping out of his daze, he extinguished his cigarette and

replied, “Okay, I’ll go find them right away.”

With that, Venom quickly got up, took his men, and swiftly left

Erebus to search for the Brook Thorin and Tara Thorin.

After giving the order, Nick, still enduring the pain, turned to

Griffon and said, “Once 1-1 arrives, you are as good as dead.”

Griffon, emotionless, sat down on the sofa, looking extremely lazy

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and exhausted. He was indeed very tired, with wounds on his body still bleeding, and wounds in his heart also


There was no place on him that didn’t hurt. But he endured it, like

a fearless warrior, unabashedly leaning back on the sofa, staring

coldly at Nick..

“I just told you, if I die, you will die too.”

Nick’s face was extremely ugly. He was always the one controlling others, and now he was being controlled in turn.

How could he not be angry?

But in the current situation, even if 1-1 rewrote the program, they couldn’t kill Griffon. Their chips were bound

together, so if Griffon

Chapter 1782

died, he would die too.


Griffon wanted to use 1-2 to restrain 1-1, so even if 1-1 came, they

couldn’t do anything to Griffon.

In this regard, they were very passive.

Thinking of this, Nick clenched his fists in resentment. “Let me

out, I need medical treatment.”

If he died, Griffon would have nothing to restrain 1-1.