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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet (Thalassa and Elowen)

Chapter 1451
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Chapter 1451 Alaric dragged a chair over to the side of her hospital bed, his piercing eyes soft with concern despite the scolding tone of his voice. “Seriously, what's with you? It was bad enough when you were tailgating me, and now you're doing it to someone else, nearly getting yourself killed. Not everyone's going to cut you slack like | do, you know.” While taking care of the hospital bills, Alaric had called the traffic police to check on the details of Hertha's accident. They confirmed she rear-ended someone else, which led to her own injuries.

The news that Hertha had rear-ended another car both irritated and amused him.

It irritated him because, really, couldn't Hertha take better care of herself? It amused him because she was still the sold scatterbrained Hertha, always lost in thought and clumsy, especially behind the wheel.

“Lucky for you, you got away with just a scare this time. What if you hadn't been so lucky? What if it had been the end of the line for you? Then what? You'd be gone, sure, but what about me?” Alaric muttered to the sleeping Hertha, his voice tinged with a mix of bland worry.

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He had never opened up to Hertha about his feelings, and now that she couldn’t hear him, his worry made him reveal more than he intended.

After all, no one else was listening; it was just him and his own confessions.

Little did he know, at the very moment he voiced his concerns, someone halted abruptly at the door of the hospital room.

Georgia stepped back, pressing herself against the wall ouside the room to stay out of Alaric’s line of sight.

Every word Alaric had said, clear and complete, had been overheard by Georgia. Her h felt as though it were being pierced, a wave of anger and resentment flooding her, alm drowning her breath.

Gracefully, she exited the room, hiding behind the wall. Her breathing was uneven, her eyes filled with rage and hurt, her fists clenched as she fought the resentment boiling inside her.

Alaric had just implied that if Hertha died, he'd be lost without her! How deeply must Alaric care for Hertha to confess such sincere thoughts while she lay unconscious? Everyone knew Alaric as a charming playboy, changing partners as easily as clothes, never really falling for anyone. So, none of his flings could be jealous of another; they were merely temporary comforts for his solitude- fun while it lasted and easily forgotten.

Chapter 1451 Yet here was this notorious playboy, apparently having fallen for a woman, confessing such profound emotions while she lay unresponsive.

And, of course, it had to be Georgia who overheard it all, her heart aching with jealousy, anger nearly driving her mad.

She took deep breaths, trying to calm the storm of emotions threatening to overwhelm her, restraining herself from bursting out and confronting Alaric.

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The day before, it was Georgia who had accompanied Hertha to the hospital, watching as she was rushed into the emergency room, Once Hertha was admitted, the doctors took charge , and there was nothing Georgia could do to interfere.

Following the surgery, Hertha was moved to the ICU. Unfortunately during those 12 hours, no one except medical staff could enter the ICU unless there were complications. Georgia had hoped for an opportunity to cause Hertha a little mishap but found herself unable to do so.

She had timed Hertha's transfer to the regular room, planning to create that little acciden't for Hertha , only to discover she was a step too late.

Alaric was already at Hertha's bedside, uttering those tender, indulgent words that stung Georgia to the core.