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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet (Thalassa and Elowen)

Chapter 1884
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\"What did you just say? You're givingmoney?\" Lydia burst out laughing as if she'd just heard the funniest joke ever.

At first, she was just angry, but now it was a mix of anger and hilarity.

This guy must have chere just to insult her! With a chuckle, Lydia grabbed his arm, hoisted him up, and with a swift move reminiscent of a wrestling throw, slammed him onto the ground. \"Ouch!\" Ethan, a grown man, was yanked up by Lydia and thrown down, sprawling awkwardly on the floor.

He lay there groaning as if he was about to fall apart, every bone in his body crying out in agony.

\"How much do you reckon your hospital bill's gonna be?\" Lydia stood over Ethan, looking down at him with a mix of curiosity and disdain.

Ethan, writhing in pain, couldn't muster a single word.

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Lydia nudged him with her foot, \"Hey, get up.\" Ethan gasped in pain. Just when he thought his body couldn't hurt any more, this woman gave him another nudge, making him fear his bones were cracking. He had cto see if Lydia was as fierce as the legends said, and boy, did she exceed those tales.

He truly regretted coming here now.

\"Hey, quit playing dead. Get up,\" Lydia nudged him again with her foot.

\"Uh...\" A deep-seated fear of Lydia's touch gripped Ethan. This time, though she didn't kick him, just the nudge made his body convulse with pain.

He passed out, eyes rolling back, the whole nine yards.

Seeing this, Lydia realized something was off, quickly crouching down to check his breathing. Thankfully, he was still breathing.

Was this guy really that fragile? Just a few hits and he's out cold? Lydia slapped his face lightly, \"Hey, wake up. Don't play dead on me!\" But Ethan remained motionless.

Lydia then twisted his ear, hoping the pain would wake him, yet he still didn't stir.

\"Could he actually be seriously ill?\" Lydia started to worry.

After all, chronic illnesses aren't always visible, and a hit or shock could trigger a condition. She couldn't be that unlucky, could she? To have stumbled upon someone seriously ill? Panic set in, and Lydia quickly hoisted Ethan off the ground, carrying him to the infirmary. Laying him on the hospital bed, Lydia began to administer treatment with a needle.

As soon as the needle pierced his skin, Ethan sat up like a jack-in-the-box, causing Lydia to step back in shock, needle still in hand.

\"What are you doing, playing zombie?\" she exclaimed.

Ethan's eyes widened in fear, \"What are you doing? Are you trying to kill me?\" \"I'm saving you,\" Lydia retorted.

Seeing the needle in her hand, Ethan gulped, \"You're saving me?\"

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\"Yeah, you passed out cold, wouldn't wake up for anything. I had to use the needle, Lydia explained. \"By the way, do you have skind of underlying condition?\" \"Underlying condition? What kind of condition?\" Ethan asked, puzzled.

\"You tell me,\" Lydia prodded.

\"You didn't... check me, did you?\" Ethan quickly checked his clothing.


His pants were still on, and his shirt was intact.

Ethan looked up at Lydia in disbelief, \"Why would you say I have an m underlying condition?\" \"You passed out from a simple

bump. If that's not being fragile, b don't know what is. Got any chronic diseases or something?" Lydia put away the needle, tucking it into its case. X