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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134

Herman cracked a smile, saying, “If you run into these issues again, just give me a shout, alright? Don’t

bottle it all up. A family is a two-person job. I’ve got to shoulder some of the load.”

“I just didn’t want to be a bother,” she replied.

The topic reminded Anastasia about the new house. I didn’t get a chance to ask you last night. How’d

you manage to scrape together enough dough to buy the house?” This was a million-dollar pad, and if

it was all on Herman’s salary, it would take decades to afford.

Herman took her hand and led her towards the dining room, saying. This is money my folks left me.

They wanted me to have enough to buy a house when I tied the knot. They thought it would give you a

sense of security, even if it’s joint property.”

Herman was still holding his cards close to his chest. He knew the house alone had been enough to

get Anastasia all fired up. Some things had to be handled cautiously

The breakfast table was loaded with food, and Anastasia was beginning to feel peckish. Between bites,

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she continued, “Can you handle the paperwork. for the houses we buy after we’re hitched on your own

without me signing off?”

I’ve got contacts who specialize in this kind of thing. Shouldn’t be too tough, Herman replied

nonchalantly. “You’re the lady of the house. You can rest easy’

“Did Monica say something to you? How come you’re spilling all the bears now?” she asked.

Herman gave a chuckle. The property management called.”

It was the call from the property management that had brought the house issue to light for Herman. He

figured it was time to come clean.

Anastasia asked, “Aren’t you worried that I’ll break up with you and then take half the house since my

name is on the deed?”

Herman didnt seem to mind. He laughed and said, “If that ever happens, it will mean I screwed up. If I

can’t even keep my wife, the house should be


Anastasia laughed. “You’re really laying it on thick today You were a bit wary of me at first, weren’t

you?” If not, he wouldn’t have kept it from her.

Herman nodded honestly. “More like observing, Id say. It’s a normal mindset, Anastasia, but it doesn’t

affect my feelings for you. I enjoyed getting to know you better and then falling for you I hope we can

grow old together”

Anastasia felt her heart skip a beat This was the first time he had expressed his feelings for her so

explicitly. His words were irrefutable, and she loved

his answer.

Their shotgun marriage was a risky move. Only by getting to know each other better could they

minimize the risks. Marriage was a serious matter. Anastasia quietly took a sip of her soup and let the

house issue slide. A house was just a shell. It was only when both parties hearts were truly connected

that it became a home filled with warmth.

After breakfast, Herman drove Anastasia to work. As they passed Katelyn’s door, Anastasia asked,

“Where’s Ms. Katelyn been lately? I haven’t seen her for days.

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Herman casually replied, “I think she’s on a trip. Haven’t been keeping tabs on her.”

“Oh, remember your cousin helped us out? We should invite him over for dinner sometime.”

“He might be tied up recently. No rush, there’ll be plenty of opportunities.”

Herman certainly didn’t mention that he’d assigned Flynn to work on a project in the southwest region.

“Okay,” Anastasia didn’t dig any further.

They reached the underground parking lot, where Herman was ready to drive Anastasia to work. As

they drove out of the complex, Anastasia spotted a thin and familiar figure squatting by a trash can.

She immediately called out, “Herman, stop the car!”

“What’s wrong?” asked Herman after he hit the brakes.

Anastasia was looking at Pattie, who was squatting next to the trash can. She got out of the car and

walked over, Pattie, what are you doing here?” There was a packet with a slice of bread on the ground

in front of Pattie. It had been thrown away without being opened. Pattie was eyeing the bread greedily

She wanted to eat it but didn’t dare.

Anastasia understood Pattie’s hesitation and felt a pang of sadness. In this day and age, how could

there still be kids scavenging for food in trash cans?

Pattie looked up at Anastasia, her face dirty. She swallowed and said, “I’m hungry.”