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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 191
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Chapter 191

“You could say that.”

“Mrs. Salstrom’s injuries are pretty severe,” Dr. Schuler said. “The car wreckage practically went

straight through her waist. If she were to get pregnant, it would be a heavy burden for her. At best, we

might lose the baby, and at worst…” We could lose her.

Although it was early to talk about this, Dr. Schuler decided to spill all the beans.

“Alright, I got it.” It only took Herman a few seconds to digest the news. He said in a deep voice, “Right

now, all I can hope for is my wife waking up.” As for the rest, he didn’t dare to wish or ask for too much.

Everyone at the hospital saw how devoted Herman was to Anastasia. Guys like him were as rare as

hens’ teeth, especially considering he was the CEO of Elysian Technologies. Deep down, Dr. Schuler

admired Herman.

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When Herman returned to the ward, Salma had brought over some chicken soup. Even though

Anastasia was still unconscious, Salma often prepared these nutritious foods, hoping that Anastasia

could have a hot sip as soon as she woke up.

Seeing Herman coming back, Katelyn asked, “Herman, what did Dr. Schuler say?”

When Salma was around, Katelyn would never call him son. With Anastasia still unconscious and

Salma feeling down, it wasn’t the right time to spill the beans.

Salma also anxiously asked, “Did Dr. Schuler say when Ana would wake up?”

“Soon,” Herman half-lied. “Anastasia’s injuries are recovering. She will wake up soon.”

Hearing this, Salma felt relieved. “That’s good,” she said, handing the chicken soup to Herman. “You’ve

been taking such good care of Ana this past month, and you’ve lost weight. You should drink this soup.

It’s good for your body.”

Salma was very pleased with Herman’s care for Anastasia. He was always there for her, spending both

time and money. She knew she made the right choice with this son-in-law.

“Alright, I’ll drink it later,” Herman said. “Salma, you guys should go home and rest. I’ll stay here


For the past month, it was always Herman who stayed the night. He only left the hospital during the day

to freshen up.

“You should also get some rest and take care of yourself,” Salma reminded him.

After Salma and Katelyn left, Herman finished the soup and took the toy Pattie had sent. He stood by

the bed, telling Anastasia about funny stories from Pattie’s kindergarten. “Anastasia, Pattie has made a

lot of friends at school. That little girl is really adaptable. This is the toy she sent you, Peppa Pig…”

Even though he knew Anastasia wouldn’t respond, Herman patiently told her all about it.

Night fell quickly.

After washing Anastasia’s face, wiping her hands and feet, and giving her forehead a kiss, Herman laid

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down next to her. “Honey, I’m a bit tired. I’m going to take a short nap, and then I’ll keep talking to you,


Anastasia’s superficial injuries had all healed, and she no longer needed a respirator. She just laid

quietly in bed, like she was sleeping. Herman always assumed that she was just sleeping and would

wake up once she had enough rest.

It started raining outside in the middle of the night. The raindrops fell on the window and leaves, making

a pitter-patter sound.

A cold breeze blew in from the window. Herman felt a bit cold, but then he quickly felt warm again. His

face felt a bit itchy, like something was stroking his cheek.

Herman opened his eyes, and his eyes welled up with tears. He was so excited that he couldn’t speak.

A gentle voice echoed in his ear. “Honey, why are you crying?”