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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

Before Anastasia had a chance to utter a word, Cason had already hung up the phone.

He called first thing in the morning just to blow up at her?

Anastasia frowned, puzzled as to why Cason was so angry

It was Cason who messed up, got Herman laken away by the police, yet somehow Cason was the one

who was more pissed off?

Just as Anastasia was feeling confused, Monica called and said over the phone, “Ana, Casons law firm

is being investigated, their family factory has also gone bust, owing a ton of money. Everyone is talking

about it in our alumni group chat”

“What? How did that happen?” Anastasia was taken aback.

Overnight, it felt like her whole world had changed.

“It’s all his own doing Monica said angrily. “Cason is a total hypocrite. Even I was almost fooled by him.

Thank God you’re married now. Otherwise, I would have made a big mistake trying to set you two up.

That would have been like throwing you to the wolves. Cason would do anything for money. even drive

people to jump off buildings or overdose on pills. Now, all the families of his victims are protesting at his

law firm.”

Upon hearing all this, Anastasia felt a sensation that was hard to describe.

It was a sense of relief.

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Cason, for the sake of fame and fortune, disregarded the truth and drove victims to suicide. Now this

kind of person has become her enemy, and he would definitely not let it go.

Thinking back to Casons threatening call just now, she felt a wave of panic.

Anastasia asked, “Who revealed those things?”

Just after she had become enemies with Cason, his dirty laundry was aired. She would definitely be

targeted by him.

What if Cason went to trouble Herman again?

“Bad deeds will always come back to bite you. Somebody must have had enough and decided to

expose him. The reason why Cason returned home is probably because he couldn’t stay abroad any

longer.” Monica knew who was behind it, but she couldn’t say.

Some things she had to keep secret for Herman’s sake.

Considering how protective Herman was of Anastasia, she didn’t have to worry. She just needed to

prevent Anastasia’s secret from being exposed and ruining Anastasia and Herman’s relationship.

While Anastasia was still trying to get her bearings, she needed to do her best to protect that secret

and help Anastasia and Herman.

Cason got what he deserved, but Anastasia felt uneasy instead.

After chatting with Monica for a bit, Anastasia went to check in at her new job and ran into Lauren, who

she had interviewed with previously.

Lauren, upon seeing Anastasia, was also surprised, “Anastasia, you got hired too? That’s great, we’re

going to be colleagues.”

Meeting a familiar face in a strange environment, Anastasia felt more relaxed and less constrained.

Anastasia asked, “Have you checked in already?”

“Yeah, I have.” Lauren was still as cheerful as ever, “It’s a shame though, you were right last time. We

can’t work at the headquarters, only at this subsidiary There’s a huge hurdle between me and the

person I like.”

Anastasia laughed, “Take it slow. There’s a chance for a girl to win a guy over. You’re so beautiful, you’ll

definitely get him.”

Upon hearing this, Lauren was very happy She grabbed Anastasia’s hand and said, “Once I win over

Mr. Salstrom and become the boss lady of Elysian Technologies, I’ll make sure you become the chief


Anastasia laughed and responded, “Alright, I hold you to that”

The two chatted happily and quickly became friends. Lauren suddenly remembered their previous

interview, she said, “By the way, that Mr. Maxwell got fired. I’m not sure why I heard he was fired right

after your interview. Do you know what happened?”

“I have no idea” Anastasia didn’t know about the interviewer getting fired.

“Oh Lauren didn’t probe further, she said, “You better go check in. Today the chief designer Selena will

be here. If everything goes smoothly, we might be assigned to her ream as assistants.”

Many people dreamed of becoming the assistant to the chief designer. That position was just a step

away from becoming a designer.

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Anastasia first went to the HR department to check in. The HR staff glanced at Anastasia’s information

and immediately became very respectful, quickly completing Anastasia’s onboarding process.

“Ms. Jewell, welcome to the team We’re colleagues now.”

“Thank you” Anastasia was confused as to why the HR staff was so polite to her. It seemed the quality

of staff in a big company truly was high. They didn’t discriminate against her because of her

educational background.

The company offered a very high salary, far beyond Anastasia’s expectations.

Big companies really did throw their money around Even the probationary salary was so high.

Lauren had been waiting outside. When she saw Anastasia come out, the two of them went to check in

at the design department together.

Meanwhile, in the president’s office of Elysian Technologies.

Herman was working on some documents when Flynn came in and said, “Brother, you only arranged

an assistant position for your wife and also transferred her to a subsidiary Isn’t that a bit unfair to her?”

Herman calmly replied, “Rome wasn’t built in a day. Let her work her way up so she can better

understand the company’s jewelry business. That way, when she takes over in the future, it will be


Flynn suddenly understood, “Ah, so you’re paving the way for her.”

Herman put down the documents in his hand and said. “She will be the future hostess of the Salstrom
