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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81

The sudden incident put a halt to the lively atmosphere of the party, and everyone gathered around the

guy who Anastasia had knocked over.

Anastasia was pretty shocked herself. Lauren snapped back to reality and quickly asked, “Anastasia,

are you okay?”

Anastasia shook her head, a bit bewildered.

A young guy then angrily pointed at Anastasia, “You’re screwed! You dare hurt Blake?!”

“It’s an honor for you to be held by Blake in your lifetime.”

“Is she a new waitress? She’s so ignorant. You made Blake get hurt; just wait for it.”

“Call an ambulance, quick”

“Blake is bleeding; he’s done for…”

Anastasia was terrified by their words. After seeing the guy unconscious on the floor, she turned even


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If someone died because of her, she would be totally screwed.

The people here were mostly rich kids. She knew he must have been someone big after seeing how

much they cared about the guy on the floor.

Anastasia quickly said, I’m sorry, I, 1…

“What’s all the fuss? It’s just a nosebleed; I’m not gonna die.” The guy on the floor suddenly sat up.

pushed people away, and walked towards Anastasia.

Someone handed him a tissue. He cleaned his nose and looked seriously at Anastasia. His eyes

deepened as he looked at her.

“You knocked me over? This is the first time a woman has hurt me.”

Lauren knew this guy and his temper. She stepped in to defend Anastasia, “Blake Ledford, Anastasia

didn’t do it on purpose. It’s just a nosebleed, there’s no need to freak out. Besides, you’re the one who

scared her by suddenly hugging her.”

Blake scoffed, “No one has ever been brave enough to say I was wrong.”

As soon as Lauren spoke, someone recognized her, “Oh, you’re the heiress of the Mill family. You

brought her?”

Lauren said, “Yes, I brought her. Anastasia is my friend’

“Anastasia?” Everlee came over, sizing up Anastasia. “You’re the one who called me earlier. The

designer from Elysian Technologies’ jewelry company.


Everlee hadn’t met Anastasia before, but she remembered their phone calls.

Anastasia quickly said, “Yes, I’m the Anastasia who called you earlier. Here’s my business card. I came

here to confirm the jewelry design details with


Then she turned to Blake and said, “I apologize for bumping into you earlier. It was my fault that you

got hurt.”

Just when everyone thought Anastasia was going to back down, she changed her tone, “You startled

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me by suddenly hugging me. My reaction was instinctive, a legitimate defense.”

Blake smirked, “You’re quite a smooth talker.”

Blake reached out to touch Anastasia’s face, but she leaned back and avoided him.

Blake became even more interested, “A woman who doesn’t know how to appreciate kindness, how

rare. You work at Elysian Technologies, right? How much do they pay you? I’ll offer you ten times that

to be my woman. Working is so exhausting, especially for a pretty woman like you, I can’t bear to see

you tired.*

Blake’s flippant behavior diminished Anastasia’s fear, leaving only anger and disgust.

Others started to tease, “You should be thankful to Blake. You’re lucky that he’s interested in you.”

“Working can’t compare to being with Blake.”

“Exactly, her figure, her face, she’s just perfect. Blake has good taste.”

“I bet she came here to seduce rich guys. Stop pretending”

Everyone burst into laughter. Their eyes were full of contempt and discrimination towards Anastasia.

Everlee stood quietly, looking very uncomfortable. She glanced at Blake several times.

Anastasia was really pissed off by their harsh words, but she couldn’t afford to offend these rich kids.

So she cleverly said, “Blake, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m already married”