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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 171
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Avery quietly ate her breakfast as she listened to the exchange between the kids and Cayden. She had

to resist the urge to interject and tell the kids that the town was actually a very fun place.

The beautiful sights and scenery were something city kids would not get to see often.

“Ms. Ery...”

“Ms. Ery...”

The two little fellas started pleading with Avery, knowing she could convince their mean daddy to

change his mind.

Cayden turned to look at Avery with a soft and indulging expression on his face, quite a drastic change

from the stern daddy he was to the kids earlier. “Other kids already started school a month ago. You

two have already missed a month of classes,” he explained.

“Oh, then you two should really be heading back to school...” Avery turned to Zachary and Rory in

surprise and said.

The two kids were dejected upon hearing that.

Cayden called home at eight in the morning and asked for Zachary and Rory's school bags and


Xavier drove back to get the kids' stuff. When he reached the Moore residence, the Moores were

having their breakfast.

Jeffrey's butler cum driver came to open the door for Xavier and showed him in.

Before they stepped in, Xavier could already hear Allie's voice.

“I like Ery as well, Dad, but I have my concerns. If words were to leak out, the Moore family's reputation

will be affected. I don't really worry for my family as the Musk family is not prominent and no one would

take note of us. However, the Moore family is different and...” Allie was not in a mood to enjoy the

breakfast laid out before her.

Jeffrey, on the other hand, was savoring his food. “Even if everyone got to know about it, we will not

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face any backlash. We are not in the wrong and had nothing to fear. Dylan is the unreasonable one. If

we give in to him, we will be encouraging him to continue his wayward behavior in the future,” he said.

Allie's face fell but she continued to try to convince Jeffrey. “Dad, I am your daughter-in-law and had

given you an outstanding heir. However, Dylan is also my nephew, and even if he is in the wrong, could

you not let it go on my account? Please don't push it and spoil the relationship between the two

families. Dylan is in the wrong, but if you pursue the matter, he will lose his reputation and be

condemned for life!” she pleaded.

“Lose his reputation?” Jeffrey looked up and gave his hypocritical daughter-in-law a stern look. “Even if

that happened, he asked for it. I have confidence the Musks are not so easily defeated and can always

start afresh,” he added, slamming down his cutlery.

The housekeeper heard him, hurried over with his cane, and handed it to him. With the change in

weather, his arthritis had worsened and he could not walk without the aid of a cane.

At that moment, Lily came walking down the stairs, dressed in a silk sleeping gown. Witnessing Allie in

such a sorry state, she could not help but rub it in. “The old man had seen through you and your family!

You guys are fond of underhanded means. You are a good example, ain't you? Rising from a

homewrecker and escort to being a rich man's wife...”

“You had better shut up, Lily!” Allie slammed on the table and shouted.

Lily was not bothered by Allie's anger. She sat down, took her breakfast from the housekeeper, and

continued with her insults. “What is that shouting for? Do you think I am working under you and have to

bear with your nonsense? Do you think you will be where you are if you and your family had not

resorted to dirty means? No, no! You will still be a piece of lowly trash!”

The butler and Xavier came into the room and let out a dry cough to signal their presence. Although

they were already used to the feuding ways of the two women, they had to remind them not to go

overboard in the presence of outsiders.

Xavier nodded to the two ladies to greet them before heading up the stairs to get Zachary and Rory's

school bags and uniforms.


Back at Avery's place, the four were heading out of the door, ready to head to the office and meet up

with Xavier.

Cayden's car was parked in a parking lot in the neighborhood. He carried the two kids into the car and

closed the door securely on them before opening the door to the passenger seat for Avery.

Remembering what he said the night before, she looked around and asked, “You parked here? Aren't

you worried someone will notice it?”

She had no wish to get involved in any of his rumors or gossip, knowing that would invite a lot of

trouble for herself.

“I will be more careful in the future.” He casually placed his hand around her waist and discreetly gave

her a playful pinch.

Avery blushed at that intimate gesture and hurriedly got into the car.

Avery requested to alight a distance away from the office building. That was her condition for accepting

the lift from him. He graciously kept his part of the promise and stopped the car a short distance from

their office.

After alighting, she turned around to look at the two disappointed kids, and consoled them, “Be good

and enjoy your day at school, okay?”

Zachary and Rory gloomily nodded their head and replied, “Okay...”

“You are such great kids!” She stepped away from the car and waved to them as the car drove off with

a blissful and warm smile on her face.

Cayden frowned lightly, watching her from the rearview mirror as he drove off.

“Focus on the road, Daddy!” Rory, with one of her eyes masked, reminded him with concern.


It was half past nine in the morning at Trident Group, and everyone was busy at work. Avery took a

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new marker and placed it in her drawer.

Her mind was on the two kids, wondering if they had reached school and if they were adapting well to

school life.

She did not have time to dwell on that as work kept her busy until noon.

She received news that she, together with a few other colleagues, had to make a trip with the top

management to a town Trident Group was about to develop.

To Avery, it was just another assignment in her portfolio, but some of her female colleagues were green

with envy when the department head made that announcement.

Avery actually preferred to stay on in Ackleton as Zachary and Rory were there. She thought it would

be better for her to be in town when Cayden was away, so she could take care of the kids.

She spent the rest of the morning reading up on information about the town they were going to visit.

Soon, it was lunchtime. As Cecelia was not around, Avery decided to join another colleague for lunch

at the staff cafeteria.

After getting their food, she and her colleague chatted happily as they sat down for their lunch.

Just then, a man in a suit walked toward them. He was wearing a pair of gold rim spectacles and

holding a briefcase. “Hello. Are you Ms. Rumpley?” he asked.

Avery nodded and said, “Hi. Yes, I am. And you are...?”

“Do you mind if I join you?” The man looked toward Avery's colleague as he handed Avery his business


The colleague took the cue and hurriedly moved to another table, knowing they had confidential

matters to discuss.

Avery had a shock when she looked at his business card.

He was Weston Leigh, one of the top lawyers in the region!

Weston sat down confidently with an air of graciousness. He did not beat around the bush and went

straight to the point. “Ms. Rumpley, Mr. Moore thinks you should immediately seek a dissolution of your

marriage with your husband.”