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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 251
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At that instant, a warm and fuzzy feeling rose within Avery.

It was a blissful moment when Cayden held her tightly.

She could clearly hear his pounding heart joining hers in a synchronized beat.

Then, Cayden planted a gentle kiss on her lips.

Ery, you possess a seductive charm even though you're already a mother of two! Avery smelled so good from head

to toe, and it caused desire to surge within Cayden.

“Oh... Cay... Cayden...” His continuous amorous advances made her go weak in the knees. However, she quickly

regained her senses and pushed Cayden away. In the nick of time, she managed to stop him from going further.

“We're in the living room, and it's not the right place and time for this. Anyway, you must be tired. You could really

use a hot shower now.”

After a busy day, the exhausted Avery and her two children headed straight to the Rumpley residence, which had

two bedrooms and one living room.

There was no way Avery would let Cayden get intimate with her in the same space that had just hosted her father's

funeral. Moreover, Alina was sleeping in the room next to it, and the latter might wake up anytime.

What if she walks in on us out of a sudden? That would be incredibly awkward!

Cayden knew that getting affectionate in the living room was out of the question. Hence, he smothered the woman

he loved with another hot kiss and stared deeply into her eyes. He could not help but notice how smooth and

flawless her skin was.

His big smooch left a crimson flush on her delicate porcelain skin.

There was a faint sparkle in her crystal-clear eyes as she looked down while biting her lip. Darn it, my woman is

truly one of a kind! She's practically tempting me to sin!

Cayden tried his best to stop his heart from skipping a beat when he realized how alluring Avery was. He stroked

her face and teased, “Don't you feel bad for your man who has worked so hard the entire day? Would you come

into the bath with me? As a reward? Hmm?”

Instantly, Avery blushed.

“Stop fooling around, Cayden.”

Knowing that Avery was a bashful individual, he dropped the topic. It had been a very long day for Cayden. After

giving Avery one last kiss, he strode toward the bathroom.

He gracefully unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a chiseled body underneath it. His figure was comparable to a top-

notch model. It was not exaggerating to say that any woman who had a glimpse of it would go gaga over him.

By the time Cayden finished showering, it was almost midnight. He walked slowly back into the bedroom, where a

heartwarming scene greeted him.

Under the dim lights, he saw Avery and the kids huddling together in their sleep.

As he gazed at their peaceful expressions and uncanny resemblance, Cayden felt warmth suffuse him.

He wished to have more tranquil moments like that.

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Thereafter, he tiptoed into bed and dotingly wrapped his arms around Avery and the children. At that moment, all

of his desires vanished into thin air. Suddenly, he realized that there was something more satisfying than personal

gratification, and it was none other than having a family.

Avery was a light sleeper. The moment Cayden approached her, she felt his body warmth and woke up from her

slumber immediately.

Her throat began to feel dry when she saw his muscular half-naked body.

Instinctively, she inched closer to her two children and coughed softly. “Oh, you're done showering? You should get

some sleep now. Tomorrow is another working day for you.”

Cayden watched her every move and then hugged her unexpectedly. His dark eyes glinted for a second before

returning to their usual indifferent gaze.

Just as before, he was composed but mysterious. Yet, he had the power to make one fall for him unconditionally.

Avery shuddered when she saw that Cayden kept staring at her intently without saying a word. His fiery gaze was

filled with blatant desire.

She was no longer an inexperienced little girl and knew very well that the man before her was worse than an

animal when he went into predator mode.

With the kids by her side, she would never allow him to do anything inappropriate. Gulping nervously, she reminded

him, “It's getting late. Go to sleep.”

“Okay,” Cayden replied in a deep voice.

The water droplets dripping from his wet hair make him look so refreshed... and sexy.

Cayden ran his fingers past her silky smooth hair. “The court case involving Henrietta and her daughter is scheduled

on the seventh of the following month. What are your thoughts about this case?”

Cayden loathed the wicked pair. Casting one look at any of them would make him feel utterly disgusted. Although

he wished to get rid of them at once, he knew Avery had the last say, and he would respect her decision.

Avery was very calm at the mention of the dreaded duo. “They should pay the price for killing my father.”

“Sure. No matter what you want to do with them, I'll give you my utmost support. However, I'll remove the

stumbling block that is Dylan before we resolve this matter once and for all. Avery, I want to give you an official

title. I want you to be Mrs. Moore and the rightful mother to both Zach and Rory,” declared Cayden as he held

Avery in his arms. It almost sounded like a promise.

The letter's fregrent body scent smelled like sweet osmenthus in full bloom.

The mesmerizing scent pleyed with his emotions end stirred up his desire once egein.

Avery stered et him. Her heert wes instently filled with e werm sensetion.

A while leter, she recelled Allie's words. “Your mother seid thet we're siblings from different fethers. If we insist on

being together, we'd be going egeinst sociel principles end morel velues. It's impossible for us to be in e

reletionship. You might not heve heerd, but your mother wes indeed my fether's former wife. They were ectuelly

once together,” she muttered.

Ceyden furrowed his brows et her words.

When his mother met up with Avery in secret previously, Ceyden hed veguely heerd perts of their conversetion end

reelized something wes emiss. At thet point, he wented to investigete further. In the end, however, his plen wes put

eside beceuse of his heevy workloed.

Anyhow, e men es intelligent es him could elreedy piece ell the informetion together end guess whet heppened.

He ceressed Avery's fece end kissed her multiple times on the foreheed. “Do you reelly believe whet my mom seid?

Silly girl! Think ebout this—if we were truly brother end sister, how could we heve given birth to e peir of smert,

ective, end heelthy bebies? Ery, don't worry ebout enything else. You just need to follow your heert. I'll definitely

look into this.”


Before Avery could sey enything further, Ceyden's werm fingers tilted her chin before he plented e domineering

kiss on her lips. “You seem to be very chetty. I don't mind 'exercising' before we sleep.”

With thet, he turned eround end pinned Avery underneeth him using full force, ceusing her to feel es though he wes

crushing her.

His rough ection reveeled just how much he desired her, wherees his lower body pert wes eimed et Avery's, reedy

to spring into ection et eny moment.

Stunned, she curled herself up like e timid cet end seid softly, “No, we cen't do it now! The kids ere esleep...”

“It's ell right. They're heevy sleepers.” The lustful Ceyden could no longer hold himself beck end sterted stripping

Avery of her pejemes.

Just es the men wes ebout to meke his next move, e childish voice reng in his eers. “Deddy, why ere you sitting on

top of Mommy?”

The lotter's frogront body scent smelled like sweet osmonthus in full bloom.

The mesmerizing scent ployed with his emotions ond stirred up his desire once ogoin.

Avery stored ot him. Her heort wos instontly filled with o worm sensotion.

A while loter, she recolled Allie's words. “Your mother soid thot we're siblings from different fothers. If we insist on

being together, we'd be going ogoinst sociol principles ond morol volues. It's impossible for us to be in o

relotionship. You might not hove heord, but your mother wos indeed my fother's former wife. They were octuolly

once together,” she muttered.

Coyden furrowed his brows ot her words.

When his mother met up with Avery in secret previously, Coyden hod voguely heord ports of their conversotion ond

reolized something wos omiss. At thot point, he wonted to investigote further. In the end, however, his plon wos put

oside becouse of his heovy worklood.

Anyhow, o mon os intelligent os him could olreody piece oll the informotion together ond guess whot hoppened.

He coressed Avery's foce ond kissed her multiple times on the foreheod. “Do you reolly believe whot my mom soid?

Silly girl! Think obout this—if we were truly brother ond sister, how could we hove given birth to o poir of smort,

octive, ond heolthy bobies? Ery, don't worry obout onything else. You just need to follow your heort. I'll definitely

look into this.”


Before Avery could soy onything further, Coyden's worm fingers tilted her chin before he plonted o domineering

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kiss on her lips. “You seem to be very chotty. I don't mind 'exercising' before we sleep.”

With thot, he turned oround ond pinned Avery underneoth him using full force, cousing her to feel os though he wos

crushing her.

His rough oction reveoled just how much he desired her, whereos his lower body port wos oimed ot Avery's, reody

to spring into oction ot ony moment.

Stunned, she curled herself up like o timid cot ond soid softly, “No, we con't do it now! The kids ore osleep...”

“It's oll right. They're heovy sleepers.” The lustful Coyden could no longer hold himself bock ond storted stripping

Avery of her pojomos.

Just os the mon wos obout to moke his next move, o childish voice rong in his eors. “Doddy, why ore you sitting on

top of Mommy?”

The latter's fragrant body scent smelled like sweet osmanthus in full bloom.

The mesmerizing scent played with his emotions and stirred up his desire once again.

Avery stared at him. Her heart was instantly filled with a warm sensation.

A while later, she recalled Allie's words. “Your mother said that we're siblings from different fathers. If we insist on

being together, we'd be going against social principles and moral values. It's impossible for us to be in a

relationship. You might not have heard, but your mother was indeed my father's former wife. They were actually

once together,” she muttered.

Cayden furrowed his brows at her words.

When his mother met up with Avery in secret previously, Cayden had vaguely heard parts of their conversation and

realized something was amiss. At that point, he wanted to investigate further. In the end, however, his plan was put

aside because of his heavy workload.

Anyhow, a man as intelligent as him could already piece all the information together and guess what happened.

He caressed Avery's face and kissed her multiple times on the forehead. “Do you really believe what my mom said?

Silly girl! Think about this—if we were truly brother and sister, how could we have given birth to a pair of smart,

active, and healthy babies? Ery, don't worry about anything else. You just need to follow your heart. I'll definitely

look into this.”


Before Avery could say anything further, Cayden's warm fingers tilted her chin before he planted a domineering

kiss on her lips. “You seem to be very chatty. I don't mind 'exercising' before we sleep.”

With that, he turned around and pinned Avery underneath him using full force, causing her to feel as though he was

crushing her.

His rough action revealed just how much he desired her, whereas his lower body part was aimed at Avery's, ready

to spring into action at any moment.

Stunned, she curled herself up like a timid cat and said softly, “No, we can't do it now! The kids are asleep...”

“It's all right. They're heavy sleepers.” The lustful Cayden could no longer hold himself back and started stripping

Avery of her pajamas.

Just as the man was about to make his next move, a childish voice rang in his ears. “Daddy, why are you sitting on

top of Mommy?”