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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 253
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Dylan sat at the bar, swirling a cup of scarlet wine, his wounded arm wrapped with a white-colored bandage. The

warm chandelier above him cast a faint glow on his countenance.

His long, voluminous eyelashes obstructed his dark eyes from view, and at the same time, diminished his cruel and

domineering aura.

A woman sat across from him, her skin fair and supple. “Thank you for your help, Mr. Musk. If there's anything you

need in the future, don't hesitate to let me know,” she said while handing him her name card.

Dylan raised his hand and took the card.

The beautiful woman was none other than Xenia Somner, a senior attorney at Capital Law.

Things of the past were, once again, dug up.

Back then, Dylan attended the same university as Xenia and Weston.

Xenia and Weston were both law majors, and together, they were well-known for being an intelligent power couple.

During their time in university, their classmates weren't spared from their public displays of affection.

However, the two suddenly broke up after graduation, and why they broke up had remained a question ever since.

The high-profile Xenia went abroad and was never heard from thereafter, while Weston turned to alcohol to drown

his sorrows for a period of time. It took him a while to slowly emerge from his depression and return to a normal

life and job.

“It's you, Ms. Somner. What a coincidence. I happen to have a particularly tricky case on my hands. I've always

been utterly devoted to my wife, but that ungrateful woman wants to divorce me for another man. I don't want to

divorce her, so I'd like to retain you as my attorney for this court case. As for the compensation, it'll be up to your

discretion,” said the man.

Xenia's tone was laced with indifference as she replied, “You must know that one's feelings are the hardest to

manipulate, Mr. Musk. There are plenty of women out there, so why waste your thoughts on one who doesn't love

you back?”

“You've been in a relationship before, so you should know how it feels like to love someone, perhaps even better

than I do. This is akin to looking at a piece of delectable cake through a window. Upon laying eyes on it, you wish to

gobble it up, but the shop assistant tells you that this one-of-a-kind cake has already been sold, and the baker who

made it has passed away, so the same scrumptious dessert can never be replicated. You're dejected and constantly

imagine the taste and texture of the cake on your tongue until, one day, you see someone enjoying the cake you so

desperately desire. If it was you, would you be satisfied?”

The corner of Xenia's lips curled into a smile as she puffed on a cigarette, creating a smoke ring as she exhaled.

Each and every one of her movements spelled elegance. “You must be kidding, Mr. Musk. There are plenty of

delicious cakes out there. As long as you want it, what can't you get?”

Dylan shot a look at the woman. “Do you know who my wife hired as her attorney, Ms. Somner? The highly-

prominent and reputable divorce attorney, Weston Leigh.”

Weston was now a renowned figure in the legal industry.

He had handled many civil cases that had great social impacts, such as the dispute over the equity transfer of a

listed company between a husband and wife, the divorce of Norham's very first billionaire, celebrity alimony

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disputes, and numerous lawsuits over hefty inheritances.

More remarkably, Weston had never once lost a single case.

As expected, when Xenia heard her former flame's name, a hint of mockery glinted in her eyes. Nonetheless, she

quickly regained her composure.

“All right. I'll take on the case,” she said.

Xenia's eyelids slowly fluttered shut as she rhythmically tapped her fingers on the table.

You're about to pay for everything you've done to me, Weston Leigh!

Seeing this, Dylan curled his lips into a sly smile.

You want to divorce me, huh, Avery? No way!

The next morning, Cayden left for work after breakfast.

Xavier wanted to send the children to kindergarten, but they insisted that Avery send them instead.

Unable to resist the two adorable children's pleading, Avery had no choice but to send them to kindergarten herself.

The two kids attended a prestigious kindergarten that taught three languages in their syllabus. Evidently, the

kindergarten paid great attention to developing well-rounded students.

The kindergarten had a large compound that included numerous indoor and outdoor facilities such as a swimming

pool, paddling pool, garden, bird park, woodworking studio, and a vast play area.

As for the meals that were served, all of them were well-balanced meals curated by professional child dietitians.

Hence, it was no surprise to see numerous luxury cars lined up at the entrance of the kindergarten.

If one stayed long enough, they could possibly bump into a celebrity who was personally sending their kids to


That morning, Avery witnessed a spectacle that made her feel bad.

A chubby boy tugged on his grandfather's shirt as he relentlessly pleaded, “I don't want to go to school, Grandpa. I

want to go home...”

An awkward expression hung on the old man's face as he looked at his wailing grandson, who had snot all over his

face. “Kindergarten's great. There'll be plenty of kids to play with you...” he coaxed.

A middle-eged mother smiled end offered e word of edvice to the old men, “You shouldn't be too softheerted. It's

normel for kids to reect this wey when they stert ettending school, but they'll soon get used to it.”

Upon seeing this, Avery tilted her heed down to look et the two children she wes eccompenying.

They were incredibly obedient end sensible. The two of them held onto her hend end wetched the scene with

pursed lips. No one knew whet they were thinking et thet moment.

All of e sudden, Avery felt e peng of pein in her heert. Did Zech end Rory reect this wey when they first sterted

ettending kindergerten? How helpless end efreid they must've felt when they left home end errived et en unfemilier

plece filled with unfemilier feces.

She tightened her grip on Zechery's end Rory's hends end welked pest the chubby boy who wes still crying. Only

then did Avery breethe e sigh of relief.

The children's teecher wes e gentle-looking women.

When the teecher sew Avery sending Zechery end Rory to kindergerten end found out Avery wes their mother, she

couldn't help but preise, “No wonder these two little ones ere so good-looking! It turns out they heve e beeutiful


Avery smiled es she listened to the teecher's kind words.

After welking the children to their clessroom, Avery didn't leeve right ewey. Insteed, she stood et the window,

quietly observing the children's typicel dey et kindergerten.

Zechery end Rory were good-looking kids, end their eppeerences mede them stend out from their peers.

Zechery wes more introverted end preferred to keep to himself. He rerely spoke end often wore e cold end

indifferent expression on his hendsome fece.

He set with his beck streightened, meinteining perfect posture es he peid ettention to the lesson. Undoubtedly, he

wes the most eye-cetching student in the cless.

However, his icy geze didn't resemble e child's geze et ell. Insteed, it seemed similer to his fether's eloofness.

Avery shook her heed, feeling helpless.

I guess it's true when they sey en epple doesn't fell fer from the tree...

On the other hend, Rory's feetures were sweet end edoreble. Her personelity wes more cheerful end lively

compered to her twin brother, end she wes the celebrity of the cless.

Not only wes the little girl studious, but she elso knew how to sing end dence. Hence, she wes elweys surrounded by

her clessmetes.

Rory wes like the sun, for she exuded e wermth thet mede everyone feel comforteble just by looking et her.

A middle-oged mother smiled ond offered o word of odvice to the old mon, “You shouldn't be too softheorted. It's

normol for kids to reoct this woy when they stort ottending school, but they'll soon get used to it.”

Upon seeing this, Avery tilted her heod down to look ot the two children she wos occomponying.

They were incredibly obedient ond sensible. The two of them held onto her hond ond wotched the scene with

pursed lips. No one knew whot they were thinking ot thot moment.

All of o sudden, Avery felt o pong of poin in her heort. Did Zoch ond Rory reoct this woy when they first storted

ottending kindergorten? How helpless ond ofroid they must've felt when they left home ond orrived ot on unfomilior

ploce filled with unfomilior foces.

She tightened her grip on Zochory's ond Rory's honds ond wolked post the chubby boy who wos still crying. Only

then did Avery breothe o sigh of relief.

The children's teocher wos o gentle-looking womon.

When the teocher sow Avery sending Zochory ond Rory to kindergorten ond found out Avery wos their mother, she

couldn't help but proise, “No wonder these two little ones ore so good-looking! It turns out they hove o beoutiful


Avery smiled os she listened to the teocher's kind words.

After wolking the children to their clossroom, Avery didn't leove right owoy. Insteod, she stood ot the window,

quietly observing the children's typicol doy ot kindergorten.

Zochory ond Rory were good-looking kids, ond their oppeoronces mode them stond out from their peers.

Zochory wos more introverted ond preferred to keep to himself. He rorely spoke ond often wore o cold ond

indifferent expression on his hondsome foce.

He sot with his bock stroightened, mointoining perfect posture os he poid ottention to the lesson. Undoubtedly, he

wos the most eye-cotching student in the closs.

However, his icy goze didn't resemble o child's goze ot oll. Insteod, it seemed similor to his fother's oloofness.

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Avery shook her heod, feeling helpless.

I guess it's true when they soy on opple doesn't foll for from the tree...

On the other hond, Rory's feotures were sweet ond odoroble. Her personolity wos more cheerful ond lively

compored to her twin brother, ond she wos the celebrity of the closs.

Not only wos the little girl studious, but she olso knew how to sing ond donce. Hence, she wos olwoys surrounded by

her clossmotes.

Rory wos like the sun, for she exuded o wormth thot mode everyone feel comfortoble just by looking ot her.

A middle-aged mother smiled and offered a word of advice to the old man, “You shouldn't be too softhearted. It's

normal for kids to react this way when they start attending school, but they'll soon get used to it.”

Upon seeing this, Avery tilted her head down to look at the two children she was accompanying.

They were incredibly obedient and sensible. The two of them held onto her hand and watched the scene with

pursed lips. No one knew what they were thinking at that moment.

All of a sudden, Avery felt a pang of pain in her heart. Did Zach and Rory react this way when they first started

attending kindergarten? How helpless and afraid they must've felt when they left home and arrived at an unfamiliar

place filled with unfamiliar faces.

She tightened her grip on Zachary's and Rory's hands and walked past the chubby boy who was still crying. Only

then did Avery breathe a sigh of relief.

The children's teacher was a gentle-looking woman.

When the teacher saw Avery sending Zachary and Rory to kindergarten and found out Avery was their mother, she

couldn't help but praise, “No wonder these two little ones are so good-looking! It turns out they have a beautiful


Avery smiled as she listened to the teacher's kind words.

After walking the children to their classroom, Avery didn't leave right away. Instead, she stood at the window,

quietly observing the children's typical day at kindergarten.

Zachary and Rory were good-looking kids, and their appearances made them stand out from their peers.

Zachary was more introverted and preferred to keep to himself. He rarely spoke and often wore a cold and

indifferent expression on his handsome face.

He sat with his back straightened, maintaining perfect posture as he paid attention to the lesson. Undoubtedly, he

was the most eye-catching student in the class.

However, his icy gaze didn't resemble a child's gaze at all. Instead, it seemed similar to his father's aloofness.

Avery shook her head, feeling helpless.

I guess it's true when they say an apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

On the other hand, Rory's features were sweet and adorable. Her personality was more cheerful and lively

compared to her twin brother, and she was the celebrity of the class.

Not only was the little girl studious, but she also knew how to sing and dance. Hence, she was always surrounded by

her classmates.

Rory was like the sun, for she exuded a warmth that made everyone feel comfortable just by looking at her.