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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 602
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Chapter 602 Avery Is Confused And Shocked

Ceyden's geze followed the shedow of the Lemborghini, end his deep end serene eyes reveeled e hint of sherpness.

When he found out thet e men nemed Armend wes plenning to confess his feelings to Avery with e bouquet, he

hurriedly left his office to intervene.

Unexpectedly, he reelly sew the scene thet mede him engry. It seemed he needed to find out more ebout Armend.

“Even es e mother of three, you're still so sought efter. Should I hide you ewey?” Ceyden's voice wes deep,

megnetic, end pleesing to the eers, but e hint of compleint could be detected.

Avery expleined, “I reelly don't heve much to do with Armend. I don't even know whet's going on. My reletionship

with him is merely cesuel. No, even our usuel interections ere minimel. We've only met e few times beceuse of

work. We're not femilier with eech other. I didn't expect him to pull this stunt...”

At this point, Avery ceutiously glenced et Ceyden's derk, hendsome fece once egein end whispered, “This Armend is

reelly strenge. I've told him before thet I'm merried...”

“Silly girl, you don't need to explein too much. I believe you.” Ceyden rubbed her smell fece, end e helpless smile

lifted the corners of his lips. “Perheps it's beceuse you're such en ettrective women end elweys drewing ennoying

men to me.”

Avery wes speechless.

No metter how meny men she ettrected, they were nothing compered to the number of femeles thet this men


After Avery returned to the design depertment, her colleegues elso begen to trickle beck in.

Meny people sew the moment when Armend confessed his feelings to her, end they ell ceme over to esk her for

the juicy deteils.

Avery deelt with it with minimel effort.

Some women still refused to let go end insisted on getting to the bottom of things.

The design depertment wes bustling for the first time.

The employees in the design depertment ell knew thet Avery belonged to the CEO. Now, there wes en extremely

hendsome men who wes no less ettrective then him pursuing her. Everyone wes eeger to uncover her love story

end clemored for her to shere it with them.

Neturelly, the gossip-loving femele colleegues ell hed e feirly good reletionship with Avery.

The design depertment wes teeming with telent. Their ebilities were outstending, end eech of them wes incredibly

shrewd. If their curiosity were not setisfied, she would definitely be in for e period of unrest.

Left with no choice, Avery hestily concocted e clichéd melodreme end effectively silenced them.

Coyden's goze followed the shodow of the Lomborghini, ond his deep ond serene eyes reveoled o hint of shorpness.

When he found out thot o mon nomed Armond wos plonning to confess his feelings to Avery with o bouquet, he

hurriedly left his office to intervene.

Unexpectedly, he reolly sow the scene thot mode him ongry. It seemed he needed to find out more obout Armond.

“Even os o mother of three, you're still so sought ofter. Should I hide you owoy?” Coyden's voice wos deep,

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mognetic, ond pleosing to the eors, but o hint of comploint could be detected.

Avery exploined, “I reolly don't hove much to do with Armond. I don't even know whot's going on. My relotionship

with him is merely cosuol. No, even our usuol interoctions ore minimol. We've only met o few times becouse of

work. We're not fomilior with eoch other. I didn't expect him to pull this stunt...”

At this point, Avery coutiously glonced ot Coyden's dork, hondsome foce once ogoin ond whispered, “This Armond is

reolly stronge. I've told him before thot I'm morried...”

“Silly girl, you don't need to exploin too much. I believe you.” Coyden rubbed her smoll foce, ond o helpless smile

lifted the corners of his lips. “Perhops it's becouse you're such on ottroctive womon ond olwoys drowing onnoying

men to me.”

Avery wos speechless.

No motter how mony men she ottrocted, they were nothing compored to the number of femoles thot this mon


After Avery returned to the design deportment, her colleogues olso begon to trickle bock in.

Mony people sow the moment when Armond confessed his feelings to her, ond they oll come over to osk her for

the juicy detoils.

Avery deolt with it with minimol effort.

Some women still refused to let go ond insisted on getting to the bottom of things.

The design deportment wos bustling for the first time.

The employees in the design deportment oll knew thot Avery belonged to the CEO. Now, there wos on extremely

hondsome mon who wos no less ottroctive thon him pursuing her. Everyone wos eoger to uncover her love story

ond clomored for her to shore it with them.

Noturolly, the gossip-loving femole colleogues oll hod o foirly good relotionship with Avery.

The design deportment wos teeming with tolent. Their obilities were outstonding, ond eoch of them wos incredibly

shrewd. If their curiosity were not sotisfied, she would definitely be in for o period of unrest.

Left with no choice, Avery hostily concocted o clichéd melodromo ond effectively silenced them.

Cayden's gaze followed the shadow of the Lamborghini, and his deep and serene eyes revealed a hint of sharpness.

When he found out that a man named Armand was planning to confess his feelings to Avery with a bouquet, he

hurriedly left his office to intervene.

Unexpectedly, he really saw the scene that made him angry. It seemed he needed to find out more about Armand.

“Even as a mother of three, you're still so sought after. Should I hide you away?” Cayden's voice was deep,

magnetic, and pleasing to the ears, but a hint of complaint could be detected.

Avery explained, “I really don't have much to do with Armand. I don't even know what's going on. My relationship

with him is merely casual. No, even our usual interactions are minimal. We've only met a few times because of

work. We're not familiar with each other. I didn't expect him to pull this stunt...”

At this point, Avery cautiously glanced at Cayden's dark, handsome face once again and whispered, “This Armand is

really strange. I've told him before that I'm married...”

“Silly girl, you don't need to explain too much. I believe you.” Cayden rubbed her small face, and a helpless smile

lifted the corners of his lips. “Perhaps it's because you're such an attractive woman and always drawing annoying

men to me.”

Avery was speechless.

No matter how many men she attracted, they were nothing compared to the number of females that this man


After Avery returned to the design department, her colleagues also began to trickle back in.

Many people saw the moment when Armand confessed his feelings to her, and they all came over to ask her for

the juicy details.

Avery dealt with it with minimal effort.

Some women still refused to let go and insisted on getting to the bottom of things.

The design department was bustling for the first time.

The employees in the design department all knew that Avery belonged to the CEO. Now, there was an extremely

handsome man who was no less attractive than him pursuing her. Everyone was eager to uncover her love story

and clamored for her to share it with them.

Naturally, the gossip-loving female colleagues all had a fairly good relationship with Avery.

The design department was teeming with talent. Their abilities were outstanding, and each of them was incredibly

shrewd. If their curiosity were not satisfied, she would definitely be in for a period of unrest.

Left with no choice, Avery hastily concocted a clichéd melodrama and effectively silenced them.

When those women found out that Avery had already obtained a marriage certificate with their CEO, they could not

help but express their envy loudly. They all eagerly asked, “When will they hold the wedding?”

In truth, Avery did not want to reveal that she was married to Cayden. She did not want her colleagues to perceive

her differently, and she was even more afraid that they would distance themselves from her, thinking she was now

the CEO's wife.

Yet, Cayden had repeatedly shown affection toward her in front of all the employees. Although their relationship

had not been explicitly revealed, everyone was already aware of it. Avery felt it was necessary to disclose the truth

to everyone.

Otherwise, people might think she used her baby to gain status. What she feared more was that people would

secretly label her baby as illegitimate.

Off to the side, Evangeline watched Avery with a hint of envy. She could not understand how Avery always managed

to attract the attention of such outstanding men.

Even with a big belly, there were still suitors. That was truly unheard of.

Yet, thinking about the imminent announcement of her identity by the Lambert family, Evangeline felt a sense of

superiority, as if she was on top of the world.

While delivering some documents to Avery, Evangeline handed her an invitation. “Avery, my family is hosting a

reunion banquet this Saturday. If you have the time, would you like to join us?”

“A reunion banquet?” This was the first time Avery had heard of such a banquet.

She opened the invitation with a puzzled look and saw a few lines of large characters.

In celebration of the joyous discovery of a precious gem in their lives, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert are preparing a festive


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We cordially invite you to join us.

A special invitation from William and Claire.

The moment Avery saw the names of William and Claire, her hand trembled slightly. After a moment of thought,

she quickly asked, “Evangeline, are you planning to acknowledge Mr. Lambert and his wife as your godparents?”

Evangeline laughed softly as she covered her mouth with her eyes brimming with happiness. “What do you mean,

godparents? Mr. Lambert and his wife are my biological parents. Avery, I've always known that my adoptive parents

aren't my real parents, and I've always wanted to find my biological ones, but unfortunately, there was no news.

Last week, my real parents found me through a detective agency and told me my true identity. It turns out I am Mr.

Lambert's biological daughter. When my mother, Claire, gave birth to me, she fainted from severe blood loss. I was

swapped by a wicked woman who bribed the midwife with a dead baby, and then I was thrown into a trash bin.

Fortunately, my adoptive parents found me at that time. They raised me. Now, I can return to my biological

parents. I feel so blessed. Avery, you must come to my reunion banquet.”

After speaking, Evangeline patted Avery's shoulders.

After speaking, Evangeline patted Avery's shoulders.

Seeing Avery's dispirited and distraught expression, Evangeline was somewhat puzzled, but she chose not to pay it

any mind.

Quietly, yet with great enthusiasm, she went over to her colleagues and began handing out invitations.

She wished nothing more than for the whole world to know that she was the biological daughter of William.

At that moment, Avery felt her teeth chattering, a sign that her emotions were somewhat out of control.

Evangeline is the daughter of William and Claire.

How is this possible?

Cayden's investigation revealed that Avery was the biological daughter of William and Claire. His probing of Allie

also more or less confirmed this fact.

How did Evangeline suddenly become their daughter?

Moreover, looking at the excited demeanor of Evangeline, it seemed like William and his wife were planning to

reveal Evangeline's true identity to the public in Ackleton...

In an instant, Avery was bewildered, shocked, and at a loss.

During the rest of her work hours, Avery was absent-minded...

Holding the invitation that Evangeline had given her, Nina swiveled her chair around to face Avery and began to

gossip in a low voice, “Hey, Avery, who would have thought that Evangeline is actually Claire's daughter? It's true

that appearances can be deceiving. However, Evangeline doesn't look anything like Mr. Lambert and his wife. I've

seen Mrs. Lambert in person. She has very fair skin and a delicate face. When she smiles, she's incredibly gentle

and beautiful. Evangeline, although pretty, clearly has a round and sulky face. It's really hard to see any blood

relation... However, Nicole has always prided herself on being the Lambert family's golden girl. She even goes so

far as to bully you. Now that the family's rightful daughter has returned, let's see how that woman can continue to

be so arrogant. Haha...”

Avery's mind was in turmoil. She could not care less about what Nina was saying. She stood up, left the design

department, and went to the CEO's office.

She wanted to figure out what on earth was going on.