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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 656
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Chapter 656 My Husband Still Chose Me

This bidding proposal is written by Wisteria...

Naturally, Avery was well-acquainted with Wisteria, this so-called rival who wasn't really a rival. The latter was a

cunning woman and had a knack for circling around Cayden.

In fact, Wisteria once went so far as to throw her underwear in Cayden's car, leading to a misunderstanding

between Avery and him.

Even though Avery had an unfavorable impression of Wisteria, she couldn't deny the latter's formidable work

abilities, making her an indispensable right-hand woman to Cayden.

Despite her reservations about Wisteria and not wanting the woman to have too much interaction with her

husband, even if it was purely work-related, Avery chose to silently endure it all for the sake of Cayden.

Thankfully, whatever Cayden said seemed to have an effect on Wisteria, and she became more well-behaved

recently, causing fewer problems.

As Avery carefully went through Wisteria's bid proposal, her eyebrows began to furrow slightly.

She called Tina through the internal line and said, “Tina, could you please ask Ms. Summers to come to the CEO's


“Just a moment,” Tina complied and headed to Wisteria's office to relay the message that the acting CEO would like

to see her.

Meanwhile, Wisteria was on the verge of a breakdown.

Ever since she heard the news of Cayden's mishap, she had been left completely bewildered.

These past few days, she had been constantly shedding tears, unable to believe the fact that Cayden had passed


Overwhelmed with despair, she felt like she was trapped in a painful abyss from which she could not extricate


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Being someone who always took great care of her appearance, she no longer had the heart to dress up due to

Cayden's absence.

Once a radiant woman, her eyes were sunken now, and her hair disheveled, as if she had aged ten years in an


Soon, she followed the secretary into the CEO's office.

Upon seeing Avery sitting in the seat that belonged to Cayden, examining the bid proposal, a flash of resentment,

jealousy, and mostly contempt flickered in Wisteria's eyes.

“Mrs. Moore, Ms. Summers has arrived. If you don't need anything else, I'll get back to my work now,” Tina

informed before ushering Wisteria into the CEO's office. After greeting Avery, Tina headed back to her own office.

“Mrs. Moore, what can I do for you?” Even though Wisteria hid her emotions well, the deep-seated resentment she

held toward Avery, coupled with the fact that there were only the two of them in the CEO's office allowed her to

speak without much restraint.

Naturally, Avery knew Wisteria's true feelings well.

Nonetheless, she just found the whole scenario amusing.

After all, Wisteria was just Cayden's work partner, and despite her feelings for him, he had always treated her with

indifference. Avery, on the other hand, knew that she was the one who held the title of Cayden's wife.

This woman not only covets my husband but also has the audacity to show such a resentful expression toward me,

Cayden's legal wife?

Nevertheless, Avery figured it was not the time to dwell on such matters.

She spread the bidding documents in front of Wisteria and asked, “Ms. Summers, did you write this bidding


Wisteria responded coldly, “Mrs. Moore, didn't you notice the signature at the end of the bidding proposal? Or

perhaps your vision has deteriorated at such a young age?”

She couldn't help but look down on the woman before her. In her eyes, Avery was like a weak and fragile flower

that could only thrive when clinging to a man's support. Without a man's protection, even the slightest storm would

likely cause Avery to wither away.

How could a woman like her possibly stand shoulder-to-shoulder with such an outstanding man like Cayden Moore?

Yet, it's this very woman, with her innocent face, gentle personality, and seductive tactics, who managed to win his

affection. Not only did she bear his child, but even in his will, she seemed to be at the forefront of his thoughts. One

can only imagine how deeply he must have loved her to provide her with such generous material security even

after his departure.

The thought of that made Wisteria absolutely livid.

Fixing her gaze on Wisteria's arrogant expression, Avery scoffed lightly and responded to the woman's provocation,

saying, “Whether my vision is good or not seems to have nothing to do with you, Ms. Summers. Nevertheless, even

if my eyesight were flawed, my husband still chose me. Meanwhile, you, who are blessed with such good eyesight,

are still infatuated with him. Oh well, even though my eyes may not be as sharp as yours, I'm satisfied with my

current status. You see, it's important for people to know how to be content.”

Avery's sharp retort stung Wisteria, making the latter clench her teeth in frustration. However, constrained by her

current position, she had to suppress her emotions and replied, “Mrs. Moore, you didn't call me here today just to

humiliate me, did you? Because if that's the case, I'm afraid I can't oblige!”

“Ms. Summers, your bidding proposal is indeed well-crafted, but there's one issue that confuses me,” Avery stated.

She flipped open the bidding document and continued, “Chimera Lake has plenty of land, but you specifically chose

this area. Even though the subway was recently extended here, it mainly houses long-time residents who may be

difficult to relocate. Furthermore, the land prices remain inflated due to its proximity to a vocational college. Why

did you decide to bid for this particular piece of land?”

Wisteria couldn't help but sneer in her heart at Avery, believing that the woman might be competent in taking care

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of children at home, but when it came to business, she was clearly naive and inexperienced.

Even so, she maintained a superior demeanor as she explained, “Chimera Lake is going through a period of rapid

development, and the property prices there have skyrocketed from two to three thousand just three years ago to

over ten thousand now, showcasing the immense value of this area. While there might be more locals residing on

this land, offering them fair compensation during the demolition process will easily resolve any issues. Besides, the

surrounding schools, transportation, commercial hubs, and scenic views are all outstanding. These are precisely the

aspects that buyers consider essential. Securing this piece of land will undoubtedly provide a significant boost to

Trident Group's development.”

Avery pointed at the bright red mark on the bidding proposal and paused before speaking, “But our main

competitor here is Xenos Group, and you've specifically noted that Xenos Group has a strong background and is

fond of using tactics like restricted bidding, tied bids, and aggressive bidding to secure projects. Ms. Summers, do

you really think we have a good chance of winning this land?”

With a tone filled with impatience and disdain, Wisteria retorted, “I'm only in charge of planning this bidding

proposal, but it's up to you to use your abilities to secure this land, Mrs. Moore. In the past, Mr. Moore used to

handle all these matters, and with his determination, even the most challenging projects could be won.”

As she met Wisteria's contemptuous gaze, Avery could sense the doubt and lack of confidence the latter had in her

abilities, and she realized that her words wouldn't carry much weight.

I'm sure if Cayden was the one here, Wisteria's attitude would be completely different.

Closing the bidding proposal, Avery calmly looked at Wisteria. “Ms. Summers, you don't need to worry. I'll do my

best to secure the land in Chimera Lake. You can leave for now. Your proposal still needs some improvement, so

please go and work on it.”

Just then, one of the four secretaries, Susanna, was about to deliver some documents to Avery's office.

As she pushed the door open and stepped inside, she happened to overhear the conversation between Avery and


With a dismissive sneer, she placed the documents on the desk and quietly exited the room.