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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 138
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The Council Chapter 45 Jara


Later, after dinner, we sit and watch a movie. This time, her pack members don’t stay quite so far away,

offering to bring us popcorn or refill our drinks. I’m happy to see that Layan doesn’t flinch or cower when

they get closer to her. They are all trying to be very careful around her and it seems to be working.

Elijah and Lewis shift out before we’re done watching the movie, and my night guards come to stand

watch over me.

While Layan still sits in between us, she doesn’t fall asleep against me. When the movie ends, she turns

to me.

“Would it be okay if I slept with you again? I’m sleeping better, but my best sleep is when you’re here.”

“Absolutely.” I say.

“Am I invited too?” Hana asks.

“Of course.” Layan says, laughing. It’s good to hear her laughing again.

We get ready and crawl into bed. Layan asks us about our pregnancies, and we tell her all the things that

we like and don’t like about it.

“Did you hear that Mignon felt her little one move?” Hana


“Already?” I ask.


“Yes, I can’t wait for that. That will be so exciting.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

We talk until we all drift off to sleep.

Elijah POV

I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep when I’m awakened by a loud booming sound. My room and bed

begin to shake violently and suddenly there is smoke pouring into the room. I jump out of bed, just

remembering to grab my phone, before I race out of the room.

I don’t know if this is an attack from Gunnar, Typhon or someone else, but no one is hurting my Luna on

my watch. Not only that, but I also know she’s with Layan. I won’t let that sweet girl get hurt. Not if I can

help it.

I can hear the guards that were on duty pushing into Jara’s room. They are coughing as they exit the

room, Jara asking what happened.

They’ve just gotten out of the bedroom when there’s another explosion. The roof starts to collapse

around us. I rush to Jara, grabbing Layan in the process and pushing the two of them against the wall,

using my body as a shield to keep the roof from collapsing on top of them.

As I’m standing there, pressed against them, I have a moment to remember that I’m buck naked, and I

worry that I might trigger Layan. It can’t be helped. Protecting Jara and Layan is more important than

putting clothes on.

I look at Jara, doing a quick inventory to make sure she’s not injured. “We have to move.” I say.

She nods and I push both of them in front of me, turning to

make sure that Hana’s guards have her safe. When we get to

the stairs, I see that they have collapsed. The floor below us is chaos. Alpha Davis is barking orders at

his men, trying to put the fire out and trying to figure out who is attacking us, because that’s what this is,

an attack.

“Alpha Davis!” I call, getting his attention. He looks up, realizing we’re trapped up here.

“Get a ladder!” He yells, coming over to look at us.

“Is everyone okay?” He asks.

“So far, but I want to get them out of the house. The roof is already caving in up here.” I say, just as

someone brings a ladder.

“Lewis, you go first, stand at the bottom and make sure you catch them if they fall.” I say.

He does and then I turn to Jara. “You’re up next, Luna.” I tell her and help her get on the ladder.

Just as she starts to climb down, the house rumbles again, the floor we’re on, shifting around, part of it

collapsing and shaking the ladder loose. Lewis moves and catches Jara before she crashes to the floor. I

reach out, pulling Layan against me, holding on to her as I watch Lewis set Jara on her feet. I can feel

Layan’s body shaking in her fear and hear the soft whimpers that are coming from her.

“I’ve got you. I won’t let anything happen to you.” I look down into her terrified hazel eyes.

“Trust me?”

My heart soars when she nods her head yes.

“I’ll get you out of here safely, that’s a promise.”

They put the ladder back up and Hana’s guard gets into position at the bottom of the ladder. She gets

down without an incident, but I can hear things crashing and falling behind


“Okay, you’re turn, Layan.” I say, taking her by the shoulders and guiding her to the ladder.

“I can’t. I can’t.” Her body is trembling so badly I’m not sure she could get down by herself.

“Okay, get on my back.” I tell her, turning and squatting down in front of her.

“What?” She asks, staring at me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I look at her over my shoulder. “Get on my back, I’ll carry you down. But you have to hurry Layan, this

floor is about to collapse.”

She looks down, before looking behind us at the fire that is intensifying and then looks at me.

“Okay.” She says and climbs onto my back.

“Wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist.” She does and I tap her leg. “Hold on


I put my phone between my teeth and swing us around the ladder. We’re almost to the bottom when the

floor above us gives way. Lewis and the other guards catch us, and we quickly move out of the


When we get outside, the house is a blazing inferno. They

have hoses and are trying to put out the fire, but the house is engulfed.

I call Mason, and I know he’s on his way when I hear the phone hit the ground.

After letting Alpha Jonas know what has happened, I hang up. Layan is still on my back.

“Did you want to get down, Layan?”

She shakes her head no. “Okay, I’m going to go find your parents and see if anyone needs help, but you

can stay with me if you feel safer.”

“Thank you.” Her sweet, angelic voice says.

I turn to the other guards. “Stay with Jara, don’t let her out of your sight.”

“Yes, Beta.”

I carry Layan while I check to see what can be done, but it’s too late.

Alpha Davis and his pack can do nothing but stand by helplessly and watch their home burn to the
