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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 297
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Chapter 297

Edward frowned and hurriedly turned the steering wheel while explaining to Erin, "We're about to

collide with the other party’s car. It can't be avoided, but I can assure you that we won't get hurt."

Based on the few car chases he had experienced, he could tell that the other party's driver did not want

to harm them. Still, what happened next shocked him; Erin shook her head, saying,

"No. What I'm most worried about now is Mr. Reid's safety. I don't care about anything or anyone. Not

even getting into a car crash will faze me as long as I can get to Mr. Reid at once."

Fortunately, things turned out as Edward had expected; no one got hurt, nor did either side's cars suffer

any damage.

Edward remained in his seat, massaging his temples. A raging headache pounded at his temples as he

saw the many sports cars fleeing in the other direction. Not only that, but the drivers were all teenagers

with brightly dyed hair, which meant they were all from wealthy families and seemed rebellious.

That would make dealing with the scene difficult for Edward.

He turned to cast a calm look at Erin and explained, "Don't get off the car. If at any point you feel your

life is at risk, or if I said it was, please run far away from here at once. Don't hesitate."

"N-No!" Erin’s cheeks instantly lost their color as she shook her head. Her gaze hardened with

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determination at Edward." I can't do that! We escaped together, so we should return to Remnard Estate


Edward froze on the spot. He ran a hand through his hair, continually tousling it as though he were

trying to dig for a solution.

The other party that crashed into them was a guy with blond hair. He got out of his car and did the

same thing as Edward; he scratched his head. Eventually, his arm stiffened and dropped to his side as

his nose scrunched up with contempt.

"I bet you two are pretending to be pitiful! If you keep your pathetic act up, my patience will soon run

thin, and I'll make your life a living hell!"

"I don't think I heard you right. Perhaps you should repeat yourself." Edward's brows formed a deep V

shape while he shifted his attention from Erin to the blond, taking in the latter from top to bottom.

As he said that, he intentionally placed a hand on his hip, revealing the gun in his holster. He could tell

the blond was a regular civilian as they never appeared in their research files on Almiron City. It also

meant they were unrelated to the Gillette family.

The blond then noticed the position of Edward's hands and felt uneasy. That was because the blond

himself was well- acquainted with that action. However, he had not legally obtained a gun ownership

license yet, so he could not reveal his gun to Edward.

Gulping, he took small steps backward. When he was pondering whether to flee, his companions from

the fleet of cars earlier returned. The blond rooted to the ground, lips pursing with a tinge of conflict.

He weighed out the options in his mind, thinking, "I could leave. But if I do, everyone who drove here

with me will never see me as their leader again. I'll be miserable if that happens."

While deep in a quandary, his companions had already arrived by his side. One of them looked at

Edward’s hands and narrowed their eyes before reaching behind them in a flash.

A gunshot tore through the air in the second. It caused Edward's eyes to narrow as he mused, "These

guys look young, so they shouldn't be allowed to own guns. That means they've raced illegally on a

public road and likely stole guns from their family members! This entire thing sounds ludicrous! But

there's no denying it happened because one of those brats is pointing a gun at me!"

Following that, the group hopped out of their cars, their eyes lighting up with anticipation. Apart from

the blond earlier, the other guys surrounded the one holding the firearm. "No way, Maurice! I can't

believe you have a gun!"

The blond stood aside with both hands behind his back. His gaze remained downcast, so no one could

discern how he felt at that moment.

Edward noticed the former's withdrawn behavior but was not interested in inspecting the matter.

Instead, he spoke calmly to the group.

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"You’re all underage-you guys shouldn't have guns! I've recorded everything on my phone. I'll consider

deleting the footage if you leave this place now. If your refuse, I'll just hand it over to the authorities. I'm

sure they can track you wherever you try to run to."

Everyone's faces grew stormy just then. Only Maurice flashed a sneer at him, snarkily replying,

"Indeed. What you said is true, and I can't refute your words."

A frown marred Edward's face. Although the former agreed with his words, he knew there would be a

catch. As expected, laughter broke out the next moment as Maurice flashed him a menacing smirk.

"So what if it's true? Haven't you considered that maybe you won't be able to show anyone this video?"

Never in a million years did Edward think a child could threaten others as though the latter had done so

many times. Edward's eyes narrowed, thinking Maurice should get taken under West Atlantics Infl’s


While he thought about that, a loud bang sounded ahead, and his body instinctively knelt before he

could see what was happening.

A bullet soon landed some distance behind him. He could even feel the vibration as it crashed into the

ground. Such brushes with death often happened in Edward's life, so he calmly got off the ground,

flashing an unbothered look.

The difference between today's and his previous near-death experiences was it happened on the main

road, and his opponent was a child.

Then again, he shook away that belief, realizing there was not much disparity at all; because any kid

like Maurice could also appear on the battlefield."