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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1238
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So, what exactly happened two months after Justin and Bella becintimate? "Mr. Salvador!" lan ran over, panting heavily in the pouring rain, looking worried. "Old Master Nigel couldn't reach you, so he asked Mr. Upton to contact me. He knows about what happened at the banquet. Please head to Crescent Bay to see him immediately!" At the banquet hosted by the Reeds, Zoe publicly revealed Bella's infertility, causing a significant uproar that evening.

Due to the elevated level of security, no media was present at the event. Moreover, given the influence of the Thompsons and the Hoffmans, even if someone dared to record the event, they would not dare leak it to the press or post it online without permission.

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If either family discovered the breach of privacy, serious repercussions would ensue. After all, the guests present were all influential figures, making it extremely easy to investigate.

However, no secret would remain hidden indefinitely. News traveled fast, even behind closed doors.

Nigel, who was seated at home, heard about the news.

He was fully aware of the events at the banquet and was so enraged that he almost suffered a heart attack.

Mr. Upton was so terrified that he immediately called Nigel's doctor to the residence, ready for medical assistance at any time.

"Anna! My dear Anna!" Upon learning that Bella was once pregnant with the Salvadors' heir, Nigel was shocked and devastated, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably. "You foolish child! How could you treat pregnancy, such a significant matter, with such recklessness? Losing the child is one thing, but how are you going to bear the responsibility for her poor health?! Why does my dear Anna have to endure such suffering?" Matt gently patted Nigel's vigorously trembling back, feeling as if a fire was tormenting his heart.

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The image of Bella bleeding and pleading with him to keep it a secret from years ago remained clear in his mind, and reflecting on it now was still as heartbreaking as ever.

After careful consideration, Matt was about to speak when Gregory interrupted. "Father, given your already fragile health, you must not let your emotions get the better of you." "How can I not be emotional?! The child Anna carried was Justin's, the future of the Salvador family. How can I not feel heartache and guilt over the sudden loss of my great-grandchild?" Nigel lamented deeply, and at that moment, Justin, looking disheartened, entered the room with heavy steps.

"Grandpa..." "Justin, where's Anna? Did Wyatt take her back home?" Nigel asked urgently.

Justin nodded heavily, his throat constricted with emotion, rendering him unable to speak.

"How could you be so careless and clueless?!" Nigel slammed the coffee table in frustration. He almost wished he could go up and slap his slap his et incompetent grandson: "Anna is your partner, your companion! How could you not even know that she was pregnant? Have you lost your mind?" "Father, please stop blaming it on Justin. It's all in the past now, and there's no point in bringing it up anymore." Justin felt a sharp stab piercing through his heart, igniting flames of anger in his darkened eyes. The muscles beneath his damp suit tensed like steel, and his veins throbbed audibly! As his pale lips parted to speak, Nigel exploded in fury, seizing a teacup from the table and hurling it at Gregory! "Ugh-!" Gregory felt a sharp pain in his forehead, and his vision momentarily blurred as he stumbled backward.

The teacup struck him right on the forehead, instantly swelling into a large bruise with blood mingling with the redness! "Father...Y-You!" "I'll damn well hit you, you heartless and cruel bastard! You couldn't care less about the child, and now you want to pin it all on a defenseless woman? Are you even a man?!"