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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 2029
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The hallway plunged into an icy silence. It was as if they were standing in the cold morgue.

Instead of being moved by Christopher's shameless and brazen confession, Bella found it utterly repulsive.

Filled with coldness and disgust, her gaze bore into him as if she were looking at a terrifying, monstrous creature.

"Hah, though you've got the nerve to say that, I feel quite uneasy hearing it, Mr. Iverson." As someone straightforward and unfiltered, Axel could not hold back his anger any longer. "You've repeatedly targeted my brother-in-law just to get to Bella. Do you have any idea how much you've hurt him?" Axel's repeated emphasis on "brother-in-law” was so deliberate that Christopher's face visibly darkened.

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"Fine, let's say your petty jealousies are just a young man's whim. My brother-in-law doesn't hold grudges, so we haven't made an issue about it. But don't think for a second that our family has forgotten what you did to my father!" Axel's anger flared as he recalled the past, his eyes blazing with fury and his veins bulging in his neck. "When my father fell ill, you pretended to offer help, but what was that trash you gave him? After taking your so-called medicine, his condition only got worse! Don't you dare claim you didn't have malicious intentions! Just because my father didn't support you and Bella, you decided to take revenge, didn't you? Do you think the Thompson family is just going to sit back and take that?" After holding back for so long, seeing Christopher in person finally pushed Axel over the edge.

Even the Larsons shared Axel's anger. Their eyes blazed with righteous indignation.

In the past, Asher would have quickly intervened to calm his brother down.

But this time, he chose to remain silent.

"Ax, today isn't the tto bring this up," Wyatt scolded gently, his brows knitting together.

"I really didn't know the medication would have such strong side effects. If I had known..." "Mr. Iverson, I've been friends with your father for decades. He even saved my life once. Even though we have grown apart in recent years, I am not one to forget a debt of gratitude. So, I won't hold the matter of the medicine against you any longer," Wyatt said coldly, his gaze fixed on Christopher, whose face was masked with an expression of feigned innocence and grievance.

Christopher's breath hitched. His fingers curled tightly into fists.

el This statement implied that the only reason Wyatt was still willing to talk to Christopher was out of respect, for his deceased father. If he were any harsher, it would be as if Christopher was not worth as much as a dead man. Content belongs to en.swver "Where is your father? Letsee him one last time." With these words, Wyatt signaled that he wanted to end the conversation.

The group arrived at the morgue and paused at the entrance.

"Uncle Wyatt, my father is inside," Christopher said, his eyes red with grief.

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He portrayed the image of a devoted son mourning his father to perfection.

Having prepared himself mentally et since hearing the news and during the journey here, Wyatt found his usually composed demeanor faltering. Content belongs to en.swHis tall frtrembled, his heart heavy with the weight of countless emotions.

After all, Lance was his friend of over thirty years, someone who had weathered many storms alongside him.

“He lived his whole life in the spotlight, always competing with me, and now... He's gone just like ΛΕ thatt murmured, his voice et laced with sorrow. Content belongs to en.swSupported by Axel and Mila, Wyatt slowly stepped into the morgue.

Just as Christopher was about to follow them inside, Bella's cold voice cut through the air, piercing his spine.

"Christopher." Christopher's heart raced as he quickly turned around. "Bella, you—" She interrupted him immediately, her gaze as sharp as a blade.

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