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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1859
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Nathan felt a surge of frustration watching Yulia’s reaction. With an unexpected burst of force, he thrusted into her,

causing Yulia to let out a yelp. “What the…”

“Are you actually a psycho? You get a kick out of me being with other women?”

Was this woman for real? Not only did she not show a hint of jealousy, but it seemed like she had some twisted

fascination with it.

She caught her breath and looked up at Nathan’s rugged face, shifting slightly, which made him inhale sharply.

“Stop freaking moving.”

Yulia’s laughter grew, “You really want to see me jealous, huh?”

Nathan clenched his jaw, readjusting his hold on her. “A good wife should get jealous.”d1

Yulia’s lips curled into a smile, “Once or twice is cute, but too much jealousy drives a man nuts.”

Nathan scowled, “Sounds like you’ve been down that road before. Don’t tell me you spent all your time getting

worked up over Ronald.”

She shook her head, “Ronald? Well, he bailed on me when I needed him the most. Other than that, he was pretty

loyal. Didn’t give me much cause for jealousy.”

Nathan scoffed, “Seems like you think highly of his character.”

With a smile, Yulia reached out and hugged him tighter, pressing her soft body against his. “What can I do? I have a

thing for the bad ones. Decent guys don’t always get my heart racing.”

Their closeness made every touch feel more intense. Nathan took a deep breath, “So, my character’s not good

enough for you?”

Yulia didn’t answer, instead kissing his throat.

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Nathan gritted his teeth. This infuriating woman was asking for it today. “So bold? Just don’t come crying to me


Yulia remained silent, as if he was ever gentle with her.


Anya: “Carly, did Yulipop and Nathan just get back?”

“Well, yeah, they did. They must have some urgent matter to discuss. You be good now, okay?”

Though Carly tried to reassure Anya, she couldn’t help but worry.

Relationships grow with time, and in the few months since she’d joined this family, she’d gotten a handle on

everyone’s temperaments. Their characters were quite good, and with the presence of the adorable and kind-

hearted Anya, things were even better. They treated her very well. So she couldn’t help but worry about her

employers when she saw them stumbled in before.

Nathan was temperamental, and just now he looked ready to tear someone apart. She wasn’t sure Yulia could

handle it. If things got heated, Yulia would be at a disadvantage.

Anya nodded at Carly’s soothing words, but her little brow furrowed, and her chubby cheeks took on a worried hue.

She hadn’t seen everything earlier, but she did notice that Nathan seemed upset.

For a long time, Anya hadn’t asked about what happened to Nathan and Yulia. Though she played with her toys, her

eyes kept darting upstairs.

Carly felt a pang of sympathy for the child who seemed to have the weight of the world on her small shoulders.

She had covered Anya’s eyes and coaxed her, thinking the child would soon forget, but the incident lingered in

Anya’s mind.

Finally, unable to hold back, Anya stood up with her toy and headed for the stairs.

“Anya.” Carly quickly followed.

Anya’s little legs trotted up the steps, looking adorable yet heart-wrenchingly worried.

“Nathan wouldn’t bully Yulipop, would he? She can’t fight him. Carly, let’s go see. If Nathan bullies Yulipop, you have

to help Anya fight him off.”

Carly, amused and touched by Anya’s words, nodded vigorously, “Of course, I will help you fight Nathan.”

With a broad grin, Anya began to climb the stairs. Carly shook her head, picking her up instead.

They reached Yulia’s bedroom door, intending to listen before entering, but before they could settle, they heard

Yulia cry out.

Anya was startled, raising her arm to knock, but Carly scooped her up and hurried away, covering her ears.

“Carly, I heard it! Nathan must be bullying Yulipop.”

Carly’s cheeks flushed as they got further away, finally releasing Anya’s ears. “No. Nathan is just playing with Yulia.”

“But Yulipop was yelling. Nathan must be hurting her. She looked like she was about to cry. She must be in pain!”

“Oh, boy…” Carly sighed softly, descending the steps while explaining, “That’s not pain.”

Anya: “Yulipop was almost crying. If it’s not pain, what is it?”

Carly: “It’s… Oh, right, Yulia is just tired, and Nathan is giving her a massage.”

Anya blinked in confusion, “Aren’t massages supposed to feel good?”

Carly nodded, “Yes, so Yulipop was just expressing how good it feels.”

Finishing her explanation, Carly felt a chill run down her spine. What was she doing, feeding such nonsense to a


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The more she thought about it, the more awkward it sounded. Was she corrupting the innocent?

But honestly, those two young ones were something else. They stormed in ready for a fight, but who would have

guessed it was that kind of battle?

Thank goodness for quick acting. If Anya had actually knocked, it would have been one hell of an interruption, not

to mention the potential embarrassment. And if Anya saw…

She shuddered at the thought.

After Carly reassured Anya that Nathan and Yulipop were fine, the little girl seemed content to let it go.

It was nearly ten at night when the door to Yulia’s room finally opened.

Nathan, fresh from a shower with that after-bath glow, clad in pajamas, descended the stairs to find Carly hadn’t

left. She was lounging on the couch, keeping Anya company as they watched TV.

The arrival of Nathan prompted a fleeting look of discomfort in Carly.

Nathan, furrowing his brows at Anya, chided, “Isn’t it past your bedtime?”

Anya sprung to her feet and dashed over to Nathan. “Nathan, come clean. Did you or did you not pick on Yulipop?”

Nathan raised an eyebrow, “Pick on her? How so?”

Carly coughed awkwardly at the side, and Nathan chose not to delve further.

With a warm chuckle, Carly said, “Anya’s been worried sick about you two, staying up so late. Dinner’s in the

kitchen, by the way. If you or Yulia are hungry, I can heat it up for you.”

Nathan, who had indeed come down in search of a snack, nodded in appreciation. Then, bending down, he scooped

Anya into his arms and settled back on the couch.

Anya’s little finger poked at Nathan’s neck. “Did Yulipop bite you there?”

Nathan paused for a moment, then let out a light laugh, “Yeah, she was the one giving me trouble.”

Anya’s brow furrowed, “But I heard Yulipop screaming earlier, almost crying. Carly told me you were giving her a


Nathan paused for a moment and couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “Massage? Well, right. She was all achy, and

the massage was just so she’d feel better.”