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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2011-2020
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The atmosphere had hit a standstill. The vast green-screen studio was eerily


Seth’s icy gaze was fixed on her, as if an invisible net, sharp and unforgiving,

was stretched across the room, threatening to slice through the very air she


Danielle knew she was at the heart of the matter. How could Seth, with his keen

intellect, be oblivious to what even Cicely had grasped? Ever since the Ray

incident, she felt as though she had been condemned in his eyes.

“Cicely,” she started, taking a deep breath and speaking softly, “I don’t want this

role anymore. Is that okay?”

Enter title…

Cicely glanced at her with disdain. “Feeling proud, are you? Your beloved man

confronts me for your sake? As if this role ever meant anything to you. You’ve

achieved your goal; why cling to it now? But don’t pretend to be the

understanding, kind-hearted one at this juncture. If he’s willing to let his

investment go to waste for you, you should be holding on to this role to avoid

disappointing him, right?”

Danielle cast a glance at the man standing to the side, silently and coldly

watching Cicely, and bit her lip. “What do you want, exactly? You want me to

give up the role, right? I’m doing as you wished, so why are you being so difficult


“It’s the same reason I came here today,” Cicely said haughtily, her face

emerging from the cocoon of her scarf, a portrait of arrogance and beauty. “I

didn’t come to see who replaced Emiliana with a superior performance, but to

prove how baseless my thoughts were.”

She wanted to prove how ridiculous it was to think that Seth had personally

brought Danielle into the cast to replace Emiliana, then go back and meekly

apologize to Seth for her attitude the night before. She was asking for trouble,

seeking a validation for her misunderstanding of Seth, but reality turned out to

be even more sordid than she imagined.

Seth’s dark eyes flickered.

Cicely scoffed, “So the nature of it is different. It’s one thing for you to leave on

your own, but quite another to be kicked out by me or someone else. Since he

intends to use you, then I’ll use my own methods to kick you out.”

Danielle frowned, “What are you planning to do?”

Without another word, Cicely turned and walked out of the studio. The director

wanted to keep her, but found no good excuse.

Danielle hesitated, then said, “I’m sorry, Seth. I… I can’t do this role.”

“And then?” Seth spoke coldly. “Cry to my mom about how unfairly you’ve been


A pang of pain shot through Danielle’s heart. She looked up at him

incredulously, “I didn’t…”

“I don’t have the time or energy to deal with the complications you’ve created.

Since you’ve taken on this role, just focus and portray it properly without causing

any trouble.”

“But Cicely…”

“You wanted to act, right? Keep an eye on all the scripts in the pipeline.

Whatever role you want, talk to my mom. She’s your rock. She won’t let you


Danielle felt her spirits sink, her fleeting joy extinguished by a bucket of ice-cold

water. “Can’t I just talk to you?”

Seth gave her a chilly look, “What’s the difference between coming to me and

having my mom come to me for you?”

He turned and walked away. Danielle blinked, coming to her senses, and took a

few steps after Seth. “Are you just using me…”

“Isn’t it helping you?”

Danielle stopped in her tracks, watching Seth leave the studio.


Cicely had just gotten into the cab when Seth’s call came through. “What’s up?

Did I leave too early for you to slap me? Want me to have the driver wait so you

can get it out of your system?”

“Fine. Pull over now.”

Cicely laughed at the absurdity of it and hung up.

Within a minute, Seth’s car pulled over, blocking the taxi Cicely was in. She got

out, and so did Seth.

“Go ahead.”

Standing before the towering man, she had to tilt her head back to speak, her

voice terse, her eyes gleaming with biting sarcasm.

Seth, however, caught her wrist and opened the car door with an indifferent

voice. “Get in.”

Cicely stood still. “If you’re trying to mollify me, save it. Nothing you do now will

get a smile from me.”

“Then go home and cool off.”

“I’m going to the Ellis family.”

“To run to your dad with a grievance?”

A flicker of impatience crossed Cicely’s face. “Yeah, I have someone to back me

up. Why should I put myself through this?”

Seth watched her for a second, then pushed her into the car. The car started


Cicely didn’t struggle or make a scene. Instead, she settled back into her seat,

watching the road with a calm, detached gaze.

After a while, Seth broke the silence. “About the girl you’re fond of, I’ll rearrange

another script for her. It’ll satisfy both of you.”

Cicely tugged at her lips. “Will it satisfy you or us?”


“Danielle won’t give up the role. If that girl is smart, she won’t refuse my

arrangement. It’s her call, not yours.”

“Is it Danielle who won’t let go, or are you determined to keep her?” Cicely’s

voice held a mocking softness. “You’re set on using her, and I’m set on kicking

her out. You won’t budge, so don’t expect me to compromise. The show is

yours, and the call is yours. I can’t change your mind, so let’s both not have it


Seth’s brows, already furrowed, deepened. “So even if I assure you there’s

nothing between me and Danielle, we can’t get past this?”

His voice was cold and low. Cicely’s eyes shimmered, a sudden ache in her

chest. What would it mean if she said they couldn’t get past this?

She didn’t have the chance to speak.

Seth continued, his voice firm, “Even if Danielle wanted to drop out of the play, I

wouldn’t allow it. And there will be more roles for her in the future. If she really

asks, I’ll consider her situation before making a decision. So, are you telling me

you can’t stand it every time something like this happens?”

Cicely finally turned and looked at Seth’s profile. She stared at him for a long

moment before asking, “Do you have a good reason for doing this?”

“If you do, I’m curious. What’s the compelling reason that makes you so

determined to help her—a woman who clearly has designs on you and almost

ruined my life?

“Have you ever thought that your indulgence might only make her more

obsessed with the idea of having you, to the point where she’ll stop at nothing,

even targeting me?

“You’re asking if I can’t get past this? Are you so sure that I’m so hopelessly

devoted to you that I can’t bear to say ‘no’ to you, that I won’t push you away,

that you can act with such impunity?

She scoffed and nodded, “Yes, you’re so clever, so sure of yourself. I’m just

afraid of making a fuss and losing what I’ve hardly won. The beloved has the

privilege of fearlessness, the least afraid of loss. And maybe, just maybe, one

day you’ll even feel relieved.”

Cicely didn’t know if other girls felt the same way in a relationship, if they had to

make this many concessions and swallow this much bitterness. She felt

wronged, but sometimes she couldn’t tell if it was just her privileged upbringing

with the Ellis family making her too sensitive. Perhaps what seemed like a big

deal to her was nothing to someone else, just making a mountain out of a


She had never really had friends, so she didn’t know what other relationships

were like, what to care about and what to let slide, and where to draw the line

when it came to arguments. But love made her step back, bear a little more,

even if others might not consider it a true grievance.

However, it was just exhausting.

“Is dating always this draining, or is it just us?” Cicely exhaled with a wry laugh.


Seth took her back to their apartment regardless.

She didn’t speak again on the way, just leaned back in the seat and closed her

eyes. She seemed to be asleep, but as soon as the car stopped in front of their

building, her eyes snapped open, and she let herself out.

Inside, she slipped off her shoes and headed straight for the bedroom. “I’m beat,

I’m going to bed.” She didn’t mention going back to the Ellis family.

Seth followed her into the room, where Cicely was undressing. “You don’t have

to rush back there, and don’t leave while I’m away, just because you’re mad at


She changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed, “Am I supposed to

schedule my tantrums around you now?”

“No,” Seth approached her, “it’s just that when you’re angry, it’s easier for me to

make things up to you if you’re here.”

Cicely let out a bitter laugh.

Seth leaned in and kissed her gently on the chin. “What would you like for

dinner? I’ll come home early and cook for you.”

“Don’t bother. I’ve got dinner plans with someone else.”

Seth’s dark eyes lingered on her for a moment before he straightened up.

“When will you be done? I’ll come pick you up.”

“Not sure, depends on how it goes.”

With that, she pulled the covers over herself and turned away, “Close the door

on your way out.” She clearly didn’t want to talk to him anymore.

Silence filled the room for a while until Cicely heard footsteps and the sound of

the door closing. Only then did she slowly open her eyes.

Her face was impassive, but she bit her lip as her eyes reddened. Damn it. She

felt she was so weak.

She rolled over, pulled her phone from her down jacket on the floor, and called

Isaac. Then she crawled back under the covers and fell into a real sleep.

Hunger woke her up in the afternoon. She headed to the kitchen for a glass of

water to stave off the hunger pangs, but then she noticed freshly made food on

the warming table.

She hesitated but ultimately grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and left.

She had asked Emiliana to cover for her at work that afternoon, promising to

treat her to a meal. “I’m sorry, I might not be able to snatch that role back for

you, but feel free to tell me about any scripts you’re interested in lately, even if

it’s for a lead role. I’ll support you.”

The situation was regrettable, and Cicely found it hard to express, considering

how confidently she had promised before, and now, how foolish it all seemed.

Emiliana shook her head, a small smile forming, seeming less troubled than

before. “Since I’ve tried and still failed, maybe it’s fate that the role isn’t meant

for me. Being in this industry, I’ve come to understand that talent matters, but it’s

just part of the equation. The rest is up to destiny. No point in forcing it. At first, it

felt unfair, but after some thought, it’s okay. Thank you for going to such lengths

for me. I’ll start fresh with the next role.”

Cicely thought there weren’t many girls like Emiliana left in the world. “Are you

really okay with this?”

“Not being okay won’t change anything. Some outcomes have to be accepted,

whether we like it or not.” Emiliana smiled, “It’s like dating, isn’t it? You like him,

but he doesn’t like you. No matter how hard you try, if he doesn’t love you, that’s

that. Although it hurts, we have to face reality. I guess that’s how it feels, I can’t

really describe it any better.”

Cicely sipped her wine, “I understand.”

Emiliana looked at her in surprise, “How could you understand? You got married

so young, hardly had time for arguments.”

Cicely forced a smile and changed the subject, “You were wrong about one

thing. In addition to talent and fate, there’s also opportunity. And right now, your

opportunity is sitting across from you. If you’re smart, seize it.”

After a pause and a nervous hesitation, Emiliana asked, “Really? Can I?”

At nine, Seth called. “Have you finished dinner? I’ll come pick you up.”

Cicely gave him the address. Back at the apartment, she didn’t say much to him,

just showered, played games. Eventually, Seth wrapped his arms around her

and they went to sleep.

She didn’t resist, closing her eyes, Emiliana’s words echoing in her mind—

“No matter how hard you try, if it’s not meant to be, it’s not. Some outcomes, you

simply have to accept.”

It was her own fault for falling in love and not having the upper hand.

The buzz around “Era of Elegance” was far from dying down. To keep the hype

alive and to stay on the radar, the production team had a dedicated social media

squad posting behind-the-scenes clips and stills, and occasionally revealing

some of the progress in various departments.

For instance, today was the day they were set to release the main cast’s

costume reveals and the official poster.

But just when everyone was eagerly awaiting these glimpses of the actors in

their period garb and the promotional artwork, breaking news hit the trending

charts: “Era of Elegance” had a sudden influx of capital, and a last-minute

switcheroo had been made – a greenhorn actor named Danielle had replaced a

seasoned performer.

Moreover, all other trending topics related to “Era of Elegance,” including those

bought for the costume reveal and poster release, were pulled. The headlines

were now filled with stories about how “Era of Elegance” had shoehorned a

pretty face with no acting skills into the cast.

[Another pretty face with no acting skills? Was that three-month audition process

just a joke?]

[I thought with all the hype this show was getting, it would have some

substance. Turns out it’s the same old story – another pretty face with no talent.]

[Adapting the is something us book fans couldn’t accept from the start.

Later, when the promotion seemed promising, we began to look forward to it.

Yet, the result is casting mediocre actors. The entire plot is filled with intrigue,

and I really don’t know which character is meant for just a pretty face with no

acting skills.]

Criticism flooded in from all corners, and the once well-regarded “Era of

Elegance” was suddenly besieged by a chorus of jeers and sarcasm, all

because of a last-minute casting controversy. In the morning, Cicely went to attend classes and

overheard her classmates

discussing the day’s trending topics. Curiosity got the better of her and she

pulled out her phone to see what the fuss was about.

The trending topics were littered with mentions of “Era of Elegance,” each one

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loaded with a barrage of harsh criticisms. Taking a big IP seemed like a dream

gig, but with more fans came more haters, and the smallest ripple could stir up a

tsunami of negativity. Critiques of corporate greed, the state of the

entertainment industry, and disrespect for creative works filled the screen, some

comments too vile to even read and yet somehow upvoted to prominence.

With a dispassionate glance at the vitriol, Cicely pocketed her phone and

skipped her last class to leave campus early. She stuck to her routine and

Enter title…

headed to the diner to “pay off her debts” – to work her shift and grab a bite

before the lunch rush.

The diner’s entrance was swarming with people who looked like reporters, all

badges and bulky cameras. Cicely breezed past them and into the chaos of the

kitchen where Emiliana was hiding out like a deer in the headlights.

“Em, what’s got you playing hide and seek?” Cicely asked, stashing her bag in

her locker.

“The reporters.” Emiliana repeated, her voice a mix of anxiety and fear.d2

Cicely locked her locker and faced Emiliana. “Guilty conscience?”

“No! It’s just…” Emiliana was struggling. “I’m scared I might say something

dumb, and you know how they can twist your words.”

Cicely cut her off, “Look, hiding now won’t change anything. You’re in this

industry, right? This is part of the gig. Don’t worry, you’re innocent, and that’s

your armor. People root for the underdog.”

After a moment of silence, Emiliana looked touched. “Cicely, how did this all

blow up so suddenly? This kind of news usually doesn’t make such waves.”

Cicely raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t it satisfying to see some justice?”

Emiliana nodded but admitted, “I’m just afraid…”

“That I’m behind it?” Cicely asked bluntly, addressing the unspoken suspicion.

Emiliana squirmed. “I don’t want you getting in trouble for me.”

Cicely gave her a long look, then a half-smile. “Don’t worry about me. I might

like you, but it’s just that – I like you.”

Emiliana didn’t quite follow but didn’t feel uncomfortable either. Cicely advised

her to face the reporters and be honest, and if in doubt, to say nothing at all.

They couldn’t exactly eat her alive.

After the pep talk, Cicely stepped out of the locker room, right on time for her

lunch break. Her usual order was ready – a spread that included spaghetti and

shrimp, but today, her appetite was off; the flavors had become too routine.

Her phone rang, cutting through the hum of the diner. She glanced at the

screen, took a few indifferent bites of her spaghetti, and let the call go to

voicemail. It rang again almost immediately. This time, she answered.

“What’s up?” she greeted the caller.

“Where are you?” came Seth’s familiar, icy tone.

“Diner,” she replied, her voice dripping with nonchalance.

There was a pause on the line, and Cicely continued her lackluster lunch.

Finally, Seth spoke up. “Aren’t you going to tell me something?”

“You call to ask what I have to say?” Cicely smirked.

“Have you seen the news?”

“Yep. They got what they deserved. What about it?”

Another pause.

“Cicely,” Seth said, his voice even. “Finish your lunch and come back to the Ellis


The fork in Cicely’s hand paused midair, and her tone chilled. “Why?”

“I have to deal with this mess. I won’t have the time to indulge you. Stay at the

estate for now.”

“Is that so?”


“Then let me remind you, you’ve got the order wrong. I’m aware of the mess, so

what am I supposed to tell you?”

“What you’ve already said, haven’t you?”

“They got what they deserved?” Cicely scoffed, “A good hand ruined by a

Danielle, couldn’t be more deserved. But this call isn’t about hearing me say

that, is it?”

“What do you think I want to hear?”

“That I did it,” Cicely didn’t hesitate. “You’re calling to accuse me, right?”

“Did you?”

Her laugh was cold, confirming her expectations. “I’ll go back to the estate. Not

because you’re kicking me out, but because I can’t stand to see you right now.”

With that, she hung up, drained her glass of ice water, and returned to her shift.

The afternoon was rough; her performance at the piano suffered, complaints

rolled in, but the manager let it slide. After all, she was also a customer here.

She returned to the Ellis estate that evening, her mood like a storm cloud over

the household. The servants became even more cautious.

“You and Seth fighting?” Creighton asked halfway through dinner, noticing her

disinterest in the meal.

“No,” Cicely replied, propping her chin up, “He’s tied up with some company

crisis. No time to deal with me.”

The explanation seemed plausible enough, and dinner continued in an uneasy


“He’s still young and ambitious. It’s good for a man to have aspirations. The

more successful he becomes, the more I can confidently entrust you to him.

You’ll be together for a long time, and in crucial moments, if you can’t help him,

at least don’t cause him trouble. In any relationship, there has to be some


Cicely set down her fork, fixing Creighton with a playful gaze, “You know, I halfexpected you to warn

him not to take me for granted. Are you playing favorites


“Don’t be silly, girl. This is all for your future happiness,” Creighton responded,

his voice soft yet firm.

“It sure sounds like it. But the idea of me being the one to always give in—that’s

a new tune coming from you,” Cicely retorted, a hint of disbelief coloring her


Creighton focused on his plate, cutting into his steak without looking up.

“Marriage is different than dating, Cicely. A breakup is one thing, but a failed

marriage can scar a woman deeply. I’m telling you how to safeguard your

marriage because all I can say to Seth is to take good care of you. I can’t—and

shouldn’t—expect anything beyond that from him. Understand?”

Cicely’s smooth brow furrowed as she continued to watch Creighton, her eyes

softening into a smile, “I get it. But why this sudden concern? I haven’t even

thought about divorce, and even if things got rough, wouldn’t I still have you to

back me up?”

“I can’t be by your side forever.”

“Dad!” Cicely’s voice rose sharply, the seriousness on her pretty face was

unprecedented. “Are you hiding something from me?”

Creighton’s grip on his silverware tightened imperceptibly, “What could I possibly

hide from you?”

“Like your health, perhaps?”

He sighed heavily, “Let’s not talk about this anymore. I don’t want you to worry


“Are you really okay?” Cicely pressed, her eyes searching.

“Are you saying I’ve lived too long?” Creighton quipped lightly.

Cicely finally looked away, “Of course not.”

Still, after dinner, she couldn’t shake her concern and dialed Issac, asking him to

check on her father’s recent medical records. After Isaac accepted, Cicely hung

up the phone and went to take a shower, unaware of the brief pause on Isaac’s



The trending topic had cooled down, and the PR team continued to monitor the

situation online. The drastic decrease in discussion volume was a sign of their


Seth arrived home from work to find Patty lounging on the couch. His cool,

detached expression didn’t waver at the sight.Slipping out of his shoes, Seth casually shrugged off his

jacket as Patty stood

up, turning to face him with a questioning look. “Where’s Cicely?”

“Why are you looking for her?”

“Don’t play dumb with me.” Patty’s cold voice cut him off sharply. “I know you

two have shacked up together. I told you the other night, as long as you agreed

to get Danielle a spot on the show, I’d turn a blind eye to your antics. But what

did you do? You get Danielle on set, and Cicely throws a fit, slapping her in front

of everyone and trying to force her to leave. You were there—you know what

went down. The Ellis family may spoil her rotten, but why should I?”

Enter title…

“I told you I wouldn’t meddle in your affairs as long as you kept your word about

Danielle. But this? This is a whole different ball game. If you don’t know how to

break it to her, then I will.”

Patty’s gaze followed Seth as he entered the house without a moment’s pause,

heading straight to the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and

turned to see the untouched dinner on the table.

He hesitated for a moment, then walked back out.d2

“Are you even listening to me?!” Patty’s voice rose, her emotions teetering on

the edge of control.

“Look, I did agree to bring her onto the show. But what happens after that? You

didn’t specify, and I’m not obligated to baby her if she gets roughed up.

“If she’s decided to join this industry, then she’s got to toughen up. Today it’s

Cicely, and there will be someone else tomorrow. Let’s face it, she didn’t get in

on talent. People will always whisper about the backdoor deals and the talent

squeezed out because of her. Might as well get used to it.”

Patty’s brows knitted together. “So I should be thanking Cicely for slapping

Danielle, is that it?”

Seth set the water bottle on a cabinet by the balcony, his indifferent gaze

landing on Patty. “Cicely wouldn’t hit her for no reason. If it was just about

bringing her on set, she wouldn’t lose her cool like that.”

“There’s no good reason to hit someone!” Patty retorted, her distaste for Seth’s

obvious bias was almost visceral.

Seth’s eyes turned icy. “Then go ask Danielle. Would she rather it be Cicely who

hit her, or would she prefer if I’d done it myself?”

Patty gasped, “You…”

“Cicely wouldn’t lay a finger on her just because of the show. While you’re busy

feeling sorry for Danielle, maybe consider why she was hit in the first place.”

Seth clearly wanted to end the conversation. “Tell her to straighten up. I didn’t

commit to her even when times were good, let alone now with her constant

scheming. It only makes me dislike her more. And as for our relationship,” he

gestured between them, “I’m sure you can distinguish it from what she has with

you. Let’s not let her come between us, okay?”

Stunned by Seth’s cold words, Patty took a moment to collect herself. “So what

about the internet fiasco today? Not only was she slapped, but now the whole

web is mocking her as a ‘pretty face with no talents’, and the show’s reputation

is tanking. You’re not going to hold Cicely accountable?”

“And who should I hold accountable? If Danielle hadn’t joined the cast, none of

this would’ve happened. Don’t make me list every little thing to prove that you

can’t get favors for her through me.”

Patty frowned in confusion, watching him. “Seth, you told me you’d never fall for

Cicely. You promised there would be no future between you two. Better not get

in too deep. You’re defending her too much, downplaying the issue, always

making excuses for her. Did she confess something to you? It’s clear as day that

she orchestrated the online mess to get back at you for bringing Danielle in. It’s

all about her own twisted jealousy. Otherwise, why would Danielle be targeted

out of the blue? Anyone could guess that Cicely’s behind it all—who else could

pull such strings?”

Seth pursed his lips, his brow furrowed as if contemplating something obvious.

“Seth, if you really don’t want to hurt her, break it off now. Otherwise, if you catch

feelings, or she falls harder, it’ll hurt you both even more.”

“Isn’t that what you’d prefer to see?” Seth moved from the balcony towards her.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll take you home.”

Patty, feeling like she hadn’t vented her frustrations, walked to the door in a

daze, then suddenly turned. “So, where’s Cicely? Isn’t she living with you? Why

didn’t I see her today?”

“She went back to the Ellis family.”

“Having a spat?”


“You sure are patient with her.”

With a driver waiting, Seth opened the car door, helping Patty in.

“You’re not going back for dinner?” Patty looked out the rolled-down window.

Seth smirked. “Now you remember I haven’t had dinner?”

A bit sheepish, Patty replied, “I was too upset.”

Seth said nothing more, just told the driver to go. Patty, sensing he was done

talking, didn’t push any further.

Watching her car fade into the distance, Seth didn’t head back inside but instead

took his car keys from his pocket and got into the car that he had just parked.


Cicely emerged from her shower after a lengthy soak, her hair only partially

dried. She slathered on some lotion before sitting at the desk near her window.

She pulled out a nail file from her drawer, but then, recalling the task she had for

Issac, she grabbed her phone instead.

No message from Issac.

Cicely wasn’t in any rush to prod him along. She casually tossed her phone

aside, kicked her feet up onto the chair, and started clipping her nails with a nail


The sound of a knock echoed through the room, and without even lifting her

head, Cicely called out, “Come in.”

The door swung open and she could hear footsteps approaching. She paused

mid-clip, turned her head, and saw a tall, lean figure striding toward her, with a

glass of milk in hand. She frowned. “Who said you could come in?”

“You did.”

Setting the glass down on the desk, Seth glanced down at her, his thin lips

curving into a faint, nearly imperceptible smile. It was a softer expression than

his usual aloof demeanor, one that wasn’t entirely unfamiliar to Cicely. She had

an inkling of why he might be here.

She refocused on her toenails. “I thought you were too busy. Found some time

to drop by now?”

“I wouldn’t want to know the consequences of me arriving any later,” he replied.

Seth watched her curled up in a position that seemed anything but comfortable.

Circling to face her, he pulled a chair over, took the nail clipper from her hands,

and, grasping her ankle, placed her foot on his thigh.

Cicely squirmed, but Seth anticipated it and never let go. “Stop fidgeting, or you

might end up bleeding.”

That got her to hold still.

Watching his defined hands carefully trimming her nails, she pursed her lips,

leaned over to grab the milk, and took a sip.

The occasional crisp “click” of the nail clipper was the only sound in the room.

After finishing her milk, Cicely looked at him coolly. “So, what? You think that

just because you’ve sorted things out, we can let bygones be bygones?”

Seth ran his fingertips over her nails to check for any snags, his voice calm and

deep. “Who would I blame?”

“Me,” Cicely laughed softly. “I threatened to kick her out, and then this happens.

Anyone would think it was me. Don’t you?”

Once he was sure the nails were done, Seth looked up and set the clippers on

the desk. “So did you do it?”

Cicely snorted and withdrew her foot. “Is this a new way of settling scores with


“I’m not here to settle any scores. Even if you did do it, I wouldn’t lay a finger on


She smiled wryly. “I should be grateful for your generosity, shouldn’t I? But

really, you wouldn’t do anything to me? Have you found something out, decided

it wasn’t me, and now you’re here to make nice?”

Seth’s lips curved into a half-smile. “So it really wasn’t you.”

Cicely’s expression darkened immediately. He was baiting her with her own

words. She found her slippers, stood up from the chair, and faced him. “If there’s

nothing else, you can leave. I don’t want to see you right now.”

“I’ve skipped dinner and I’m hungry,” Seth said, catching her hand as he stood.

“If you’re hungry, head to the kitchen. There’s nothing for you here. Seth, what

are you—”

Before she could even pause, Seth had lifted her onto the desk. He encircled

her, leaving no room to escape. “There’s nothing in the kitchen. Only in your


He was so close, his handsome face just inches away, momentarily making

Cicely think he was trying to charm her with his looks. But her anger, simmering

for two days, wasn’t about to be quelled by a pretty face. “Don’t try that with me.

How infatuated do you think I am with your looks, to believe that you can just

flash your face and make everything go away?”

Seth’s gaze slowly swept over her features, and at her words, he let out a low

chuckle. “Didn’t you just say it wasn’t you? Why so angry?”

Cicely leaned back slightly, only for Seth to pull her back in by her waist. His

smiling eyes locked onto hers for a moment before finally resting on her lips”You know, I didn’t expect

you’d let things go so easily. I just couldn’t stop

thinking about the other night, how I got a real taste of you. Didn’t realize this

mug of mine had so many uses.”

Cicely’s eyelid twitched, “Have you got no self-control when it comes to


“Depends on the woman.”

The last word was barely out before Seth’s lips claimed hers.

Cicely turned her head to escape, but his lips accurately followed. “Get lost! I’m

still mad at you.”

Enter title…

“I can’t wait, Mrs. Diaz.”d2

At that moniker, Cicely froze, each nerve in her body seemed to be struck,

leaving her unsettled for a long time. By the time she came to her senses, she

found herself pressed into the soft embrace of the bed. Anger surged within her,

but the more she struggled, the easier it was for Seth to peel away her clothes.


“I seriously wonder if you’ll stray someday because you can’t control your


Her voice was soft, trying to sound fierce, but it wasn’t quite effective.

“Don’t trust me?” Seth’s fingers caressed the nape of her neck, his voice deep

and lazy, especially sultry in the post-intimacy atmosphere.

“Does your trust depend on control?”

Seth’s hand, massaging her neck, moved into the strands of her hair, rubbing

against her scalp. Cicely’s eyelashes trembled gently, and she comfortably

shifted her shoulders. “So, can we call it even this time?”

Cicely frowned, looked up at him, “What do you mean ‘call it even’?”

“You questioned me, right?” Seth said calmly, “I apologize for doubting you

before. Can we let this go and not bring it up again?”

Cicely watched him for a long while, feeling drained, managing only a faint

smile, “You can turn any word I say to your advantage. If I was really

questioning you seriously, and you, before any investigation, would you choose

to let it go?”

Seth paused, “There’s nothing we can’t get past.”

“Seth,” Cicely said, “What I want is not for you to trust me only after you’ve

calmed down and found out I’m not to blame. That’s not trust; that’s just

accepting the facts. In your eyes, I’m no different from anyone else. If you think

it doesn’t matter and don’t care if I treat you like any other man, then go ahead,

do as you please, and let everything slide easily.”

It took a while for Seth to respond, “So, how can we make this not so easy to

get past?”

Cicely bit her lip, silent.

She didn’t know. She didn’t want things to be easy, but once they happened,

she could only let them go. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to move on. And

that wasn’t what she wanted.

The silence filled the bedroom, dispelling the earlier intimacy completely.

After a while, Seth chuckled without an answer. “Don’t know how to answer,

huh? You don’t want to forgive me easily, but you don’t really want to stay mad

at me.”

Cicely, with a cold expression, felt exposed by his straightforwardness. She

couldn’t help but feel truly humble, as if she had reached the lowest point.

“You’re right, I should have chosen to trust you from the start, not question you

by default. I was wrong, okay?”

She was at a loss with this man. He had made amends and apologized. If she

remained aloof, wouldn’t she be ungrateful?

Seth leaned in, his forehead against hers, his voice low and seductive, “Mrs.

Diaz, I was wrong, and I’m willing to be punished. Whatever you decide.”

Cicely pursed her lips, looked up at him, her expression a mix of hurt and pity. “I

don’t even know what you care about. What kind of punishment is it if I can’t hit

where it hurts?”

Seth smirked, “So no punishment?”

Cicely glared at him, “Dream on. This will be on your tab. When I figure out what

matters to you, we’ll settle both new and old scores.”

Seth nodded, “Okay, I’ll wait. But I think you might never get to punish me.”

Cicely frowned, “Why?”

Seth didn’t answer, just smiled and rolled, pinning her beneath him again.

Cicely held her breath, “You… it’s never-ending with you.”


A lifetime without punishment?

Seth was mistaken. He thought Cicely might never discover what he truly cared

about. He also believed that even if she did, the punishment would never come.

Yet, it happened and it took half a lifetime, nearly fatal.


Cicely felt like she had died several times, only to be brought back each time by

this man in his own way.

Completely drained, Cicely pushed Seth to go down for dinner before

surrendering to sleep.

The exposed skin of her arms and shoulders was delicate, with a scatter of faint

blush marks. He had kissed nearly every inch of her body. The aftermath left

traces that made one’s heart race just by looking.

She had refused even a shower, yet she didn’t forget that he hadn’t eaten lunch.

She had too many labels as the pampered princess of the Ellis family in P City,

but with him, she was just so understanding.

Her concern moved Seth deeply. He kissed her flushed, warm face, a soft,

fragrant caress.

Exhausted Cicely barely opened her eyes, snuggled deeper into the bed, and

murmured “go eat,” dodging his kiss to bury her face in the pillow, overtaken by


Seth let her be, turning to leave the bed. He hadn’t stayed over at the Ellis

residence before, but nobody seemed surprised by his presence.

The staff was always around, and upon seeing him come down, they

immediately went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. The Ellis family treated Seth,

their son-in-law, with the utmost respect and hospitality.


Cicely missed breakfast with Seth, lying in bed staring at the ceiling for a long

time. She texted Issac, managed to get ready, and arrived at school just in time

for the second period.

The buzz around the school about yesterday’s trending topic had cooled down

just as quickly as it had faded from the internet. But for Cicely, although she

wasn’t holding a grudge against Seth, she couldn’t just let go of the person who

had steered the winds of gossip her way behind the scenes. She was

determined to find out who else was playing these petty games behind her back.

The hype around the drama belonged to the drama itself, but Seth remained

quite low-key, including his company, which was a small media firm with a

registered capital of five million.

It was unlikely that someone was targeting him personally. The only thing she

could think of was that the over-promotion of the drama from the start had

stepped on someone else’s toes. Such a scenario was plausible, but the

replacement of an actor was an internal matter of the production crew. Even

when Cicely had made a scene that day, there were no outsiders on set.

The crew had signed confidentiality agreements and wouldn’t leak information

without permission, risking trouble.

After much thought, Cicely felt that it wasn’t a move against Seth or the drama,

but possibly someone targeting her.

But who had she offended? Aside from Danielle, she couldn’t think of anyone

else. However, in the recent storm of public opinion, Danielle was at the center,

followed by the negative impact on the drama.

After a moment’s thought, the least likely person seemed to be Danielle. So,

who could it be?

She waited for a message from Issac.

In the afternoon, Issac delivered the results of his investigation.

Cicely couldn’t believe it and confirmed with Issac repeatedly, “Are you sure?”


Cicely’s expression turned icy and, with a burst of anger, she let out a scornful


“Miss,” Issac sensed Cicely’s emotions teetering on the edge and couldn’t help

but add, “Don’t act hastily. I’m at home.”

Her expression faltered, “My dad knows too?”

“He asked, and I couldn’t lie. Also, he wants you to come home immediately.”

Cicely took a deep breath, on the verge of refusal, but then she heard

Creighton’s deep, almost commanding voice through the phone. “Come home. I

need to talk to you.”


“Cicely, be a good girl, and listen to me. Cough, cough, cough.”

A series of violent coughs came through the receiver. Cicely furrowed her

brows, and as the coughing stopped abruptly, the phone call was cut off.

She opened her email to review the message Issac had sent her. Cicely

managed to suppress the raging fury within her, stepped out of the school, and

dialed Seth’s number. “I want to know, regarding the incident that trended

yesterday, what are the findings of your investigation? Do you know who did it?”

Seth paused for a moment before replying, “I do.”


“RayCicely let out a chuckle, a torrent of words flooding her mind, but then she

thought, what was the point? It was not like anything she said would make a

difference to him. These past few days, their squabbles had become more


“I’d almost forgotten, I’ve managed to offend such an esteemed personage.”

Seth was silent for two seconds before he spoke again, “Where are you right


“At school. Was heading to the set, but dad ordered me home. No rush. No one

will escape this.”

Enter title…

Cicely didn’t name names, but those in the know understood exactly who she

was referring to. Before Seth could say another word, Cicely hung up the phone.


As Cicely walked in, the living room was thick with a tense silence.

Creighton sat on the sofa with a stern face. The servants had quietly retreated,

and Brody and Issac stood on the side, both wearing serious expressions.

All eyes turned to Cicely as she entered.

“If you called me back to play the same old tune—reminding me that she is an

Ellis, the sole heir to my uncle’s legacy, that she was raised away from home

and somehow owed something by the Ellis name—and expect me to just forgive

and forget, then don’t even bother.

“Ever since she first set foot in our home, my patience has worn thin. Don’t you

get it? Some people, the more you indulge them, the more they walk all over

you. Where did you get the impression that I’m a doormat, ready to absorb

whatever is thrown my way?”

Creighton’s face turned a shade paler, his eyes closed as he took a deep breath

before slowly responding, “Then what would you have us do?”

Outside, Seth stepped out of his car. The front door of the mansion was ajar. He

could hear Cicely’s rare cold tone directed at Creighton from the entryway.

Creighton was an upright man, and over the years, he had seen things clearly.

So, when it came to Danielle, he didn’t think she had any grievances

whatsoever. The Ellis family had been more than fair.

Cicely didn’t hesitate as she answered Creighton’s question. “I want her out of P

City. We’ll settle our old and new scores before she leaves.”

In the past, Cicely had merely spoken words against Danielle’s repeated

provocations. It seemed she had been too vocal, and Danielle mistook her

threats as empty talk.

Creighton’s breathing grew heavier, “She’s still in school; where she goes is her


“Is the Ellis family’s standing in P City just for show?” Cicely was resolute, years

of pent-up frustration reaching a boiling point.

“You want me to use the Ellis family’s influence against one of our own?”

“So that’s why she’s so brazen and unrelenting.”

Cicely didn’t want to show her frustrations towards Creighton, but still, he

wanted her to swallow her pride. “I don’t have your broad perspective. Maybe

it’s for the sake of the Ellis family’s reputation, or perhaps it’s kinship—I’ve

tolerated it, and it’s been humiliating. But how long do you expect me to bear it?”

“Regardless of what you say today, Danielle has to leave.”

“Cicely,” Creighton inhaled deeply, his voice softer than before, “Can you wait

just a little longer?”

Her eyes reddened as she stared at him, defiant. “No.”

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“Not even for Seth?”

Cicely frowned, “What does he have to do with this?”

Seth halted at the doorway.

“You know, he’s put almost all his energy into this show. The latest buzz has

already impacted it. If you keep this up… the entertainment industry is under

constant media scrutiny. A feud between the Ellis sisters is trivial, but delve

deeper, and the story becomes about a man and two women, which can spawn

millions of sensational headlines. If the media twists the truth and the story

blows up, not only will Seth’s reputation suffer, but will his show even air? And if

it does, do you think any prestigious awards would consider a drama

surrounded by scandal and negative press?”

Cicely’s face drained of color, her hands clenched tightly, then slowly relaxed.

After a long moment, she let out a defeated laugh and nodded slightly. “Fine, I’ll

wait. I’ll wait until she finishes the show, until it airs successfully, until it wins

awards and Seth triumphs. Then I’ll think about how to settle the score with her.”

Her words sounded bitter, mocking, and ironic.

Seth stood outside, listening, his dark, narrow eyes tightening slightly as he

suddenly found it hard to breathe. But he was just a listener, unlike everyone in

the living room who could see her expression clearly.

It’s a mix of helplessness and defiance, like a grenade thrown with the pin

pulled, ready to obliterate the enemy, only to be forced to implode because of

the people around the foe.

Such was her expression, resigned yet tragic. Yet the situation was far more

complex than that analogy.

Cicely took a shallow breath, her lips curling into a cold smile. “It’s laughable.

The most persuasive reason to protect Danielle seems to be Seth.”

A silence fell in the living room.

Creighton felt heartbroken seeing her like this, “Cicely, just this once, please. I’m

doing this for your sake.”

Seth had his pride and convictions, and Cicely cherished that about him.

Creighton wanted to see her happy, but he didn’t have the luxury of time to wait

for Seth to face a setback.

Her smile remained unchanged, “I guess I’m too naïve to understand.”

Cicely’s face showed compliance, but everyone could tell she still resented


Issac had never seen Cicely like this, nor did he want to see any distance grow

between father and daughter. “Miss.” he started to speak, only to be interrupted

by Creighton.


Cicely looked over.

Creighton continued seamlessly, “Cicely is upset. Take her out for some fresh


Isaac’s words got stuck in his throat.

“No need, I’m not in the mood for shopping.” Cicely turned him down, not

wanting to stay at home either. “I’ve got plans this afternoon, I should head out.”

“I can give you a ride,” Isaac quickly offered.

“No, thanks.”

She stood firm in her refusal.

Stepping outside on her own, she saw Seth’s car parked at the curb. His tall,

lean figure was leaning casually against the car, his gaze following her as she


Cicely’s eyes brimmed with tears, and she couldn’t even try to hide them.

Stopping next to him, she tilted her head back slightly, her reddened eyes fixed

on his. “Seth, you better sweep up all the awards with this play, or you’ll never

hear the end of it from me.”

Seth stared at her quietly, her eyes which usually shone with pride and

confidence, bold and beautiful, seemed different lately—dull with unseen

burdens and sorrows. After a moment, he gently reached out and caressed her

face, his fingers tracing the lines of her eyes, his gaze deep, his voice a soft,

hoarse whisper. “Have you been crying?”

Cicely turned her head away, “Of course not.”

“Do you know what I was thinking before I came here?” asked Seth.

She turned back to face him.

“I was thinking about how to keep you from causing a scene on set, and how to

keep this all under wraps in front of you.”

Cicely forced a smile, “No need to worry about that anymore. The moment you

told me it was Ray involved, I knew. Don’t worry, I won’t… at least not now.”

His fingertips brushed the corner of her eye, suddenly feeling the warmth of her


“Why not?”

Seth asked plainly, but before she could answer, he grasped her wrist and

ushered her into the car. “What are you doing?”

Cicely furrowed her brows at him, but Seth just started the car, made a U-turn,

and headed off.

She panicked, “Where the heck are you taking me?”

“Settling scores.”

His answer was characteristically terse. Cicely got it, her gaze turned gloomy,

yet all she said was, “Pull over.”

Seth acted as if he hadn’t heard.d2

“I’m not going.”

Enter title…

“So, you’d rather stew in silence and then silently chalk up another one against

me? I’m not siding with Danielle, and if I’m covering for anyone, it’s not for her.

I’ve got a clear conscience, but I don’t want you thinking there’s something going

on between us. Let’s clear the air, so you don’t pin any false charges on me.”

Cicely took a deep breath, “I know, and that’s why you need to pull over. I’m not


Seth didn’t reply and didn’t stop the car either.

“Seth, I don’t know anything at all. I can’t help with your work. The best I can do

is probably try not to cause you trouble or hold you back.

“I am indeed angry and feel wronged, but I’ve swallowed that now. You probably

don’t get it, but do you have any idea how much effort that takes? So don’t

waste my energy. Just because I don’t want to go now, doesn’t mean this issue

will just vanish.

“I’m not accusing you of anything, but I’ve calmed down because of you. If you

are so kind, consider it a debt to me. Just think of ways to make it up to me, to

cheer me up.”

Seth eventually pulled over to the side of the road. Silence filled the car, his

hands gripping the steering wheel ever tighter.

Didn’t he understand?

“No one understands it better than I do.”

Cicely breathed a sigh of relief because he pulled over the car, but his nonsequitur made her

instinctively turn to look at him. “What?”

The steering wheel cover bore the clear imprint of his fingers. He turned to her,

his handsome face contorted slightly in restraint.

“Fine, we won’t settle scores.”

It took him a while to say that, and Cicely felt that his words didn’t match the

expression he wore. “What are you trying to say?”

Seth steered the car back onto the road. “I’ll warn Danielle again. You just focus

on your studies for now. Even if you don’t intend to manage the Ellis family

business, you should be able to understand what’s going on, to not be cheated

or swindled.”

Cicely was pleased by his word “again,” and her furrowed brow relaxed a bit.

“Don’t I have you?”

Seth intentionally changed the subject. Cicely looked at the side of his face and

noticed a subtle smile at the corner of his tightly drawn lips.

“Aren’t you afraid that one day it might be me selling you out?”

Cicely blinked naturally, her smile extending, “My dad says you have a natural

talent for business, smart and savvy with a unique touch.”

Seth glanced at her, “Isn’t it awkward to say such things to the person’s face?”

Cicely chuckled. Was he embarrassed to be complimented?

“You have a knack for business, got an early start, and now you can stand on

your own two feet. I’m just not cut out for it. Even if I study now, I can’t catch up

to you. I lack the talent and started too late. If you decided to sell me out one

day, what good would my learning do? When have you ever failed to do what

you decide upon?”

Seth pursed his lips, “My point is to get you involved, to understand the

documents, to grasp the overall situation of the company, and to be prepared. If

something happens, you should know what’s going on.”

“How could anything happen with you around? If there is an issue, it would only

be because you wanted it to. If I knew too much and that day came, I’d have to

watch everything you did to me. Wouldn’t that be more heartbreaking?”

His expression seemed unchanged, yet it was different somehow.

Cicely smiled, “I’m just saying. After all, the Ellis family will be mine, and it will be

yours. It’s ours, so how could anything ridiculous happen?”

“Ours.” Seth murmured, as if savoring the meaning of the word.

“Yeah, ours.” Cicely replied casually, noticing the car’s smooth drive, she asked,

“So, where are we going?”

“Home. There’s something I want to show you.”

Cicely raised an eyebrow but said no more.

The car sped up, cruising down the broad, tree-lined avenue. Back at the

apartment, it seemed as though nothing had changed.

Cicely scanned the room multiple times, and Seth, observing her do so, asked,

“What are you looking for?”

Cicely shook her head, “Just feels strange. I didn’t sleep here last night, and

now it feels a little unfamiliar.”

She said this, turning to Seth with a smile, “Am I as fickle as you? This place

holds so many special memories, yet I can forget it just like that. At least this

time I didn’t think about it at all.”

Seth bent down to fetch her fuzzy slippers and placed them under her feet.

Cicely kicked off her shoes and slipped her feet into the slippers, casually

asking, “Did you think I wouldn’t come back here, so you put away the slippers I

usually wear?”

“They’d just gather dust otherwise.”

Cicely pulled a face, her eyes glancing at the spare slippers in the corner. “Did

someone visit?” She took off her down jacket and hung it on the coat rack by the


Following her gaze, Seth responded with a nonchalant “Hmm,” “My mother

stopped by.”

Cicely paused. Her beautiful eyes flickered, and she scoffed. “She was looking

for me, right?”

She suddenly stood still, looking up at the man, “Is it because I slapped Danielle

on the set, so she came here either to hold me accountable or to teach me a

lesson on Danielle’s behalf?”

Seth’s expression was indifferent, “No.”

Cicely stared at him with a smile, “I’d rather you said yes.”

“It’s not true.”

“I’ve known from day one that your mother prefers Danielle. It’s easier for me to

accept that she came to confront me for Danielle’s sake than to think that you

sent me away from our home because you misunderstood me because of

Danielle, don’t you think?”

Seth looked down at her smiling face, “Would that make you happy?”

“How could it not?”

He had sent her home to keep her away from Patty, clearing up

misunderstandings and letting her know he was protecting her. She couldn’t be


“Then believe that.”

“Is it so hard for you to be honest?”

Despite saying this, she knew Seth’s nature all too well. He could did so much

for her, but he would never say it loud.

“With your temperament, if it weren’t for me, there wouldn’t be any woman who

could put up with you.”

Seth sidestepped past her, “Naive. As long as I’ve got enough charm, there’ll be

a line of women waiting.”

Did she actually think that women these days were still simple-minded, selfless


Cicely didn’t like hearing that and followed him. “You really know how to tick off

a lady.”

Seth opened the door to the study, “Upset?”

Cicely frowned, her meaning clear.

Seth’s lips curved up slightly, “Perfect, I’ve got something here to cheer you up.”

With that, he stepped into the study.

Driven by curiosity, Cicely followed.

Seth sat down, fired up his computer, and after a few smooth clicks, an image

popped up on the screen, prompting Cicely to lean in closer.

“What’s this?”

“Architectural floor plans.”

“Why are you showing me this?”

Seth watched her bent over and hunched, so he scooted back his chair and

pulled her into his arms.

In a daze, Cicely snapped back to reality. With a swift kick of his long legs, Seth,

still holding the chair, smoothly glided back to the computer. His well-defined

fingers gripped the mouse, scrolling down the images bit by bit.

“Here’s the front yard, a fountain, the garden, over here’s a man-made lake.

This space could turn into a playground.

“The backyard has an orchard, a greenhouse, and a veggie patch.

“There are two guest houses on each side.

“This one’s the interior design. If there’s anything you don’t understand or want

to change, just let me know.”

“Hold on, hold on.” Cicely cut him off, blinking rapidly. “So what is this, exactly?

What kind of plans?”

“Can’t you tell? It’s pretty obvious. It’s our bridal suite design.”

Cicely’s eyes trembled uncontrollably, “The design is already done?”

That was fast.

Her face could barely contain the thrill and excitement.


Cicely didn’t speak, but her hand left the mouse and she leaned closer to the

computer screen, a clear sign to Seth that she might be more than just happy.

But all this, compared to the manor that Creighton prepared for her, which could

easily be called a castle, wasn’t much of an improvement.

“This is the basement. And we gotta have one of those home theaters.

“An elevator straight to the rooftop? Smart glass roof, no worries about rainy


“Swimming pool and multipurpose room, very nice.

“Our bedroom. Let’s see, study, guest room, guest room, guest room, toy room,

and children’s room…”

Cicely’s excited voice slowed as she focused on the last two rooms, then

zoomed in on the screen to see the details more clearly. After a while, she

turned to Seth, her eyes sparkling. “Can I supervise the decoration myself?”

Seth raised an eyebrow, “It’s not out of the question, but I wouldn’t recommend