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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 763
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After ending the call, Gwendolyn fell into deep thought before her computer before deciding to call Charles.

Having successfully completed his one-month assignment of cleaning the restroom, Charles had returned to

Newton Group and was presently in a meeting.

His expression turned serious when his phone, set to silent mode, lit up, showing Gwendolyn’s name. Pausing the

meeting, he excused himself and headed out to answer the call.

The higher-ups of Newton Group were left behind, baffled by his sudden exit.

“Gwen, why are you calling me at this hour? Is there an emergency?”

Gwendolyn told him sternly, “Something happened to the Cloud family. They have been wiped out. Do you know

about this?”

Charles fell into a momentary silence. “I did come across the news this morning, but I didn’t delve into it. Is that the

reason you called me?”

He quickly realized why she called. “Do you think I’m behind this?”

“The Cloud family was already on the brink of departing from upper-class society. Ignatius’ family had never had

many enemies. The only recent conflict I recall was the one between you and Jessamyn.”

Charles listened to her silently before letting out a snort. “Is that why you’re suspecting me?”

Before Gwendolyn could reply, he added menacingly, “Gwendolyn, you think too highly of me. I’m not capable of

killing over one hundred members of their family overnight. Even if I wanted to teach Jessamyn a lesson, I wouldn’t

involve the others.”

Gwendolyn sighed. “I know it wasn’t you. I never suspected you.”

Charles’ expression relaxed slightly.

Gwendolyn’s analysis continued as she delved deeper into the topic. “I don’t believe it’s as straightforward as it

seems. While the Cloud family may have experienced a downfall, they still wielded significant influence. If the

culprit’s motive isn’t driven by a personal grudge against them, could it be that all the influential families in

Salinsburgh are potential targets?”

As the gravity of the situation became apparent, Charles would undoubtedly be summoned for questioning by the

Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The matter was serious, so Cedrick would need to personally handle it.

Gwendolyn couldn’t help but speculate whether the culprit’s intended targets included the Harris, Jenson, and

Newton families—considering their status as the three most influential families in the area.

Charles contemplated her words for some time. “After my meeting concludes, I’ll pay the Cloud residence a visit

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and talk to Mr. Jenson.”

“Okay. Be careful!”

As the call concluded with Gwendolyn’s polite reminder, a sense of warmth spread through Charles’ heart.

He gently brushed his finger across Gwendolyn’s name saved in his phone, reflecting on the fact that it had been

quite some time since they had last communicated. He realized he hadn’t even updated her caller ID information.

Once he gathered his thoughts, he returned to the conference room to continue the meeting.

Around twenty minutes later, the meeting concluded in a rush, and Charles left the conference room swiftly.

Isaac slowly approached him and said softly, “Mr. Newton, I just met Mrs. Newton a while ago. She told me she

needs to talk to you in person about something important.”

It was clear that Whitney wanted to talk about the horrible massacre of the Cloud family.

His expression turned icy as he firmly responded, “No, I will not see her. We are currently at work, and she is not

Mrs. Newton here. She is simply an employee, still in her probationary period in the logistics department. Please

inform her to concentrate on her work and refrain from entertaining thoughts of visiting the CEO’s office.”

Isaac bowed slightly. “Got it.”

After that, Charles returned to his office and grabbed his jacket before taking the elevator to the underground

parking lot.

Twenty minutes later, Charles reached the murder scene, only to find the Federal Bureau of Investigation still

meticulously collecting evidence.

A yellow tape was up, spanning a two-meter radius, with officers stationed to guard the entrance. The area

surrounding the Cloud residence was strictly cordoned off, preventing anyone from approaching within one

hundred meters of the premises.

A swarm of reporters and members of the media had gathered, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to be the first to

interview and report on the gruesome massacre.

Charles found himself trapped amidst the crowd, unable to make his way into the house.

He was feeling lost when his gaze fell upon Nico, who emerged from the Cloud residence and retreated to a

secluded corner to smoke.

Nico finally discovered him and ushered Charles past the yellow tape, allowing him entry into the restricted


“Why are you here? You’re not the boss of the Central Intelligence Agency now, so this important case doesn’t

involve you.”

As Charles observed the walls of the Cloud residence, he maintained a calm demeanor while responding, “If the

Cloud family truly has no known enemies, then I am the last person who had a conflict with Ignatius. Given my role

as the head of the Newton family and my past as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, I will undoubtedly

be the prime suspect in the eyes of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They will summon me for questioning

sooner or later, which is why I have chosen to come here and provide an explanation.”

“That’s true.” Nico flashed a smirk and put out his cigarette. “Come on. Mr. Jenson is inspecting Jessamyn’s room on

the third floor.”

Charles stuck a hand in his pocket and trailed behind him leisurely but didn’t forget to observe the Cloud residence


The garden grounds of the Cloud residence were stained with blood, forming a gruesome tableau that spoke of the

horrific massacre that had occurred the previous night. The metallic tang of blood permeated the air.

Charles surveyed the scene, his gaze sweeping across the area. He observed the police officers diligently covering

the lifeless bodies with white cloths, preparing them for removal from the Cloud residence using stretchers. One by

one, the bodies were carefully carried out, leaving behind only patches of blood and pristine spots where the

deceased had previously lain, depicted by the chalk outlines.

As Nico entered the scene, his countenance turned stern, mirroring the gravity of the situation. Charles, too,

adopted a serious expression.

“Have you reviewed the surveillance footage from both inside the Cloud residence and the surrounding streets?”

Charles asked.

“Yes, but the surveillance cameras were destroyed before the incident happened last night, and the internal

memory cards were taken away. We couldn’t find any fingerprints.”

Charles glanced at the chalk outlines depicting where the bodies lay. “Did you find out what weapon caused their


“The murder weapon was not left at the scene. The perpetrator exhibited precision and removed all potential

evidence. The forensic doctor conducted the autopsies and confirmed that the victims died from over ten stab


The brutality of the multiple stab wounds hinted at a deep-seated vendetta, suggesting a profound level of

animosity toward the victims.

As they chatted, they walked up the stairs and soon arrived at Jessamyn’s room on the third floor.

Cedrick took it upon himself to inspect the disarray within the room, closely examining the aftermath of the crime.

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The chalk outline marking the position of Jessamyn’s lifeless body was positioned near the window. The walls were

splattered with blood, and the scene depicted the sheer horror and devastation that had unfolded within those


Nico knocked on the door gently. “Cedrick, Charles is here. He wants an update on the situation.”

Cedrick rose to his feet and scowled at Charles. “Why did you bring him here?”

Nico was baffled. He sounds unhappy.

Without hesitation, he replied honestly, “Charles got involved in the tainted milk powder case a few years ago and

spent the whole night investigating the case with you. Given the different investigative approaches of the Central

Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I thought you might benefit from his assistance.”

Cedrick fell silent for a while before leaving Jessamyn’s room, leading Charles to the end of the corridor.

When they found themselves alone, Cedrick confronted Charles directly, his tone demanding answers. “You went on

a blind date with Jessamyn Cloud. What caused such a massive fallout between the two of you? Also, why did you

resort to playing tricks on her and the Cloud family?”

His expression was dark as he directed a series of questions at Charles.

Hearing that, Charles revealed everything honestly, including how Jessamyn schemed against Whitney.

“Following the termination of our collaboration with the Cloud family, I confronted Ignatius and issued a threat,

demanding that he arrange for his daughter to apologize to Whitney, warning him that his company would face

significant risks otherwise. After some contemplation, Ignatius complied, and Whitney graciously forgave them.

Consequently, I ceased pressuring Cloudington Group, and their company suffered substantial losses amounting to

millions. I had no idea that they would be killed a month later.”

Charles bore a stern expression as he narrowed his eyes before revealing his thoughts. “Mr. Jenson, the perpetrator

managed to eliminate the entire Cloud family swiftly and silently, rendering them defenseless and unable to mount

any resistance or even make an emergency call. The meticulous planning and execution of this incident suggest an

exceptionally cunning and skilled mastermind at work. This is beyond the capabilities of an ordinary individual.”

After a pause, he continued, “Do you recall the tainted milk powder case that affected Benny? The mastermind

behind that incident had intentions to harm children from influential families, and the primary target was the Jenson


At the same time, Cedrick held his breath as his brows knitted together.

There was no way he would forget that case.

The tainted milk powder was precisely the trigger that unleashed the virus within Benedict’s body. The perpetrator

behind this horrific act, Joe Landon, was still at large.