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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 783
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Tanya, no longer daring to conceal the truth, nodded hastily. “Yes, he wanted me to gain your trust and then find an

opportunity to lure the children out.”

Cedrick’s expression grew even more solemn, his lips tightly pursed, and his gaze chilling. Joe really hates me to the

core. Since he can’t take me down, he resorted to targeting my wife and children. After years of training together,

how could he become such a vicious and heartless person?

Cedrick could not understand why. Is it worth dedicating his entire life to seeking revenge for a manipulative and

scheming woman who has been dead for years?

After losing in thought for a moment, he came to his senses. Glaring at Tanya, he asked, “Apart from this, is there

anything else you want to confess? This might be your last chance, so think carefully before you speak.”

Tanya racked her brain, fearing that Cedrick might get Swain to torture her even further. “That’s all, Mr. Jenson. I

told you everything I know.”

“All right. I’ll honor my promise and spare you,” Cedrick replied.

Tanya was struck dumb for a moment. “No, Mr. Jenson. That’s not what I meant. I know I’ve gone against the law,

and I accept the consequences. Please send me to prison and have me locked up! I beg you!”

Cedrick snorted, arching his brows. “You don’t tell me what to do.”

Tanya burst into tears, her face filled with terror. Despite the excruciating pain coursing through her body, she

crawled on her knees toward Cedrick, desperately trying to clutch onto his trousers. “Mr. Jenson, please! I can’t go

out there. That man will kill me!”

Upon noticing her behavior, Swain immediately stepped forward to block her path, preventing her from touching

Cedrick’s clothes.

In the past few days, Cedrick had grown increasingly disgusted by her touch, forcing him to discard numerous

outfits that he had worn. It was really a waste.

Cedrick kept his gaze low, his expression indifferent, as he focused on his wristwatch, which was a gift from his wife,

and stroked the intricate patterns on the watch strap.

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“Before releasing her, take her to a plastic surgery hospital. Make sure the doctors reconstruct her face to match

her previous identity as stated on her ID card. Charge the expenses to her mother’s bank account,” he instructed

Swain in a cold tone. Even if she’s going to meet her end, I can’t allow her to die with Gwenny’s appearance.

“Understood, Boss,” Swain replied.

The cops then dragged Tanya away.

The room was filled with her piercing screams, roars, and desperate wails, making the confinement chamber

unbearable for Cedrick.

Noticing the annoyance on Cedrick’s face, Swain quickly signaled the cops to cover Tanya’s mouth, silencing her


Swain understood why Cedrick had chosen to release Tanya. Once Joe learned that Tanya had betrayed him, he

would not spare her. Cedrick intended to use that opportunity to force Joe to take action. The more actions he

takes, the more likely he is to expose his vulnerabilities.

Swain assured Cedrick. “Don’t worry, Boss. I’ll assign skilled operatives to quietly monitor Tanya. If anyone poses a

threat to her, I’ll update you immediately.”

Weary and drained, Cedrick closed his eyes, letting out a calm and subdued hum in response.

Observing his boss’s solemn demeanor, Swain pressed on. “Boss, considering Mrs. Jenson’s escape and the fact

that she wasn’t kidnapped by Joe and his men, it’s probable that she is unharmed and not in life-threatening

danger. You can ease up for a bit.”

Cedrick remained silent, his eyes tightly shut, and his brow slightly furrowed.

In his mind, he was trying to piece all the information together.

He knew Joe could be extremely twisted and capable of doing anything, but at the same time, he was also a

meticulous person who would always execute his plans flawlessly.

However, this time, there was something unusual about Joe’s actions. Cedrick could not just ignore the numerous

flaws in his plan.

Joe intentionally left a fake hostage and even allowed one of his underlings to deliver the false information to him.

Joe should have known that the impostor’s identity would eventually be exposed, yet he still went through with it.

What’s his actual intention?

Somehow, Cedrick could not shake the feeling that Joe was playing some twisted game again.

Whether it was the incident with Benedict’s tainted milk powder or Gwendolyn’s disappearance, Cedrick knew Joe

was out to get him. He just wants to torture me.

Cedrick would never have peace of mind until the real Gwendolyn appeared before him.

“You have any cigarettes?” Cedrick lifted his eyes and hoarsely asked after letting out a long and heavy sigh. He

needed something to distract him from his worries.

Swain froze for a moment before reacting to his request. “Yes, yes.”

He reached into his pocket and took out his own cigarette case, hesitating to hand it over. “Boss, you’ve been

smoking too much lately. How will you explain it to Mrs. Jenson when she comes back?”

“Just give it to me.” Cedrick frowned, a hint of impatience in his gesture as he demanded. I know Gwenny doesn’t

like to see me smoke, but I just can’t help it. I’m going to smoke now that she’s not around. I want her to come and

look for me if she knows I’m smoking, and I want her to punish me—break my legs or make me kneel until my legs

are fractured… I don’t care for she can do anything to me.

Gwendolyn had disappeared for eight days now, and Cedrick realized he had missed the simplest things about her,

like her ruler and Lego pieces.

Cedrick closed his eyes, attempting to conceal the mist that clouded them. Feeling weary and sluggish, he took a

drag from the cigarette that Swain had lit for him.

Two days later, Tanya, who was forcibly taken to the hospital for plastic surgery, failed to regain consciousness after

being injected with anesthesia.

When the agents from Federal Bureau of Investigation arrived, all attempts at resuscitation had been in vain. The

medical personnel eventually confirmed her death.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Cedrick was infuriated. I can’t believe a fugitive is resourceful enough to infiltrate a hospital and end Tanya’s life on

the operating table.

In fact, two teams of men from the bureau were fully dedicated to investigating the incident.

That afternoon, the autopsy report on Tanya was released.

It was discovered that she was clutching a yellow sticky note, but the curled motion of her fingers suggested that

the note was placed forcibly in her palm after she lost consciousness.

The sticky note quickly made its way to Cedrick.

The note was adorned with bold red ink, its strokes exuding confidence and flamboyance. The note stated: Cedrick,

you love your wife so much. If she were to betray you and lead a carefree life with her first love behind your back, I

wonder how will you react to that? Will you go crazy? I’m truly looking forward to it.

Cedrick’s expression turned stern, his gaze fixated on the words “first love.” His fingers trembled with intensity, and

his palms began to sweat.

Even the act of breathing became painful for him.

Yet, instinctively, he shook his head. No way. Gwenny will never betray me or our family.

As he pondered the contents of the note, Cedrick realized the true intent behind Joe’s plot. He must have tracked

Gwenny’s whereabouts and likely tampered with her information.

Cedrick’s expression grew even graver when he recalled Nico’s previous report about Charles claiming to have

found Gwendolyn’s location and needing to attend to personal matters.

The images of Gwendolyn being with Charles kept playing in his mind. He couldn’t stop imagining them being

intimate and laughing together.

His breath caught in his throat, and his heart twisted with intense pain. His eyes turned bloodshot, filled with a very

fierce gaze—freezing cold and merciless.

Cedrick could not take it anymore. He knew he was about to go mad. He was on the verge of losing his sanity!

“Get Nico to call Charles and locate him. Do it right now!” Crushing the note into pieces, Cedrick stood up and

rushed out of Federal Bureau of Investigation. He even forgot to grab his military coat.

“Understood, Boss. Just a moment!” The weather outside was chilly, so Swain quickly grabbed Cedrick’s coat before

catching up with him in wobbly steps.