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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 2561 – 2570
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Chapter 2561

At this moment, Wynn and Shane appeared together, looking dazzling and noble under the spotlight. It

was the first time that Philip saw such a noble and elegant side of Wynn. No, to be precise, Wynn in the

past was very approachable. Even if she attended business events and dressed for the occasion, she

would not look like this. That was because the current Wynn appeared to carry an unfamiliar sense of


Philip stood up abruptly, which startled Fennel and Steven beside him.

Fennel took it in stride. He recognized Wynn, so when he saw Wynn and Shane walking out together, a

chill flashed at the corner of his eyes. He asked, “Why is Wynn here?”

Philip shook his head in bafflement, but it seemed that Wynn was here to attend this party.

Steven smiled, got up, and said, “Mr. Clarke, this is the important person I said you may want to meet.

According to my information, she’s your wife.”

Steven did not yet understand the implications and only thought that Philip would be happy to meet his



After all, being in a foreign land, he should be happy to see the woman he always thought of.

Of course, Philip was happy. The shock on his face was instantly replaced by tenderness as he looked at

Wynn under the spotlight surrounded by everyone. She looked like a regal angel.

Meanwhile, on stage, Cleo invited Wynn and Shane to stand in front. She smiled at everyone and said,

“Everyone, I’d like to formally introduce someone to you tonight. She’s the long-lost bloodline of my

Lovelace family and will also become a core member of our family in the future.”

Cleo applauded and invited Wynn to step forward.


Wynn bowed to everyone humbly and said, “It’s a great pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Wynn


A round of applause rang. Everyone was impressed by Wynn’s angelic poise and appearance.

Discussions erupted below the stage.

Philip stood in the corner, hoping that Wynn would see him. However, Wynn did not seem to look in that

direction and kept chatting with the noble guests. Seeing that Wynn was about to leave the platform with

Cleo and Shane, Philip could not wait any longer. He walked quickly through the crowd. As he got closer,

he heard Wynn’s laughter.

Philip grabbed Wynn’s delicate arm as she was turning to leave and said with a gentle smile, “Wynnie…”

Many dignitaries of the West were taken aback at this scene.

“What’s going on? Who is that rude Easterner?”

“How dare he grab the angel’s arm? No!”

“Who is be? He looks unfamiliar. Where did he come from?”

Amid the crowd’s chatter, a gentle smile remained on Philip’s face. After all, he had left the country for

half a month. For him to meet Wynn whom he had been thinking of, he was naturally very happy.


Philip spread his arms excitedly and was about to hug Wynn. However, a sudden change occurred!


Wynn turned around, her face cold. She raised her fair arm, slapped Philip across the face, and

reprimanded, “Let go! Who are you? Do I know you?”

This slap resounded throughout the pool party and also in everyone’s hearts!

Philip was stunned and stood frozen in place. He stared at the familiar woman in front of him in disbelief!

Fennel and Steven who came over were also taken aback and looked at each other, unable to figure out

the situation.

“Lord Apollo, what’s going on? Isn’t Miss Wynn Johnston the wife of Mr. Clarke? Why is she acting like

she doesn’t know him?” Steven was confused.

Fennel was even more stunned, and his face darkened. The Westerners around were also startled

before they burst into mocking laughter.

“F*ck that Easterner for trying to take advantage of my goddess!”

“Hey, Miss Johnston doesn’t know you, you stupid pervert!”

“Guards, kick that Easterner out! We don’t welcome him here!”

Facing everyone’s curses, Philip could not be bothered at all. He stated fixedly at Wynn in front of him.

He could not understand why Wynn did this. Why did she say she did not know him?

From Wynn’s eyes, Philip clearly sensed her anger and unfamiliarity with him.

That was right. Unfamiliarity!

Wynn’s bright eyes were filled with disgust for him! She really did not recognize him?

How was that possible?

Philip was so agitated that he grabbed Wynn and shouted, “Wynnie, it’s me! I’m Philip Clarke! I’m your

husband. What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you recognize me?!”

Wynn was grabbed by Philip and felt the pain in her wrist. She shouted, “Let go of me. I don’t know you.

What husband? If you touch me again, I’ll call security!” Wynn struggled.

At this time, Shane stepped forward with an evil smile from beside Wynn. He grabbed Philip’s hand and

pulled him away from Wynn. He looked at Philip coldly and said, “Philip Clarke, this is my castle, don’t go

too far!”

After saying that, Shane shoved Philip abruptly with cold eyes.

Philip staggered back, his face full of disbelief and incomprehension. His eyes darted between Wynn and

Shane. He shouted, “Wynnie, it’s me, Philip Clarke. It has only been half a month. What’s wrong with


Wynn was obviously frightened by Philip’s actions and hid next to Cleo. She said, “Sorry, I don’t know

any Philip Clarke. I think you got the wrong person.”


This sentence exploded in Philip’s heart! She really did not recognize him?

His wife of four years actually did not know him. What a ridiculous joke!

Something must have happened to Wynn. Was she forced into it?

Philip stared at Shane coldly and said angrily, “Shane Lovelace, did your Lovelace family coerce Wynn?

I’m telling you, if you dare to do anything to her, I’ll destroy your Lovelace family!”

However, Shane smiled lightly and said, “Philip, listen carefully. She’s the one who doesn’t know you.”

“Cleo, let’s go. I’m a little tired,” Wynn said to Cleo who was beside her. She did not seem to want to stay


Cleo nodded and turned to leave with Wynn.

Philip got anxious and shouted, “Wynnie, Wynn! Why don’t you recognize me? What’s wrong with you?”


Shane kicked Philip violently in the chest and shouted coldly, “Guards! Throw this troublemaker out!”

In an instant, four or five tall burly bodyguards rushed out and pinned Philip to the ground. They had

special handcuffs with them. Philip was completely suppressed when he tried to use his special powers!

Shane looked down at Philip who was pinned to the ground and laughed coldly. He said, “Philip, you

never expected this, right? Hahaha!”

After saying that, he shouted, “Break his arms and throw him out!”

However, at this time, Wynn, who was ready to leave, turned around and whispered, “Forget it, Shane.

Just drive them out.”

Chapter 2562

Wynn glanced coldly at Philip who was pinned to the ground, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

This man was very strange. For a brief moment just now, her heart actually ached.

What was wrong with her?

She did not know the man in front of her at all, so why would her heart suddenly ache when she saw him

being pinned to the ground?

Shane smiled and said, “Okay.”

Then, he stared coldly at Philip, who was pinned to the ground. He said with a sneer, “Guards, throw him


With that command, the bodyguards dragged Philip up and out through the back door. Philip stared at

Wynn who turned to leave. He could not believe that Wynn could not recognize him even though he was

right in front of her.

They had only been separated for half a month! How could this happen?

Why would this happen? What had happened to Wynn? Did the Lovelace family do this?

“Wynn! Wynnie! I’m Philip, your husband! Don’t you even remember Mila?” Philip roared.

In the distance, Wynn stopped abruptly. Her eyes froze as she muttered, “Mila…”

Then, she clutched at her aching head!

“Wynn!” Cleo shouted and watched helplessly as Wynn passed out.

She hurriedly supported Wynn and left with the servants.

On this side, Philip and the others had been thrown out of the castle!

Philip, Fennel, and Steven stood at the door. Fennel and Steven did not immediately speak to Philip at

this moment but silently looked at his gloomy face. Philip stared fixedly and coldly at the castle door

while his disbelief and anger grew stronger.

Something must have happened to Wynn!

He had clearly arranged for the members of the Shadow Guards to protect her. Why would this still


Could something have happened to them?

At this moment, Fennel said gravely, “Philip, don’t worry. Maybe Wynn has her reasons. What we need to

do now is determine if Wynn has really forgotten you. I think there must be something going on here that

we don’t know about. Although the Lovelace family has almost disappeared from the country, they’re

doing quite well in the West. It won’t be easy to deal with them.”

Hearing Fennel’s words, Philip’s fists creaked as he said coldly, “No matter what, if anything happens to

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Wynn, I won’t let the Lovelace family off easily!”

With that said, monstrous killing intent erupted from Philip!

At this time, a car stopped at the roadside, and a young man got out of the car.

He hurried over, bowed to Steven, and said, “Viscount Steven, this is the information we just intercepted

and the information you asked me to bring.”

Steven nodded and waved his hand to signal the servant to stand aside. Then, he took the special metal

document case, entered a special password, and pressed his fingerprint on the device. He took out a

document from the case. He said to Philip, “Mr. Clarke, this is my goodwill as a good friend. It’s the

information I asked my family to send about the Lovelace family and your wife. You should take a look at


This information was the latest, which Steven had not even read yet.

Chapter 2563 Philip turned his head, looked at Steven, and took the document from Steven’s hand. He

looked through it carefully before the veins on his forehead throbbed. He roared. “Damn the Lovelace


Seeing Philip’s state, Fennel and Steven rushed over to take a look. When they saw the contents, they

were stunned as well. It turned out that the reason why Wynn did not recognize Philip was that the

Lovelace family had tampered with her memory. They actually used the most advanced technology to

rewrite Wynn’s memory. Now, Wynn was just a puppet for the Lovelace family to make a comeback.


The air fell into dead silence.

Fennel said furiously, “What the hell is the Lovelace family trying to do? How dare they do something like

this? I’ll arrange for manpower at once. Even if we have to grab her by force, we’ll get Wynn out tonight!”

With that said, Fennel was about to call the Strategist. However, Philip suddenly said, “No need! Let’s go

back and plan this out carefully.”

After saying that, Philip took a long glance at the castle door. He then turned around and left with Fennel

and Steven. After so many things, Philip would not be reckless again. For the Lovelace family to do this,

they must have their trump card. If he broke into the castle tonight, he might be playing right into Shane

and Cleo’s hands.

He must plan this out carefully. Moreover, the hidden forces of the Lovelace family had not surfaced so

far. Philip dared not take this gamble. If they hurt Wynn, he would definitely regret it.

Meanwhile, in that tall cylindrical spire of the castle, Shane and Cleo stood side by side.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Shane looked at Philip and the other two leaving in a car at the

castle door. He sneered and said, “Hehe, I thought he would break-in. I didn’t expect that he’d choose to

leave. It’s really surprising.”

Cleo stood with her arms crossed, displaying her full figure. She narrowed her eyes and said, “He has

matured. We should be more careful. Moreover, according to the informant, he has comprehended the

usage of the source of kingship and has five sources of kingship, no less than you. Once a fight breaks

out between the two of you, it’s uncertain who will win.”

Shane laughed, turned to Cleo, and said, “Sister, do you underestimate me that much?”

Cleo rolled her eyes at Shane and said, “I’m not underestimating you but warning you. Don’t try to mess

with him in private. We still have a plan to execute. If the plan goes awry, the elders in the family won’t let

you off! You must remember that you’re the future hope of the Lovelace family and the one who will

replace him!”

Shane shrugged and said indifferently, “I prefer freedom.”

Cleo snorted and said, “Once you’re born into the Lovelace family, there is no freedom to speak of.”

Shane’s face suddenly darkened. He changed the subject and asked, “How is Wynn?”

Cleo said, “She fell asleep after an injection. She’s still feeling the after-effects of the memory rewriting.

With Philip’s appearance today, my initial plan was to let Wynn stimulate him so that he’d lose his mind

and act impulsively. Unexpectedly, Wynn was affected instead.”

Shane frowned and said, “Increase the injection dosage, then.”

Hearing that, Cleo shouted, “Are you crazy? If she can’t withstand it, she’ll go demented and become

completely useless to our family!”

Shane shrugged and said, “Okay, whatever. You take care of it. What about those guys? How are they


Cleo’s face darkened and said, “They’re locked up. After all, they’re members of the Shadow Guards

belonging to the Clarke family. We can’t really do anything to them and can only lock them up for the time

being. Moreover, Fourth Uncle sent you a message, asking you to make a deal with Hades, the Lord of

the Underworld.”

Chapter 2564 “I got it. “

Shane nodded in response and said, “How are the preparations for the god election going?”

Cleo replied, “Don’t worry, I’m taking care of it.”

Back at Fennel’s private manor, Philip, Fennel, and Steven sat together.

Fennel’s face was grim as he asked, “What do you plan to do?”

Philip was silent as he looked at the intelligence sent by Steven. After a while, he said to Steven, “I need

more information about the Lovelace family in the West. We can negotiate the price.”

Steven frowned and said, “Mr. Clarke, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but my authority is limited.

The authority lies with my father. I need to ask him about this.”

Philip nodded. Steven quickly got up, walked aside, and made a call.

“Father, this is Steven. I’m with Mr. Clarke now. He needs more information about the Lovelace family,”

Steven said respectfully to the person on the other end of the line.

A stern voice rang out. “Steven, you should know that any information comes with a corresponding price.

Mr. Clarke has not met our previous conditions, so the Smith family will not provide any more


“Father, Mr. Clarke is my friend. Can you be more flexible? This is also an opportunity for our Smith

family to befriend the Clarkes. Do you want to pass up this opportunity?” Steven asked.

There was silence on the other end of the line, then the sound of tapping on the table. After a while, the

person on the other end of the phone replied, “Steven, you have to remember that you’re the one who

did this. You didn’t receive my consent. Do you understand? I’m not the only person with the final say in

the Smith family.”

“I understand.” Steven immediately understood his father’s meaning.

After ending the call, Steven quickly received the encrypted information. All intelligence was embossed

with the Smith family’s crest on the cover.

“Mr. Clarke, this is the information you want. I’m now a sinner of the Smith family.” Steven hurried over,

transmitted the information to the shopping mode iPad, and handed it to Philip.

Philip glanced at it and said, “Steven, don’t worry. You’re my friend. I’ll help you.”

After saying that, Philip did not hesitate. The three of them read the information about the Lovelace

family in the West. After reading it, they had a general understanding of the Lovelace family’s sphere of

influence in the West.

Fennel said grimly, “I didn’t expect the Lovelace family’s power in the West to actually be hidden so

deeply. They even have dealings with several sacred halls and are involved in the development of the

essence of life.”

Although the Hall of the Sun had its own intelligence agency, it could not do everything it wanted either.

In terms of intelligence, the Smith family was still one of the best at gathering it.

Philip looked at the information in his hand, and his face gradually filled with gloom. He said, “The

Lovelace family has disappeared from the country for many years. After working hard in the West for so

long, it’s not surprising that they’ve achieved such results. The important thing is whether the Lovelace

family can gain recognition in the West. If I make a move against them, will these sacred halls and forces

jump out to stop me?”

Chapter 2565 Fennel said solemnly, “Based on the current situation, the Lovelace family has dealings

with several major sacred halls. I don’t think these sacred halls will let you make a move against them so

easily. Moreover, this is an extraordinary period. Shane Lovelace is competing for the position of the new

god. Once he succeeds, these sacred halls will gain even more benefits. So, in my opinion, they should

step in and stop it. After all, this place is different from our country. Human relations are not important,

only profits. Furthermore, although your Clarke family controls a huge chunk of the economy, the rest is

in the hands of the West. Here, they’re the only kings, while the Clarke family’s power can hardly


After hearing Fennel out, Philip fell silent. He understood Fennel’s meaning. It would be difficult to make

a move against the Lovelace family in the West. It was tantamount to threatening the interests of several

sacred halls. To oppose the Lovelace family was to declare war against these sacred halls, and the

consequences were self-evident!

Moreover, if that really happened and the rest of the sacred halls were also offended, it would not benefit


“Steven, what do you think?” Philip asked.

Steven thought for a moment and said, “Mr. Clarke, based on my judgment and personal opinion, what

happened tonight was probably deliberately arranged by the Lovelace family. You should still remember

what Miss Cleo said to us when she came over. I suspect they were trying to provoke you on purpose

and agitate you into acting impulsively. As you said, if we had chosen to fight them head-on just now, we

might have had a tough battle waiting for us. Moreover, Miss Johnston is still in their hands. If the

situation worsens, her safety can’t be guaranteed.”

Philip nodded. Steven was right.

The incident tonight was probably planned by Cleo to trigger Philip. However, no matter what, he had to

meet with Wynn alone.

Memory rewriting.

The Lovelace family actually dared to use such a humanity-destructing method on Wynn. Philip would

never let them off. Before that, Philip had to calm down and prepare for everything.

At this time, Hans Gooding brought a kidnapped person over.

It was Pete Faraday from the party, the person in charge of liaison for the Lovelace family’s underground

forces in Sendona.

“F*ck! Who are you? Let me go! Do you know who I am? How dare you kidnap me? I’ll have my men

destroy you!” Pete roared menacingly.

He was having an intimate conversation with a lady when he was knocked unconscious from behind.

When he woke up, he found himself in this strange place.

“Mr. Clarke, Boss, I brought him here,” Hans bowed and said.

Philip looked at the bounded Pete and asked coldly, “I need to know the deployment of all the

underground forces of the Lovelace family in Sendona.”

“Dream on! I know you. You’re the reckless Easterner at the party! Damn it! How dare you abduct me?

My men won’t let you off!” Pete roared frantically, and his innate arrogance made him look down on


Philip frowned, got up, stared at the other party coldly, and said, “I hope you can cooperate properly. In

that way, maybe you can stay alive.”

“Haha! Stupid Easterner, are you trying to threaten me? Let me tell you, I’m…”

Pete sneered, but before he could finish his words, Philip kicked him squarely in the stomach.


He flew out, his back slamming heavily against the pillar in the living room.


He fell to the floor with his body all curled up. At that moment, he felt that all his ribs were broken, and his

internal organs twisted in pain.

“You only have the right to answer and cooperate, not refuse!” Philip looked condescendingly at Pete on

the floor.

Chapter 2566 Pete fell to the ground and was enraged by Philip’s kick.

He roared angrily, “Damn Easterner, you deserve to die! How dare you kick me?! Don’t let me catch hold

of you, or I’ll crush you into pieces!”

Philip’s expression turned cold. He reached out and pulled a silver Desert Eagle from Han’s waist.


A gunshot!

The bullet pierced Pete’s upper right leg, and blood gushed.

“Spit it out! Otherwise, the next bullet will be in your head!”

Philip said coldly. The Desert Eagle in his hand was already aimed between Pete’s eyebrows.

Pete howled, gritted his teeth, and shouted angrily, “No! You can’t kill me. I’m Pete Faraday, the

underground contact of the Lovelace family in Sendona. If you kill me, the young master of the Lovelace

family won’t let you off!”

“Shut up!” Philip said coldly and was about to pull the trigger!

“Argh! No! Don’t kill me! I’ll talk! I’ll tell you everything!”

Under such an overwhelming death threat, Pete completely lost his arrogance. Lying in a pool of blood

with tears all over his face, he said mournfully, “The Lovelace family has four underground bases in

Sendona with eight defense squads. The members are all specially trained warriors through the use of

special drugs. They’re strong, very strong! They’re known to be fighting machines in the Lovelace family

and won’t appear in public so easily. They’re all in the bases under special training.”

“Most of the companies that have dealings with the Lovelace family are biotechnology companies doing

R&D on drugs that enhance human limits and develop special traits in humans.”

Pete spoke, and Philip listened coldly. Then, Philip suddenly asked, “Is the technology of memory

rewriting mature?”


When Pete heard this question, his expression suddenly became nervous, and his pupils shifted

erratically. He said, “No! I don‘t know. This is the core secret of the Lovelace family. I really don’t know.”

“Liar!” Philip shouted and stomped heavily on Pete’s right leg with the bullet wound.


Pete squealed like a pig and shouted, “I know! Please let go. I’ll tell you!”

Philip stared at Pete coldly and said, “Don’t try to deceive me, or you’ll end up in a miserable state!”

With tears all over his face, Pete nodded and cried out the words, “The memory rewriting technology has

a branch in Sendona. It’s a technology that the Lovelace family has been researching for five years. It’s

currently in the testing stage with a success rate of only 30%”

“30%?” Philip’s eyes suddenly turned cold as he asked, “What will happen if it fails?”

Pete said, “If it fails, the person who underwent memory rewriting will become mentally damaged. That’s

all I know. It’s the truth. I didn’t participate in this technology of memory rewriting. Please let me go. l’m

about to die from blood loss.”

Philip’s eyes were cold. He squeezed the Desert Eagle in his hand tightly.

He said, “Draw out all the internal structure of the four bases you know. In addition, contact the head of

the memory rewriting technology research project of the Lovelace family in Sendona. I need to talk to the

other Party.”

Pete shouted, “No, you’ll arouse Young Master Lovelace’ s suspicion by doing this! If he finds out that I

leaked the information, I’ll die a miserable death!”

“If you refuse, you’ll die a miserable death now!” Philip said coldly without any mercy.

Chapter 2567 Pete cursed to hell and back, but in desperation, he could only agree to Philip’s request.

Half an hour later, under physical and mental torture, Pete finally drew out the internal structure of the

four bases of the Lovelace family, complete with the facilities and arrangements for defense.

Philip looked at these drawings. A cloud of gloom flashed across his face. He tossed them to Fennel and

said, “You make the arrangements.”

Fennel naturally understood what Philip meant. He took the blueprints and said to Hans, “Contact the

Strategist immediately and make arrangements to take down these four bases!”

“Yes, Boss!”

Hans was excited. He finally had work to do!

Here, Philip stared at Pete coldly, tossed him a phone, and said, “Contact the other party.”

Pete was very aggrieved. He took the phone hesitantly, dialed a number, and said, “Dr. Garner, it’s me,

Pete. There’s something urgent I need to discuss with you face-to-face right now.”

On the other end of the phone, an elderly man’s voice asked, “Pete? What’s the matter? It’s very late


Pete glanced at Philip, whose eyes were terribly cold. He said, “It’s really important! Uh, it’s something

requested by Young Master Lovelace. You know his temper well. We can’t afford any delays.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone before the voice said, “Okay, let’s meet at Yatter Café


After the call, Pete tremblingly returned the phone to Philip and said, “The other party asked us to meet

at Yatter Café.”

Philip started walking and said to Fennel, “Let’s go.”


The subordinates dragged Pete into the car, and everyone rushed to Yatter Café. About 20 minutes later,

Fennel, Philip, and the others arrived at Yatter Café. However, even after waiting for 10 minutes, there

were no signs of Dr. Garner!

Philip sat in the car, stared at Pete coldly, and asked, “Are you lying to us?”

Pete quickly shook his head and said, “No, I didn’t! We did agree to meet here. I don’t know what’s going

on either.”

At this moment, several black commercial vehicles drove over from the darkness with their headlights on.

They were all modified medium-sized vehicles!

After the cars stopped, about a dozen bodyguards in black suits got out of the cars, followed by a short

and fat bespectacled old man with gray hair and a white lab coat.

He called out to Philip’s car, “Pete, what the hell are you up to?”

Philip looked at Pete and said, ” Remember what I said! Get out of the car!”

Pete nodded in response. He had received some treatment for the wound on his leg. He limped out of

the car, smiled at Dr. Garner, and said, “Dr. Garner, it’s been a while!”

Philip and Fennel followed behind Pete.

They glanced at the people across the street and silently followed behind Pete.

Dr. Garner looked at the limping Pete and asked in surprise, “Pete, what‘s wrong with you?”

Pete laughed and said, “Nothing, it’s just a little accident.”

Dr. Garner nodded and turned his attention to Philip and Fennel behind Pete. He frowned and asked,

“Why did you hire two Eastern bodyguards?”

Pete smiled awkwardly and said, “Because they’re cheap.”

Dr. Garner shrugged and said, “So, what’s so important that we need to meet and discuss in the middle

of the night?”

At this moment, Philip took a step forward and said coldly, “I need you to help me restore a person’s


Chapter 2568 Hearing this, Dr. Garner stared at Philip coldly and asked, “Who are you?”

Then, he turned to Pete and asked, “Pete, what’s going on? Aren’t they your bodyguards?”

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Pete laughed and said apologetically, “Dr. Garner, I’m sorry. I had no choice.”

While Pete said this, Fennel and Philip had already stepped forward. Philip looked at Dr. Garner and said

seriously, “Dr. Garner, I need your help to restore a person’s memory. You may name the price.”

Dr. Garner’s face darkened with anger and chills as he refused. “Sorry, I don‘t do any deals! Please


With that said, Dr. Garner turned to leave. However, Philip said indifferently, “If you still want to see the

sun tomorrow, you’d better agree.”

The threat was spoken mildly with a hint of domineering.

Dr. Garner turned around and pushed his glasses. With chills in his eyes, he stared at Philip and Fennel,

saying, “Damn Easterners! Do you think I’ll listen to just the two of you? Ridiculous!”

With that said, he waved his hand. More than a dozen bodyguards in black suits behind him put their

hands to their waists, ready to draw their guns at any time.

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Philip’s eyes turned cold as he said, “Dr. Garner, I’m sincerely inviting you to help me. I hope you don’t

get too rash.”

Dr. Garner laughed and said, “Is that so? It just so happens that my lab is short of two human

experiments, so you can take those spots. Guards, capture them alive! I want to go back and experiment

on them thoroughly!”

After saying that, the dozen black-suited bodyguards drew the guns on their waists, aimed them at. Philip

and Fennel, and shouted, “On the ground, hands on your head!”

However, a shocking scene happened!

Philip and Fennel just shook their heads indifferently before they sprang into action.

Biff, bang, thud!

In less than three minutes, these bodyguards had their arms broken. They wailed as they fell to the


Dr. Garner was frightened at this scene. He immediately hid in the corner of the car, his eyes full of fear.

Philip grabbed the pistol from one of the bodyguards, pulled the bolt, and walked up to Dr. Garner. He

reached out, grabbed Dr. Garner’s lab coat, and dragged him out from the back of the car.

“F*ck! Let go of me! I‘m Dr. Garner, a senior researcher for the Lovelace family!” Dr. Garner roared

frantically, trying to escape from Philip’s clutches.

However, Philip threw him to the ground, looked down at him coldly, and reiterated, “Dr. Garner, I don’t

like to threaten people. I hope you can cooperate with me and help me restore someone’s memory.”

Dr. Garner gulped as he looked at Philip’s icy gaze and the weapon in his hand. However, if he betrayed

the Lovelace family, it would undoubtedly be a death sentence.

“Impossible! I’ll never help you!” Dr. Garner roared with a determined look on his face.


A gunshot!

The bullet hit Dr. Garner’s right ear, piercing through it instantly!

Dr. Garner screamed in agony, covered his bloody right ear, and howled. “Argh! You’re crazy! You

damned Easterner! I won’t help you! Absolutely not!”


The gun went off again!

The bullet hit Dr. Garner’s left ear.

Chapter 2569

This time, Dr. Garner felt the pain in the depths of his soul. He never expected this Easterner in front of

him to be the devil. He dared to fire at him!

The next second, the pistol in Philip’s hand was aimed at Dr. Garner’s chest. Philip said, “Dr. Garner, I

hope you don’t make the wrong choice.”

“You madman! Restoring a person’s memory isn’t as easy as you think! We’ve been studying this

research technology for five years but it just isn’t ready yet!”

Dr. Garner roared. “Besides, even if you want to recover your friend’s memory, you must first find their

erased memory! Do you understand? You stupid fool!”

Dr. Garner shouted, his ears bleeding and his head buzzing.

Philip frowned and asked, “We need to find the memory first?”

Dr. Garner yelled, “Yes! And the erased memory is in the hands of Young Master Lovelace. The only way

to recover that woman’s memory is to get the memory that belongs to her from Young Master Lovelace!”

Philip’s face darkened as he said, “How do you know that I want to restore a woman’s memory?”

Dr. Garner stared at Philip viciously and said, “Because she’s the only successful case!”

Philip instantly understood that Wynn was the only successful experiment in this memory modification


“I need you to get her memory for me and restore it,” Philip said coldly.

Dr. Garner shook his head and said, “Impossible. It’s difficult enough just to get the memory that belongs

to that woman. It takes even more time and energy to restore the memory. It’s definitely not something

that can be done in a day or two.”

“That’s your problem. I just want results. I hope you won’t let me down. Otherwise, your body will be an

addition to the corpses here tonight.”

Philip said coldly and added, “Of course, if you help me restore her memory, I can guarantee that you

won’t have to worry about a thing in the future. You won’t be hunted down in any way.”

Dr. Garner looked up at Philip doubtfully and asked, “Why should I trust an Easterner like you?”

Philip said, “You can live if you do and die if you don’t. It’s your choice.”

Dr. Garner glared angrily at Pete who was shivering and hiding in the corner. He made his choice and

said, “Give me two days.”

However, Philip interrupted, “Now!”

Dr. Garner almost went crazy and roared. “Then shoot me!”

With that said, Philip raised his gun.

This frightened Dr. Garner, who shouted, “Damn it! I’ll go! I’m going right now! You damned Easterner!”

Then, after some simple treatment, Dr. Garner’s head was wrapped in a bandage.

Philip and Fennel drove to the Lovelace family’s research lab with Pete in tow in Dr. Garner’s car. This

research lab was built in the suburbs, surrounded by open lawns and tarmac. Moreover, many heavily

armed soldiers patrolled nearby. There were also lighthouses and snipers on the high ground.

Anyone who attempted to break into this research lab would be easily spotted and become a living target

on this lawn. The entrance was an anti-collision electronic gate flanked by fully armed guards on both


A patrolling soldier raised his hand to stop the approaching black vehicle.

Chapter 2570

Philip rolled down the car window and showed Dr. Garner’s ID to the other party, who glanced at it before

he turned his attention to Philip and Fennel in the car.

He said coldly, “Get out of the car and let us check!”

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Philip and Fennel frowned.

At this moment, Dr. Garner poked his head out from the rear window and roared. “Damn it, are you

blind? Don’t you recognize me?”

When the guard saw Dr. Garner wrapped in bandages, he was startled before he bowed slightly and

said, “Dr. Garner, why are you…”

Dr. Garner said grimly, “Don’t worry about me. I have an emergency. Let us through!”


The guard immediately raised his hand and signaled the people at the back to open the electronic gate.

The black car drove into the institute, and they soon stopped at the entrance.

Dr. Garner got out of the car and walked in front while Philip and Fennel followed closely. After passing

through several doors that required fingerprint and iris verification, Philip and Fennel finally reached the

core research room of the institute with Dr. Garner.

It was a large area that covered thousands of square feet with dozens of researchers working on drugs

and human experiments. More than a dozen men and women lay in sealed cryogenic storage bins with

their eyes closed and catheters inserted in their heads. These were obtained through the underground

black market.

When he saw this scene, Philip could hardly imagine what Wynn had gone through. Shock and anger

brewed in Philip’s heart!

Damn the Lovelace family!

They went so far on the path of human research.

When Dr. Garner appeared, the dozen or so researchers bowed slightly before returning to their work.

Dr. Garner walked up to a research station and said to an assistant, “Pull out the research data of No.


The assistant nodded, operated the computer, and quickly pulled out a series of data.

Philip looked at the electronic display, and the person in the photo was none other than Wynn. Seeing

the data, Philip clenched his fist tightly and wished he could raze the research institute here to the


Fennel patted his shoulder lightly from behind and said, “A little tolerance now goes a long way.”

Philip’s eyes were red with anger. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to suppress his anger.

Dr. Garner looked at the data and asked, “Where’s the memory of No. 13 stored?”

The assistant operated the computer. A whole row of blue squares appeared on the screen, just like

storage lockers.

He said, “It’s in locker No. 7, Dr. Garner.”

Dr. Garner nodded and led Philip and Fennel to the memory storage room.

Along the way, Philip suddenly asked, “Dr. Garner, didn’t you just say that her memory is with Young

Master Lovelace? Why is it here?”

Dr. Garner rolled his eyes at Philip, placed his hand on the palm-print monitoring device of the storage

room door, and said, “A copy of the memory should be stored here. Let’s try our luck. If we have it here,

we don’t have to go to Young Master Lovelace.”

As he said that, the electronic door opened. A gust of cold air rushed out, enough to make one tremble.

Two armed soldiers in white combat uniforms stood guard in this memory storage room.

Seeing Dr. Garner coming in with guests, they stepped forward to ask for the documents and were

relieved when everything was in order. After verifying the palm print and iris again, they finally passed the

main electronic door of the memory storage room.

Behind the door, three cold walls were full of metal lockers.

Dr. Garner operated the computer and called out locker No. 7. Then, on the parallel tracks, locker No. 7

glided in front of Dr. Garner.
