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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 645
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Chapter 645

“S-She…” Bang bang! There were two consecutive gunshots! Philip quickly swung the man in front of him like a shield, and the

two bullets sunk into the assassin’s back! His female colleague had made her move. Since her first attempt did not work, she did

not linger, leaving in the blink of an eye. Philip frowned deeply, looking at the man in shades. The latter was lying on the ground

with blood bubbling out of his mouth, so Philip knew that he was not getting any answers there. He quickly called Rick and soon

found his answer. Curse that Marcus Quaid! Curse the entire Quaid family!

Had the previous incident not taught them anything?! How dare they try something like this! … At a presidential suite at United

International Hotel.

“Hehe, give it up, Wynn. I promise I’ll treat you well.” Marcus was holding a piece of Wynn’s dress that he had torn off her body.

He brought it to his nostrils and took a deep whiff before spreading his lips into a creepy grin.

Wynn was all curled up in a corner of the room, armed with the bedside lamp. Her face was stained

with tears as she howled hoarsely, “Go away!

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Don’t you dare come near me! Stay away from me! “Help! Help, save me!”

Wynn screamed desperately, but the only sounds in the large presidential suite were her wails and his

lustful sniggers. She watched as he approached her, one step at a time. Despair filled her heart, and

tears continued to trickle from her eyes. Oh, how she wished someone could save her right now. How

she wished… Marcus cackled and pounced at her in the corner. He had been waiting for this moment

for so long, and now he was finally going to taste the forbidden fruit! He threw her roughly onto the bed

and then pressed his body over hers, trapping her wrists! Wynn kept trying to fight, kept screaming at

the top of her lungs! Finally, at the very last second, she cried out in despair, “Philip!” Bam! Crash!

There was a tremendous hullabaloo in the room! Wynn’s eyes were squeezed shut, but she felt

Marcus’s weight suddenly disappear from above her. Her eyes flew open, and she saw a large and

powerful body standing over her, emanating flames of fury! Philip was utterly enraged, his eyes

threatening to spew flames as he glared at Marcus, whom he had sent flying with a kick! He had never

before been so furious!

He had never before wanted to kill someone so badly! Everyone had a bottom line, a landmine that

would kill anyone who stepped on it! He turned around and looked at Wynn. In one rapid motion, he

grabbed the covers and blanketed her body with it. He then bent over and hugged her shoulders,

soothing her. “I’m here. It’s alright now.” Wynn was still dazed. She gripped the covers tightly, feeling

the very real warmth of real embrace around her.

Her body was still shaking. He was here. It was really him! “It’s alright.

Everything is alright now.” Philip kept consoling her. He only let go when Wynn calmed down slightly.

He pushed back the hair that had fallen over her forehead and said gently, “Leave the rest to me.” With

that, Philip stood up and walked over to Marcus, who was still groaning on the floor. “Why are you

here?!” Marcus held his chest. He seemed to have broken a few ribs, and it hurt so bad that he still

could not get up. The even scarier part was that Marcus had not even seen how Philip managed to get

in before he was sent flying! Was this man a demon? Smack! Philip simply slapped him with such force

that he knocked out several of Marcus’s teeth! Pfft! Marcus coughed out some blood, his expression

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stormy and his eyes bloodshot as he roared at Philip, “You’re dead! Do you have any idea what you’re

doing?!” Even if Marcus was still somewhat confused, that slap was enough to smack his back into

reality. The reality was that Philip was here and ready to teach him a lesson! “You deserve death,

Marcus Quaid!” Philip said icily, his eyes filled with bloodlust! Bathump! When Marcus’s gaze met

Philip’s, the former gave a jolt as though electrocuted. He could feel the tsunami of killing intent in

Philip’s eyes, and it took him off-guard for a second. Bam!

Philip wasted no time on trash-talking. He simply raised his foot and brought it down hard on Marcus’s chest, with such force that

the tiles cracked underneath him! “Argh!” Marcus screamed in pain. It felt as though he had been struck by an anvil in the chest!

“Y-You little… Let go! You’re making an enemy of the Quaids! My family won’t forgive you!” Marcus wailed through the agony, his

face turning blue as he grabbed Philip’s leg.

He was finding it hard to breathe. “So what if I do make an enemy of them?

You reached your grubby paws at my woman, so I’ll cut them off as a favor for your family!” Philip said frostily, his voice low and

dangerous like a demon king from the depths of hell. “This time, I don’t mind killing you.”

Marcus’s heart pounded in his chest!