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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 61
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Chapter 61

When they arrived at Melfort, it was already dawn. The man in the wolf mask strode off the boat,

carrying the feverish girl in his arms. He didn’t exchange a word with Hector

Hector was left feeling quite superfluous with a lump in his throat.

Linden, on the shore, swiftly came forward to take the unconscious Natalia from him. He looked up at

the masked man.

“She has a fever, get her to the hospital! She needs clothes and also inform May!”

Linden nodded promptly. “Yes! Thank you for saving Ms. Natalial

“It’s my duty as a bodyguard! The masked man turned on his heel and strode away.

Hector watched him for a moment before joining Linden in taking Natalia to the hospital

When Natalia woke up again, it was already the next day Opening her eyes to the sterile white

surroundings, she knew she was in a hospital. She had been saved from drowning by a man in a mask,

but who was he?

Just then, the hospital room door opened, and May walked in carrying a thermos. Upon seeing Natalia

awake, she smiled and approached. “Ms. Natalia, you’re awake I knew you would be. I made some

soup for you. Eat it while it’s hot. You had a fever after the bodyguard brought you back last night. We

were so scared! If Mr. Magnus knew you were kidnapped, he’d be frantic. Thank God you’re okay”

Natalia slowly sat up, feeling weak. She took the soup from May and slowly ate a few spoonfuls.

“May, was it my classmate Hector who brought me to the hospital?”

“No, it was Mr. Magnus‘ bodyguard who saved you. Linden brought you here. Hector was also there.

May said with a smile

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The bodyguard, was it the man in the mask? She remembered Hector was there to save her too.

Frowning, she wondered how Hector knew she had been


“May, do you know who kidnapped me?

May thought for a moment, “We’re still investigating. Mr. Magnus already knows about it, and he’s very

worried. You’re safe, and that’s what matters From now on, let Linden pick you up and drop you off

from school. If something were to happen to you while Mr. Magnus was away, what would we do!”

Natalia lowered her head “It’s okay, I’ll be more careful from now on She had a good idea of who would

want to kidnap her. She had just had a clash with her sister, and then she was kidnapped Who else

could it be?

She stayed in the hospital for two days, preparing to be discharged.

That afternoon, Hector came to the hospital. As he walked in and saw Natalia sitting on the bed, he

immediately approached. “Natalia, are you feeling


Natalia gave a small smile. “I am, thank you, Hector.”

“Who was that man in the mask? Why did he suddenly appear on the boat where you were being

kidnapped?” Hector felt a strong aura from that man.

“He’s a bodyguard hired by Magnus, Natalia answered nonchalantly.

Hector sat down beside her, lightly holding her hand. “Natalia, leave Magnus. You re not his wife,

keeping you by his side is against the law. Come with ipe

to the States‘

She felt a pang in her heart. If she weren’t a replacement bride, if she didn’t owe her father anything,

she would leave with Hector without hesitation. But she was no longer the Natalia she once was. She

couldn’t leave to repay her father’s kindness. If she left, who knew what Magnus would do in his anger,

she couldn’t abandon her father

Every time Magnus looked at her with a firm gaze, he told her not to leave him, and to stay by his side.

She didn’t know why he wanted her by his side, was it because he liked her body? Apart from that, she

didn’t think there was anything else that would make him keep her by his side

He was a loner, living on an island for so many years. He was stubborn when it came to getting what

he wanted. If someone defied him, he would be merciless, like Perth She didn’t dare to leave, not

unless Magnus wanted to let her go

She quietly pulled her hand back Tm sorry, Hector. I’m not the same Natalia anymore. You should go to

the States. I can’t leave just yet”

Hector stared at her small face. She had changed, she was no longer the naive girl she once was

“Why won’t you come with me? Have you fallen in love with Magnus? His eyes were a fiery red

“No! Hector, things are not the same as before, I’m not good enough for your Go!” She turned her face

away, not wanting to explain any further

Hector felt like his heart was being cut open is what I said true. Natalia? Why are you so stubborn? No

matter what, I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait for you to Leave Magnus and come to the States with me, to forget

everything here!

Looking at her thoughtful expression, he could feel that something had happened in the past few

months that left her feeling insecure and lacking confidence. His heart hurt to the point of numbness.

He stood up and gently put a hand on her shoulder Natalia, don’t stress. No matter what happens.

you’ll always be the best in my eyes Be good You rest up Your lever’s gone. Il get your discharge

papers You can leave the hospital tonight.”

“No need, Linden will come to help me with that Natalia immediately refused

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“It’s almost evening. Linder’s probably busy preparing dinner Let me help you with the discharge

procedures, then i’ll take you home”

After Hector left, Natalia didn’t say anything else She turned and sat on the bed During her kidnapping,

her thoughts were constantly on Magnus. But the ones who appeared before her were the man in the

mask and Hector

She watched Hector’s retreating figure, his lonely, desolate silhouette, as he left the hospital room. He

was once her dream, back when he would gently protect her, and hold her in the palm of his hand. If

she hadn’t been a replacement bride, she was sure she would have had a peaceful life with Hector

But now, everything had changed.

This time, although her kidnapping was a close call, she suddenly felt her life would never be peaceful

again. She felt like she was trapped in a net, and her freedom was taken away.

In the midst of all the chaos, she was just a pawn. Was all this because of Magnus? If only he could

stand up, that would be great!

Even if she left, she would have waited for him to stand up. But it seemed impossible now.

Given all this, she should keep herself away from Hector, who was a gem of a man. He should’ve been

spared from all these dramas and lived a peaceful life.

At six in the afternoon, Hector had directly arranged for Natalia’s discharge from the hospital. He

helped her into his car, intending to take her to his apartment But Natalia was adamantly against it

Having no other choice, Hector drove her straight to Maplewood Manor, as that was the only place she

could stay for the moment.

Hector’s car eased to a halt in the yard of the Maplewood Manor mansion. He opened the car door,

and Natalia stepped out, walking into the courtyard. The two of them walked side by side into the


The mansion was eerily quiet. Natalia pushed open the front door and looked up. Magnus was sitting

quietly in a wheelchair, coldly observing the two who had just entered.