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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 121
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Chapter 139
“Letitia Sanders!”
the offered a soft chuckle. “I just wanted you to know, what you’ve given to me was never what I wanted. And, what I truly desire,
you could never provide.”
Even if Elgin, out of love for her, agreed to let Preston go, Letitia wouldn’t accept it.
What she wanted was to give her dad a legit freedom, an ironclad exoneration
Not to trade her dad’s “get out of jail free card” for Elgin’s love for her
Elgin tugged at his tie, his Adam’s apple bobbing. He couldn’t give it to her? What a jokel
He stood at the pinnacle of power, calling the shots, getting whatever he wanted, how could he possibly not have what Letitia
It’s just that he couldn’t give it!
“Play nice, Letitia,” Elgin said, “make some demands I can agree to, it’s only gonna do you good. Don’t try to make unreasonable
Letitia cast her eyes down. “I haven’t eaten, I want some food.”
“Have someone go get another portion”
“I want to be discharged, Letitia added, “I want to go back to work at the company
“Sure. Once you’re back on your feet.”
She nodded silently, not saying another word. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the bandage on Elgin’s hand, and
her lips curled into a sneer
“Your hand... it’d be great if it was broken.” Letitia’s fingertips landed on his palm, “Just too bad the knife was too small, not long
“You’ve got one wicked mind, woman”.

“Who asked you to stop me from stabbing myself?”
Elgin caught her hand and pulled her into his embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Letitia ended up sitting on his lap. Their breaths intertwined, faces close
“Your life is mine, I didn’t let you die, so you can’t die,” Elgin said. “If I want you to live, even if it means sacrificing myself, I’ll
make sure
you survive.
What a domineering line
Letitia looked at the man before her, with his sharp brows and handsome looks. He was outstanding, powerful, the dream guy for

countless women.
If she liked him, she’d probably be moved by that line. But how could she like him?
A man who tore her family apart, who threw her into a mental institution, who caused her to lose her child... Where’s the love in
Even if it existed, Letitia wouldn’t admit it, and would keep that flutter of the heart under tight wraps!
He was the devil, and the devil had fallen for her. Was she supposed to fall for a devil too?
Letitia turned her head away, refusing to look at Elgin.
If she looked any longer, she feared she’d fall!
“Why won’t you look at me?” Elgin edged closer, his nose brushing her cheek. “Letitia, deep down you’ve got feelings for me too,
She immediately denied it, “No!”
“Then look me in the eyes.”
“Look at you?” Letitia defiantly said. “I’m afraid I might just... kill you!”
Elgin’s lips curved into a smirk, “No, when you had the knife at my heart, you couldn’t push it further, not even a bit.”

His lips slowly approached, “So, Letitia, you do have me in your heart.”
“No-Before she could finish her sentence, her lips were fiercely captured by his.
Eigen did it on purpose, he waited for Letitia to speak just to kiss hec
That way, he could easily pry open her lips and deepen the exploration.
And now with Letta sitting on his lap, her whole body was firmly in his control.
Gradually, Elgin’s breathing grew heavier, and his hands started to wander.
“Elgin you.. let go... mm. Letitia realized something was off and started to struggle.
His body temperature was rising, and sitting on his lap, she could feel the scorching heat!
She was only wearing a hospital gown, which he could easily undo with a flick of his fingers!
“You make me lose control.” Elgin murmured against her lips. “Just how enchanting are you?”
Every time after kissing her, Elgin needed to take a cold shower to cool off the heat in his body
This time was no exception.
“Don’t mess around, Letitia’s hand pressed against his chest. This is no place for you to get frisky!”
This was a hospital room! And she had just had an abortion!
There’s plenty of time, I’m not in a rush Elgin looked at her “There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.”
Letitia firmly replied, “There won’t be a future, we’re getting a divorce.”
“As long as I don’t agree, you’ll never be able to leave me.”
“Elgin! You... you’re shameless!”
He tightened his grip around her waist, pulling her even closer into his embrace

He whispered in her ear. “Not only that, Letitia, but you’ll also be willing under me.”Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“There will be a day
Elgin’s fingertips suddenly landed on the wound on her neck, gently stroking back and forth.
It made Letitia itch, her skin breaking out in goosebumps.
The next second, Elgin’s actions made her freeze.. His lips kissed the wound on her neck.
This forced Letitia to tilt her head back, acutely aware of his movements.
He even deliberately licked it.
Letitia shuddered all over, crying out for mercy, Elgin, stop it.
Her slender neck arched gracefully, like a painting
“One day, Letitia, you’ll belong to me, both your body and soul”
Elgin lifted her onto the bed and headed to the bathroom.
He needed a cold shower, to cool down
Letitia sat on the bed, unconsciously touching the wound on her neck.
As if his warmth, his breath were still there...
After a while, Letitia snapped out of it, stunned
What was she doing? Was she actually savoring that kiss? She must be crazy!
Letitia quickly lay down, pulling the cover over herself, not daring to face anyone
Five minutes later, Elgin came out of the bathroom.
She didn’t move, waiting for Elgin to leave. But the footsteps were heading her way!
Letitia’s heart raced, what’s going on... wasn’t Elgin leaving?

Don’t come over!
The rnore you fear something, the more it’s likely to happen.
“You’re smothering yourself under the covers, isn’t that uncomfortable?” Elgin’s voice came through, “Huh?”
Letitia didn’t respond.
He waited a few seconds, then reached out to pull at her blanket
What are you doing?” Letitia quickly grabbed it, “It’s late, aren’t you going back to Ivory Towers?”
Tm staying here tonight”
Chapte: 139
What” Letitia was caught off guard for a sec, totally spaced out and didn’t keep a grip on the blanket. And just like that, Elgin had
already tossed it aside with a flick of his hand,
And then, shamelessly... he just plopped down into her bed.
“No, Elgin!” Letitia blurted out, “What the heck are you doing?”
That sickbed was tiny, barely enough for one person..
The moment Elgin hopped in, Letitia was practically shoved to the edge.
He reached out, scooped her into his arms, and said. “Just like that, time to sleep.”
Letitia was totally at a loss for words