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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 834
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Chapter 834

Attack!” Landon yelled. He held a re tamh tightly as he fiercely attached the approaching dark cloud, forming an

nyielding barrier

However, some dark clouds split into smaller clusters and swiftly Junged toward Yvonne at lighting sperd

Wonne’s eyes widened in sheer slisheliet as the unprecedented scene unfaldled. Penthed, she stood routed to the

spot, unable to move. Iter heart filled with a paralyzing mix of fear and despan while her pupils contracted


Just as Yvonne was about to give up hope, the dark clouds were inexplically halted

The clouds transformed into various shapes, roaring as they engineil hone hilling cries.

Yet, an invisible fone seemed to repel their advance, protecting Yvonne from their reach.

“It’s salt!” Tiana’s voice rang out, her eyes locked onto the edible salt circle beneath Yvonne’s feet. A surge of joy

filled her as Ale exclaimed, “These dark clouds, they cower in the face of sal

Driven by a newfound understanding, Tanja discarded lie: weapons and swiftly returned to the kitchen.

Determination etched on her face, she gathered every ouice of salt and scattered it beneath her feet.

Outside the confines of the salt circle, another dark cloud surged howard Lawrence with alarming speed.

Yet, in a mesmerizing twist, as it neared Lawrence, it fragmented into two distinct entities, narrowly grazing past

him before dissipating into the unknown.

Battled by the unfolding phenomenon, Tiana atul Landon exchanged incredulous glances, their minds grappling to

comprehend the mysterious turn of events.

“It’s oil Lawrence proclaimed with unwavering confidence. “Saland oil hold the key to repel these entities.”

“How did you know?” Tiana asked in surprise.

Lawrence pointed to his head and said, “Nothing extraordinary, just an intuition.”

His mind seemed attuned to the secrets of salt and oil as potent weapons against impending danger.

Gasping for breath, Yvonne collapsed onto the ground, and her body was drenched in sweat. It felt like she had

narrowly escaped the clutches of hell itself, her senses reeling from the harrowing ordeal.

Meanwhile, the relentless dark clouds pursued Danny with unrelenting fury, transforming into razor–sharp spears

that pierced his flesh with chilling precision.

Danny fought with every ounce of his being in a desperate struggle for survival, but his efforts proved futile. The

eerie dark cloud swallowed him whole, leaving behind nothing but a haunting pool of blood, erasing his presence

from existence.

As Tiana witnessed the unfolding scene, her eyes filled with fear and shock as she turned to Lawrence. “That’s

incredible,” she thought. “He predicted everything from the beginning, from the shards of broken bowls to the oil,

salt, and even the fire torch. It’s all part of your calculations. Flawless. What kind of nund does he have? Is his

thinking, as Mr. Baxter suggested, from the God Realmı?”

With resolute determination, Lawrence and Landon swiftly retreated to the safety of the salt circle.

Landon cast the fire torch beyond the protective perimeter, turning to Lawrence with anticipation and uncertainty.

“Lawrence, what’s our next move?” he asked.

Lawrence reached for a container of cooking oil without hesitation, pouring it generously over Landon’s body.

Simultaneously, he doused himself in the same slick shield of defense.

Tiana followed suit, grabbing a bottle of cooking oil and dousing it over her body. Uncertainty shrouded her

thoughts as the mysterious and evil dark cloud loomed, yet she trusted Lawrence’s method, hoping to emerge

unscathed from this enigmatic threat.

As such, she swiftly rushed over, clutching a handful of table salt and stood by Lawrence’s side.

“Your name’s Lawrence, right? What’s our next move?” Tiana asked, her voice trembling with a mix of anxiety and


Lawrence’s gaze locked onto the raging dark cloud outside, his eyes filled with unwavering seriousness. When

someone arrives, we must remain calm and avoid confrontation.”

Intrigued, Landon and Tiana exchanged puzzled glances. “Why?” they asked in unison.

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Lawrence’s voice grew deep and resonant as he explained, “Because that person possesses unimaginable power,

capable of effortlessly ending our lives with a inere gesture.”

As lus words sank in, Landon and Tiana’s expressions grew grint Their thoughts echoed in disbelief. “To have such

absolute power. it’s beyond comprehension!”


Chapter 834

A sudden realization dawned upon Lawrence, and he turned to Tiana, his eyes shining with urgency, “Mist Kiriry,

please ensure Mr. Baxter leaves tromediately and escapes as far away as possible.

Tiana’s gaze sharpened, and she urgently called out, “Mr. Baxter, please evacuate now and do not return!”

Meanwhile, Mr. Baxter stood in a safe spot outside as he wrestled with his thoughts, contemplating a plan to rescue


After all, the entire Peace Restaurant was shrouded in the eerie dark cloud, and Tiana’s life was in danger.

Relief washed over him upon hearing Tiana’s voice. Acting swiftly, he moved to a location untouched by the

ominous dark cloud, retrieved his phone, and dialed for help.

Lawrence’s gaze remained fixed upon the dense dark cloud outside the window. His expression was etched with a

resolute seriousness inside the confines of the Peace Restaurant. In a hushed tone, he muttered, “So, this is its true

nature. No wonder it’s so formidable.”

Lowering himself, he picked up a charred object, his eyes studying it intently, searching for answers.

Curiosity piqued, Landon broke the silence as he asked, “Do you know what this dark cloud is?”

Lawrence’s voice grew more certain as he replied, “Initially unclear, but now I can say with certainty that this mass

of darkness is a swarm of enigmatic and fearsome insects.

Lawrence extended his hand, passing the charred black objects to Landon and Tiana for closer inspection.

Though small, the charred black objects in the palm of his hand revealed their true nature as remnants of

incinerated insects. A distinct burnt odor wafted from them, leaving no doubt of their origin.

Tiana turned her gaze towards the mysterious dark cloud outside, her expression growing serious as she remarked

in a deep voice, “No wonder these dark clouds can devour humans. These are ruthless, flesh–eating monstrous


Landon’s voice resonated with somber realization. “More precisely, these are cursed beetles.”

The sight of these cursed beetles triggered memories within Landon, reminding him of the reason behind

Lawrence’s collapse.

Thoughts raced through his mind, “Could these insects be summoned by the red–robed messenger?”

“Yes, cursed beetles, Landon confirmed with a firm nod.

Lawrence’s gaze remained fixed on the darkened horizon as he spoke with solemnity, “Mr. Katz, you’re right. The

upcoming arrival is the red–robed messenger, and he’s coming for me. More accurately, he’s after my head.

Landon and Yvonne’s expressions turned grim upon hearing Lawrence’s words. Their minds were filled with fear

and realization, “How can we stand a chance against the red–robed messenger? He’s a god–class expert!”

Tiana’s gaze shifted towards the foreboding dark cloud that enveloped the Peace Restaurant. A sense of unease

settled within her.

The presence of these terrifying cursed beetles, coupled with the mention of an expert by Lawrence, instilled a

sense of despair even in someone as seasoned as Tiana. It was the first time she felt such overwhelming

hopelessness throughout her martial arts journey.

Suddenly, an eerie and ferocious laughter echoed through the air, cutting through their despair.

In the next instant, a rift tore open in the dark cloud that blanketed the Peace Restaurant, revealing the imposing

figure of the red–robed messenger. His gaze, sharp as a blade, fixated on Landon and his companions.

Finally, his eyes landed on Lawrence, and a look of surprise and greed flickered within his icy gaze. “So, you’ve truly

fused with the spiritual beetle?”

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Chapter 835

Chapter 835

The red–robed messenger stared at Lawrence in complete shock.

Just a few days ago, Lawrence had been in a deep coma as he was still under the influence of the spiritual beetle’s


However, Lawrence had now awakened, his vitality had now been restored, and his eyes shimmering with

newfound vigor.

Most importantly, Lawrence’s eyes now held profound wisdom, a stark departure from his previous state.

Moreover, he could sense the pulsating energy of the spiritual beetle within Lawrence’s mind!

That’s right, I have acquired a mysterious power, Lawrence answered honestly.

The red–robed messenger trembled upon hearing this, his eyes turning colder as his anger quickly escalated.

He had dedicated many years to cultivating the spiritual beetles, only to have Lawrence snatch away the fruits of

his labor. This left him seething with fury, feeling manipulated and deeply frustrated!

A murderous intent flashed in his eyes as he locked his gaze on Lawrence. He roared, “Very well, since that’s the

case, I will remove your head and seize your brain!”

With those words, he materialized in front of Lawrence and the others in a series of agile movements, his speed

akin to that of a phantom. Swiftly, he clasped Lawrence by the neck, hoisting him effortlessly into the air like a

helpless chicken.

Landon’s expression twisted dramatically as he shouted, “Lawrence!”

“Mr. Katz, stay pull” Lawrence cried out.

Then, he urgently pleaded with the red–robed messenger, “I know how to extract the power of the spiritual beetle

from my mind

The red–robed messenger, who was originally consumed by wrath and eager to slay Lawrence, was caught off

guard by his words.

He withdrew the vital energy in his palm, and he fixed his gaze upon Lawrence. “What did you just say?” he

questioned curiously.

“I know the method to extract the power of the spiritual beetle from my mind and return it to you, Lawrence

hurriedly affirmed.

Enraged, the red–robed messenger tightened his grip on Lawrence’s throat, cursing in rage, “Kid, do you think you

can deceive me so easily?”

As he bore his fiery gaze at Lawrence, the red–robe messenger inwardly cried out, “Once the power of the spiritual

beetle is assimilated, it remains fused with the host forever. Extracting the absorbed power is an absurd and

impossible idea!”

Unyielding, Lawrence declared, “I am not deceiving you. I am speaking the truth.”

Lawrence clutched the red–robed messenger’s hand, his face reddening as he strained to speak. He gasped. “To be

honest, this ability is also a burden to me. As long as I possess this power, you will persist in pursuing me. Over the

past few days, 1 have pondered how to restore this power to you so I can continue leading an ordinary life. And

now, I have devised a genuine method that can do so.”

Gasping for breath and unable to continue, he tapped the red–robed messenger’s arm repeatedly, conveying his

choked state and inability to speak.

After a brief moment of hesitation, the red–robed messenger finally released his grip on Lawrence’s throat.

Collapsing to the ground, Lawrence coughed heavily, greedily inhaling precious air.

At that moment, each breath felt like a gift from heaven.

The red–robed messenger stood tall, towering over Lawrence, and inquired, ‘Speak. What method do you

propose?” The spiritual beetle had taken over two decades to cultivate, and the red–robed messenger was

reluctant to let Lawrence absolve its power. He intended to seize the spiritual beetle’s energy if there was a chance

to retrieve it.

Lawrence took deep, calming breathis to restore his composure before standing up. Facing the red–robed

messenger, he spoke with unwavering resolve, “I have a method to extract the power, but I do have some

conditions that I need you to

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agree to.”

The red–robed messenger’s gaze chilled as he retorted, “I could kill you this instant. Do you dare impose conditions



Lawrence’s voice resonated with conviction as he spoke, “Ending my life is inconsequential. But can you bear to

watch all your painstaking efforts, cultivated over two decades, go to waste without ever retrieving the power of the

spiritual beetle?” The red–robed messenger pondered for three seconds, his gaze intense. “Alright, what are your

conditions?” he asked.


Chapter 825

Lawrence’s voice brimmed with confidence as he laid out his plan, ‘It is simple. Put away those flying cursed beetles

outside Let the three of them leave, and I will stay here to teach you how to extract the power.”

“Lawrence!” Landon and Yvonne cried out in protest. Their expressions turned grave, and their voices were filled



Tiana’s heart stirred with admiration as she wondered, “Is Lawrence willing to sacrifice himself just to save us?”

“Mr. Katz, listen to me and do not speak. This is between me and this gentleman, Lawrence silenced Landon and

the others as he threw them a meaningful glance

Then, he turned to the red–robed messenger. “How about this condition?”

The red–robed messenger sneered, his voice laced with skepticism. “Do you think I would believe such a feeble lie?

Letting them go? So that they can seek help?”

Unfazed, Lawrence asserted, “Believe it or not, it’s your choice. But remember, I will be here. It’s up to you whether

to strike this deal.”

The red–robed messenger challenged defiantly, ‘And what if I refuse?”

Lawrence’s tone remained resolute as he responded, “Then you can kill all of us, but the power of the spiritual

beetle will elude your grasp. You’ll be confined to the mortal realm for decades, unable to return to your


Surprise flickered in the red–robed messenger’s eyes as he asked, “You know about that place?”

Lawrena pointed to his own head, his voice filled with certainty. By absorbing with the power of the spiritual beetle,

I’ve gained fragments of its memories. That place is a true paradise, your homeland. Only there will you have

absolute control. But if you kill me, you’ll be trapped in this world for thirty years junable to return.”

The red–robed messenger locked his gaze on Lawrence, his expression conflicted.

After a contemplative pause, the red–robed messenger made a firm decision and declared, “Fine, I agree to your


With a wave of his hand, the dark clouds dissipated, revealing a clear path above the Peace Restaurant.

Turning to Landon and Yvonne, the red–robed messenger’s voice carried authority, “Get lost!”

Tiana’s eyes lit up with relief as she swiftly left.

The oppressive presence of the red–robed messenger had weighed heavily on her, but now she could finally escape

its grip. However, Tiana halted after taking a few steps.

Landon and Yvonne remained rooted to the spot, their unwavering determination evident.

Tiana’s brows knitted in concern as she exclaimed, “You…”

Landon’s voice resonated with conviction, “Lawrence, we are family. If we’re facing death, we’ll face it together.

Our lives are intertwined!”

Yvonne chimed in, undeterred by her fear, “That’s right, Lawrence. We are your elders. How can we abandon you

in this perilous moment?”

Tiana witnessed their unyielding unity in the face of danger and felt a pang of guilt for trying to leave.

The red–robed messenger surveyed the scene, his voice dripping with cold menace, “I don’t care about your bonds,

but you have ten seconds. Either disappear from my sight or face the consequences!”