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The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups by Jane Above Story

Chapter 135
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3rd Person

“Where’s who?” The scrawny pup squeaked, her scent becoming completely overpowered by fear.

“My pups.” Ethan growled. “Riley, Parker, Paisley and Ryder.”

The child’s eyes widened, and Ethan called over his shoulder, hoping the others could still hear him.

Got one!”

Running footsteps soon sounded at his back, and Jane pulled up short beside him. “Ethan, you’re

scaring her.”

“Smell her:” He instructed, “She’s been with the pups- recently.”

Jane leaned forward and sniffed the child, barely able to decipher the children’s scent amidst all the dirt

and grime.

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest, but still she encouraged her mate to return the frightened

urchin’s feet to solid ground. “It’s okay, little one.” She promised, “What’s your name?”

and Ethan, as baffled by their outfits as Thomas and Mary had been. She pursed her lips tightly

together, cowering when Linda, Mary and Thomas appeared beside them as well. She was completely

outnumbered, and her knees were beginning to knock together.

This, more than anything else, softened Ethan’s heart.

No matter his wolf’s rage at losing the children, he truly didn’t enjoy scaring pups. “I’m sorry I was a bit

rough.” He apologized, softening his tone to a soft lull. “We won’t hurt you.”

“We just want to find our pups.” Jane added anxiously. “

You’ve seen them, haven’t you? Our quadruplets?”

The girl was clearly more comfortable with Jane than the huge Alpha holding her hostage, and as

skittish as she was, she also had a bright-eyed curiosity about her which made her circumstances even

more troubling. “What are quadruplets?”

“It’s like when you have twins, but four pups instead of two.” Jane answered, smiling warmly. “Ours are

four years old, and they got kidnapped last week. We’ve been looking everywhere for them, and we

know they’re here somewhere.

Can you help us?”

The child crinkled her nose as she thought about their request. “What will you give me if l do?”

Ethan growled again, and Jane shot him an annoyed look before grinning at the little girl. “You’re a

clever one, I’ll give you that.”

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“Hmph, Mary scoffed beside her, “more like an impertinent one. ought to take you home and throw you

right in the bath.”

Though her words were clearly intended as a threat, the girl looked up at her curiously. “Why would you

do that?

“Because you’re in a right state.” Mary informed her imperiously. “You clearly need some looking after.”


The girl lifted her chin defiantly. “Fabian looks after her.

“Does he now?” Mary replied, taking over the negotiations while the others looked on in bafflement. “He

feeds you? Clothes you? Gives you cuddles?”

“He teaches us to survive.” The girl insisted, clearly less certain of herself now.

“Pups aren’t meant to survive on their own.” Mary told her sternly, “they’re meant to be provided for.

Anyone who tells you otherwise or expects you to pay for your safety is no friend” She declared,

guessing Fabian’s arrangement with no trouble at all. She’d seen enough of the gangs over the years

to understand how they worked.

The girl looked beside herself now, and Mary closed in for the girl. “Let her go.” She told Ethan. “She

won’t run – not if she wants a hot meal and a nice bed to sleep in.”

This got the child’s attention. What?”

“I’m not saying it will be all flowers and sunshine” Mary informed her shrewdly. “There will be rules, and

chores, I won’t have you running completely wild – but I’ll not be leaving you in these conditions young


“Are… are you saying you want me to live with you?” The girl stammered, her eyes going wide as

dinner plates. Ethan and Jane were watching with avid interest. A few minutes ago the child had been

terrified, but Mary clearly had a way with pups, It was probably how she’d wrangled their own babies

out of the jungle. They knew not to trust anyone who seemed too nice, and Mary had the kind of

maternal authority which made it clear she would take care of you whether you liked it or not.

If you like.” Mary agreed.

“But only if I help you find the pups… right?” The girl qualified suspiciously.

“Helping us is the right thing to do – those pups have parents who love them and want nothing more

than to take them home” Mary explained, gesturing to Ethan and Jane, ” but you’ll have a place at my

hearth whether you help or not.

The child looked so tempted, clearly longing and yearning for a home with all her heart, that Jane

wanted to cry. However a minute later dark clouds came over her young face. “l can’t – Fabian will

punish me.”

“Little one, Thomas and I don’t live in this town. If you come home with us, you’ll never have to come to

this place again. We have a llama farm in the hills. It’s nothing but fresh air and sunshine” Mary

informed her. “Now are you going to tell us your name, or do we have to guess?”

“That’s not the only reason” The girl objected. “I have a brother. He’s real litle, I can’t leave him behind.”

“He can come too.” Thomas offered instantly.

The child clearly thought this is too good to be true. Her instincts were telling her to believe them, but

her head was too full of the past to allow herself. “You’ll just hurt us.” She accused.

Now tears did spark in Jane’s eyes, and her imagination spun out of control as she contemplated the

life this innocent pup must have led. “”I ve never hurt a pup in my life.

” Mary announced. “You can ask the quadruplets –they stayed with us before coming here. They got a

little scared when we brought them to the city, like you are. But they can tell you what our home was


Jane and Ethan had to appreciate the elder woman’s cunning. Even if the girl got cold feet before

agreeing to come home with them or talking to the pups, she might still lead them in the right direction.

They didn’t think this was the reason behind her offer, but it was a damn good strategy nonetheless.

“My name’s Sophie” The munchkin offered shyly. “I can’t take you to your pups, but I might be able to

find them a place to meet you.” She turned to Mary and crossed her arms over her ch3st. “And I’ll

decide after I hear what they have to say.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Mary praised, nodding gravely.

Within moments, the expectant adults watched Sophie disappear into a hole in the wall – too small for

even Jane to squeeze into. They waited with baited breath while the excited girl wound her way

through the maze of defunct sewers, disappearing deeper into the bowels of the city and praying that

Fabian was no longer guarding the pups. Luckily, she found them unattended.

Riley, Ryder, Parker and Posey were tied up in a dank alcove, tears streaming down their young faces.

She instantly saw the resemblance between them and the pretty lady in the square. “Shhh.” She urged

them, pressing a finger to her l!ps. “‘m going to take you to your parents but you have to be quiet.”

The pups perked up instantly, offering up their hands so she could untie the ropes. “Did you stay with

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an old couple before you came here?” She asked as she worked.

They nodded in agreement, and Sophie paused only long enough to ask, “Were they nice? Can I trust


The pups exchanged a few glances, then nodded firmly.

They’d only run away because Mary was determined to fetch the police. Once they were released from

their bounds, Sophie paused only long enough to fetch her brother, before guiding them back through

the darkness to the world above.

Unfortunately they’d only made it through a few tunnels before they heard Fabian’s voice and footsteps


“Quick, go right!” Sophie hissed. “Fabian’s coming this way!”

This sent them on a completely different route, winding away towards the other side of town. Sophie’s

mind raced, praying Fabian wouldn’t notice they were gone before she could get them above ground.

They were just emerging into the cloudy top level when a furious roar sounded beneath them, and

Sophie knew the game was up. She dragged the pups down a side street, pausing when she saw a

pair of open trunks waiting to be packed behind a clothing shop.

Quick, hide in here, I’ll bring your parents to you!”

“No we’ll come with you!” Parker objected.

“You can’t if we cross paths with Fabian he’ll hurt us all.

Bailey and I can pretend we’re just working and don’t know you scaped!” Sophie reasoned. “They’re

too far away for you to be out in the open!”

Seeing the reason in her plan, Riley and Paisley climbers into one trunk while Parker and Ryder

clambered into another, letting Sophie close the lids after whispering, “l bring them as fast as I can.”

However no sooner had Sophie and Bailey disappeared around the corner, that the pups felt the trunks

concealing them lurch, as if they were being lifted. “Are we moving?”

Riley asked Paisley nervously.

“I dunno, try to open the lid?” Her sister suggested.

Riley rose up onto her knees and pushed at the lid, only to find it tightly closed. “l can’t.” She

murmured. “Paisley, I thinks….I thinks we’re locked in.”

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