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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 308
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083 Griffin

288 Vouchers

Finally, after that whole ordeal with Cynthia, Anna, and Father reminding us of needing to find a Beta and

Gemma, | am alone with my mate. She askedif we could just go for a hike, we wanted to spend stime

alone. With how much our pack likes her and how much they still want to get to know her. There isn’t a place in

the castle or the center of the pack where we would be left alone. We could go into the human world, and leave

pack ground behind but then we are facing another loss of privacy. It's not like we can fully be ourselves when

we are surrounded by humans. So going on a hike truly is the best thing we

could do.

| figured that her leaving and going back to the White Oak pack to get her last belongings and settle her last

affairs would be easier. That | would somehow miss her less knowing it was the last time. But for sreason

knowing this is the last thas the opposite effect. All | can think about is how | wish she didn’t have to leave

behind. | had to stop myself from suggesting getting smovers so she didn’t have to leave to get her stuff. |

don’t because | know it is more than just moving her stuff. She is going to have to say goodbye to the pack she

finally got to live with. | can hardly believe how far she has cfrom when | met her three months ago. | never

stopped loving her but there had been. moments | didn’t have faith that we could ever overcour baggage.

“Did you hearhandsome?” Ayla’s voice interrupts my thoughts



083 Griffin

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And | am glad she did, it would be a waste of tto spend the last few hours with her, thinking about our past.

Besides, maybe it is for the best she leaves for one last week. | have far too much work to join her for the entire

week sadly enough. But this way | can try and have her office at the castle ready.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Sorry, Darling | was zoned out, what did you say,” | ask her focusing my energy back on her again.

“Maybe we can go for a run, shifted?” She asks shyly.

| know she feels like her petite frstands out even more in wolf form. To sextent it does, she has the

body of an adult wolf but in a flash, you would mistake her for a young wolf. All | see though is just that, a flash

of Willow because there is no wolf as fast or as agile as she is. Even in her human form, she outruns everyone

and | am just in awe of her. Plus she is just as playful in her wolf form as | am. Something I not only enjoy but

also shows just how good we are together. That we are made for each other.

“Yes, | would love to run behind you never catching up to you for an

hour or so” | chuckle

At my teasing, she turns around and strips, and shifting is the last thing. on my mind right now. Her body is

perfection and her naked body will always turnon. But there is something about the way how freely she

undresses now. No longer hiding her body, not just frombut from everybody. We are deep enough in the

forest to obscure us from most of



083 Griffin

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the people in the pack ground. But being in a forest on a thriving pack’s ground means the chance of running

into another wolf is very high.

“Hmm, | like what | do to you but that won't help you catching up with me” She teases, staring at my crotch and

noticing the effect she has on

1. me.

Before | can say anything she shifts into her beautiful wolf and starts. running away from me. We have not

completed the mating process. because this week apart would likely be unbearable if we had. It was her

suggestion and it was a smart one. One | was happy to agree to but now as | rush out of my clothes watching her

run further and further away from| wish we could minlink. | wish | could hear the joy and laughter in her

voice as she teasedabout not being fast enough.

For now, | just shift, and hide both of our clothes so we can easily find them when we go back. And then | set off

running after her.


It feels like we have run for more than an hour, and in all that t| never caught up with Ayla. Not until she

decided to lie down we somehow managed to make it to the clearing where we held the BBQ yesterday. The air

is still filled with the scents of the entire pack, smoke from the charcoal, and the savory smell of grilled meat. |

wonder if she chose this place on purpose or if it was on accident.



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Suddenly unlike she normally would when we are in our wolf forms she shifts back the moment she sees me.

“I can’t wait to be able to mindlink you, because | brought you here because | wanted to tell you something. So

that is why I had to shift, and it might be easier if you shift too?” She doesn’t have to asktwice, if

she wants to talk we will talk.

From now on out, even more than | had before | will always do anything she wants. My purpose in life will be to

make every new day together her best day yet. Ayla has shifted back and her human body isn’t flushed or

sweaty. | can see that even with how fast she ran she still didn’t push herself. Unlike me, so when I shift back |

look like | have been working out. Which seems to work in my favor, if | go by the way she eyes me

1. up.

“I thought you said it would be smarter not to have sex, so that we both do not lose control and mark each other

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

in the heat of the moment” | : tease her again, partially because it was a smart idea.

A smart idea that | will forget all about if she keeps looking atlike. that. My teasing was successful as she

chuckled and shook her head.

“You're right and what | am about to tell you is much more important than having sex with you” She starts.

It's the kind of thing that would normally makeanxious. Make me



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feel like there was something | had done to make her mad or sad. Event the times when | couldn't help it, and

her being upset was a trauma response it had always hurt me. Now we moved past that we have grown so much

as a couple. | no longer feared to have serious conversations with Ayla. Because A | stopped assuming the worst,

as she had started to open up tomore. And B even if it was something | had done we were now strong

enough to just handle that as a couple.

“I want to thank you for last night, and everything you said. | love you Griffin and | am sorry for the person | was

when we first met. Everything. that happened hurtso much. So | convinced myself | would never get a

second chance mate. That | was not worth one. Let alone the Crown. Prince, it’s not just about your title though

you know that. Because with everything you did, you seemed to be more and more perfect. So | was so sure you

would one day see how unworthy | am that | tried to push you away on my own accord. Hoping it wouldn't hurt

that much when

you eventually left me. Scared that a second rejection would mean I lost my life because it would be too much

heartbreak. But you did the opposite of breaking my heart again. That is why | am choosing to move in with, you

so much sooner than we agreed to. Because you healedand | don’t want to waste any more twithout

you.” She toldwith a raw and honest vulnerability that made it hard forto speak.

| mean what could | say that would do justice to her beautiful words? All | could do now was pull her close to me

and kiss her. Hoping she would not mind it | was going to break a promise.