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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 318
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093 Griffin

288 Vouchers

093 Griffin

All eyes are on Daniel when he walks up on the stage next to me. Everyone in the pack knows he is Krystel's

mate and they like him. After my offer to stay here in a higher-ranking warrior position, he went to the training

fields. Stating he wanted to meet the wolves he would be fighting side by side with. Because according to Daniel

if you out there risking your lives for each other it’s good to know who you are risking your life for. And if they

are the kind of wolves you are willing to die for.

After that meeting, he and Krystel tookup on my offer. And the entire army has been singing his praises ever

since. Benneth our lead- warrior pipes up, not raising his hands just shouting his opinion.

“I had no reason to doubt our future Queen, we have all met her, and as werewolves should have enough

survival instincts to see if a person is, honest or not. Still, if that is not enough for you lot. The King, the Queen,

one of our newest and strongest warriors, and all of his brothers and sisters in battle believing in her should be

enough. No offense Prince Griffin but with you being her mate and all, people would argue you are blinded by

love” He shrugs the last bit, knowing he overstepped.

Benneth is a good warrior, passionate, and loyal, his mate Jack and their pup Ella are the only thing he loves

more than this pack. And our kingdom, after his speech the entire army roars in approval. So how could | have

been mad at him for so valiantly defending my mate?



093 Griffin

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“No offense, Benneth you know in this pack you are free to speak as you feel” | answer Benneth.

The questions seem to simmer down, so | make my way to the guards’ station with my father. We need to speak

to our warriors to talk about securing our borders and see how many warriors we can miss to join the quest to

find her. Our first stop will be the White Oak pack, | still need to ask Alpha Cedric permission but there is no way

he is going to refuse anything in aiding the return of his niece.


The meeting has been long and tedious but we cup with ssolid plans. As much as | hate it we need to

do sresearch first so we will travel to the White Oak pack tomorrow. There is no need to rush over there,

father suggested that David might still have spies since Ayla was kidnapped from the White Oak pack. If they see

us rushing over there they will let David know. Him knowing his plan is failing and that | am right on his tail will

only scare him.

I want the motherfucker to be scared of me, he should be scared ofbecause when | find him | will tear him

apart limb for limb with my own hands. The problem is that we don’t know what he will do when he gets scared.

It could be something that results in hurting Ayla even more. And we need to do everything in our power to stop

that from happening. | still believe he will keep her alive and fairly happy to make sure she will accept him as her

chosen mate.



093 Griffin

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| shudder at the realization of the thing she can do to her. What he can force her to do, but the one thing he

cannot do. The one thing the MoonGoddess protects us from is completing the matebond without her permission.

He can bite her, and mark all he wants, it will be

excruciatingly painful for her but he will not mark him. As the son of an Alpha, he must know that from his


Thinking about that | start to wonder if this whole rejection letter was just aboutleaving him alone. What if

he made a similar letter for Ayla? Where | am telling her that | love her but have finally realized she is not meant

to be a Queen. If she was to believe that it would break her heart, and then to find out | was indeed not coming

for her had | believed the letter. It would have ruined her, but I have faith just like | did not believe the letter,

David wantedto believe was hers. | know she won't believe any letter written out of my name. Not anymore,

we've grown stronger than that now.

Now | need to go and find Daniél to ask him for help with getting more information about the BloodMoon pack.

Ayla’s parents are already helping, Ayla had sent Krystel her calendar for the first two weeks in our pack. Just to

be sure she is going over that to see if there were any unusual meetings. She would also try and see if with the

login she could look back in the calendar to see if anything happened before yesterday


Raised voices coming from the ballroom get my attention. | wonder who is still in there arguing, and what they

are arguing about. Suddenly | hear Ayla’s voice, | feel like | must be hallucinating.

“I'm a little nervous about asking Griff to mate me. | really was stupid,

093 Griffin

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huh not trusting him. But he’s healedand | am so happy with him. But anyway like | said I'm happy we will

be living in the spack. Can you imagine by the tyou chfrom your weekend off | will be a mated


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It can’t be, Ayla can’t be here, and the words don’t make sense. If she were here she would be face to face with

Daniél. Still, | rush to the ballroom wanting to know what is going on. When | see Dan holding up his voice it

suddenly makes sense. Ayla must have sent him a voice memo. The pack members and Dan turn to me. Daniél

is tellingsomething but | cannot hear what he is saying.

His sister’s voice keeps ringing through my head. Dan and Krystel were set to be back on Monday. So if she felt

like she was going to be marked and fully mated before that she would have wanted to complete the mating

process. | need to get out of here, | need to run. Conan needs an outlet too, | have wanted to run ever since

yesterday. There is no need forto stay close to the phone now. Realizing that there is no way that Ayla can

callnow is heartbreaking.

And | can’t handle it anymore without telling the others anything | take off running. As soon as | am at the edge

of the forest undress, shove my clothes into one of the empty trunks, and then take off running.

It feels like | am running around aimlessly, but when | stop to look around and see where Conan took|

recognize it right away. This was the place we took a break when we first saw each other in our wolf forms.

Conan must be worried about our mate too. Normally your wolf and human spirit talk to each other. Help each

other out, but now that


093 Griffin

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we are both missing the one thing that is the most important to us. | have no idea how to feel better. Still, | have

to, because | cannot find and save my mind if | give in to all the dark thoughts swirling in my mind. So in one last

desperate attempt to numb the pain. If only just for a little bit | let it all out in the loudest deepest howl | ever

howled. It was so loud that if she had been any closer she would have heard all the love and pain in it.
