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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 330
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105 Griffin

My trick helped, lying in a bed that smelled of Ayla. Thinking about reuniting with her the next morning, finally

madeget a good night's rest. But when | woke up this morning, the reality hitlike a ton of bricks. This

could go two ways, we would have to fight and proceed with a hostile takeover of the BloodMoon Pack and find

Ayla there. Or we did but David would have been smart enough to hide her somewhere else entirely.

Going in fighting could hurt our chances of finding Ayla.. Something | wasn’t willing to risk. But the chances of

David allowing us to just walk in and talk about things were non-existent. | sigh heavily, this day could be the

day | have been looking forward to ever since reading that letter. Or it could be the worst day of my entire life.

A small voice in the back of my mind remindedof the third option. The option where Ayla would get caught in

the crossfire and die. My stomach churned at the thought and | need to run to the toilet. | barely made it in time,

and as my body was heaving. | hated myself for not being able to be in control of my thoughts and emotions. |

was an Alpha wolf, and not any | was the Crown Prince.

My mate neededto be strong and brave like she no doubt was. Yet here | am listening to the sound of last

night's dinner splattering the toilet bowl. Gagging even more at the acid smell surroundingnow.



105 Griffin

“Griffin, are you okay son?” A worried Quinn asked me.

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He knew | was not alright, honestly, | don’t think either of us is. But there is not a lot you can say when you find

your grandson-in-law puking in your missing granddaughter’s bathroom. Quinn was a comforting figure and an

Alpha who had issues with his mate before they completed the matebond. He had to fight a war with hunters

and rogues just to keep his mate safe. Maybe he could giveswords of wisdom. Something to make me

feel ready to take on this new mission.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Would it be rude to tell you | am scared shitless” | shrugged, still- kneeling in front of the toilet bowl. Scared of

what would happen if |

were to move.

“No, it would showyou are an amazing mate and future King.” He comforted me, patting my back and

ignoring the stance that was filling up the small bathroom.

“How is not having my things in order, how is crumbling under the burden of missing my mate a sign that | am a

good King or mate for that matter” | asked him finally able to stand up again.

“Do you know why the MoonGoddess created mates?” Quinn seems to

ignore my question but there must be something be

wants to tell me.

In reply, I just shake my head and it is all he needs to continue.



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“Because no matter how much she tried to perfect us she never could. She could not make us flawless. As a

solution to that she gave us mates. A mate to counter your flaws and strengthen your powers. All we need to do

to be worthy of our mate is believe in the MoonGoddess and love them, unconditionally” Quinn's words were

somewhat shooting.

But it still seemed more like he was tellingwhy | was so flawed not as opposed to what madeso strong.

“I know what you're thinking but to love your mate unconditionally, you need to think about them with your

heart, not your mind. The fact that you're mate is not here, and we don’t know if she is safe gets a different.

reaction from your brain than it does from your heart right?” He asked


At first, he didn’t make any sense. But when | gave it a bit of thought he was right. My brain was telling| was

the Crown Prince. That | am. strong enough to overcthis. It was tellingthe steps | should be. taking to

get her back. But | couldn't because my heart was tellingto be scared, my heart was tellingthere is no

use to life if it was not with her in it. And the voice of my heart was loud enough to drown out the voice of my


“It does, and my heart is way louder. Thanks, Quinn that helps a bit” I tell him as it did.

Maybe | have been looking at it the wrong way. Maybe this isn’t a sign



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of weakness. If he is truly using his Alpha voice like we are suspecting him to, David is using his wits, not his

heart. He is using his powers over his pack not the love between them. Right now there isn’t a lot that is more

reassuring than being reminded how different I am to him.

“Go brush your feeth, shower, brush your teeth again, and then cdown for breakfast,” Quinn tells me, like a

father would his son, remindingof the fact that | am a part of this family.

And that as a family we will not rest until we have our girl back with us. So | do as | am told. Once | am

downstairs | eat a normal breakfast. Not plucking at pastries, eating as little as | can just to give off the

appearance of eating to get sof the others off my back. No, | eat enough to be strong, and full of energy to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

face whatever | will be facing when | finally arrive at the BloodMoon pack. Knowing | am listening to my heart

and not my mind because that is how the MoonGoddess” intended it givespeace and hope. Peace in

knowing | am not weak | am just flawed as we all are. Hope because she is an honest goddess and will not

punish the ones who live as she intended us to. Still listening to my brain every now and then won't hurt me

either. Sthings you just need to be smart about.


After breakfast, we all make it to the airport, Alpha Cedric and his mates and kids are staying behind. They

cannot abandon their pack. Especially since there still is a threat of war. David seems to be either delusional or

deranged. So there is no telling what he is going to do next.



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The rest of Ayla’s family including Krystel are coming along, as are Dillion, Colin, Gerald, and Jessa. | have

decided to ask the warriors who calong withto stay behind. Which they were more than willing to do.

This way the White Oak pack is stronger in numbers even if they already have an impressive army. It also shows

signs of the alliance between them and the royal family.

As | board the plane | see Mom and Dad again. And | can’t help but notice how tired they look. Like their bodies

finally realized that they were aging. | hate the fact that David is hurting so many wolves. When all he had to do

three years ago was realize what a gift he had been blessed with. He chose to reject the gift, to reject Ayla. Only

for him to regret his decision when she found happiness with someone else. When we found happiness with each

other. | swore to myself again that | would punish him for this.

But when we finally arrived at the BloodMoon pack | had no idea how to. Because He was gone, the pack was left

without an Alpha. They were obviously still under his control. But he was nowhere to be found, so Ayla wasn't

either. Even if he needed to be close to have such control over them. And from the look of disarray, it had been a

while since he had been an active Alpha.

“Fuck what are we going to do now?” Father asked me, cursing for the first tin forever.