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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 331
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106 Griffin

I have no idea what to do either, everyone in this pack looks like a zombie. Walking around, aimlessly doing what

is expected of them. In that, they are keeping the pack afloat but that’s it. The pack is just barely afloat, it isn't

lively and buzzing like a pack should be.

“Can we not appoint a new Alpha to the BloodMoon pack? | mean as the royal family we need to approve Alpha’s

and their behavior right?” | ask Dad because this is the first twe had to do something like that.

“It is we can appoint a new Alpha by royal degree, we would need a very legitimate reason. More so now that we

have a personal conflict with the pack’s original Alpha. But this” Dad says waving his hand around the mess the

pack is.

“This should be more than enough, using your Alpha command non-stop. to make sure they behave. To make

sure they do not tell others about his odd behavior. And presumably his crimes against the royal family. Is bad

enough for us to cto that decree” Dad agrees with me.

Now we need to contact the council and break the pack bond. Have conversations with the pack members to find

out what happened. And to try and determine who the new Alpha is going to be. Preferably someone with ties to

the pack. Because this will be a tough situation for all the involved parties.



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It will take at least one day if not two, precious t| cannot spend looking for Ayla. Knowing she must be close

tobecause David is no doubt keeping her close. And he needs to be close enough to the pack to cover

and talk to them at least once a day. Not to mention the fact that he will feel the pack bond breaking. And it will

alert him of the fact we found out something is happening. Only members of the royal family with permission of

the council can break a pack bond like that. It is not something we can do when we are at a distance too.

Meaning he will. know that we have been to the BloodMoon Pack.

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“You have givendaughter extra time, and with the hints in the video she no doubts knows you are coming for

her” Jay addresses my worries. before | even express them.

He is right again, and as much as | want to rescue my mate. As much as | long to have her in my arms again. |

know what she would have wanted. She sacrificed so much to keep this pack safe. Seeing the state it was in now

would kill her. When | finally get her back because | am sure | will | want to look her in the eyes and tell her.

“Darling, it tooka little longer but | did everything | needed to do to keep your former pack safe” And she

would loveeven more for it.

“You should make the call Dad,” I tell my father knowing he is waiting for my permission.

Only he tellsto be the one to make the call, he wantsto be the



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one in charge of this entire operation. | don’t know if | am worried about. it or incredibly honored he thinks | am

ready to take on a task like this. Even if it is in line with my training, | am not at my best right now so to know

even now he has so much trust inis reassuring.

“Okay, sure | can do that but it would be nice if there is an empty office | can use. But it's not like the rest of the

pack will tell me” | start thinking out loud.

Surprisingly they have been very unaffected by us being here. Most have greeted us but as if they didn’t really

see who we were. Not even the Hemmings who have been such an integral part of this pack are not

acknowledged by them. Then again it is better than them being aggressive toward us. Fighting wolves who are

not in their right mind isn’t just hard it’s unfair too. And something | would want to avoid at all


“I have an office at our hyou can use that.” Tessie offers.

Weird with all that happened | almost forgot, that the Hemmings still have a hhere. They moved packs but it

had to be so sudden they didn’t have the tto pack. | remember Ayla being so sad her parents could never go

back to get their personal belongings.

Now their hstill being intact will be my saving grace. | will make sure that whatever happens, they will have

access to their personal belongings again. But | have another idea forming in my mind. Not wanting to get ahead

of myself I'm not saying anything. For now, | just


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follow the Hemmings towards their home.

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Remindingof the days | spend here. The door | fixed when the former Luna angeredso. | wonder if that

Hannah She-wolf really was involved or if she was under the influences of the Alpha voice too. But | guess we

will soon find out.


| spent an hour on the phone with the council just like we expected they were wary of us intervening in the

matters of David's pack. In the end, they did see reason and agreed with us declaring the royal degree. Which

now meant | needed to use my royal Alpha voice to have the entire pack gathered in front of me. Only when they

are can | break the packbond. Of course, | do not have to address David so he won't be “summoned to the pack


“Members of the BloodMoon pack, because of the atrocities your Alpha David Phillip Birch committed against not

only the royal family but especially your pack. | know you release you from your burden. By breaking the pack

bond by royal decree”

The break is successful because pack members are starting to look up. Like they are getting out of a daze. Some

start screaming, others start crying and several run up to the Hemmings. Hugging them and welcoming them

back. Most of them cup to the podium | stood on thankingfor freeing them.


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But | need to move on, | need to talk to all of the pack members. Both to get their witness reports about what

happened with David leaving the pack. The death of his parents, his sister gone missing. And of course, most

importantly if they have any idea as to where Ayla is hidden.

Sadly | did not get the council's permission to use my Alpha’s voice during questioning. So | have to be careful to

look for any signs they are not being honest. Or if it seems like they are withholding information fromout of

skind of misplaced loyalty towards David.

Maybe it is wrong ofbut I’m exactly convinced of the BloodMoon pack’s honesty. Not with how most of them

treated my mate: Trying to put my prejudice aside | asked all the pack members to ctalk toin the former

Alpha’s office.


Hours later | had spoken to the entire pack. With how Alpha Phillip and Luna Jenna ruled the pack its numbers

had dwindled. Still, the hours spent interrogating the pack had been draining. All pack members had told me

something along the lines of

“We don’t know what happened after his parents died, David did not handle it well. He used his Alpha voice a lot

and | do not know where he or his sister are.” Sadmitted to the high possibility of him kidnapping Ayla but

no one was sure.


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The one thing they all agreed to was to make Jay the Alpha. It would. mean a lot of changes for my entire family-

in-law That is why | asked all of them to cto the office so | could ask Jay if he wanted to be the Blood Moon’s

pack new Alpha effectively making Dan his successor as he did not have a set function yet.
