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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 336
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111 Ayla

It has been another week, it's been three weeks now and it is hard not to lose hope. Much too soon after | felt his

presence near, Griffin seemed to have left the area again. Convincing David | am giving him a second. chance

seems harder than | expected too. He had soon grown bored of my squabbles with Hannah.

Expectingto do something for him in return on the occasion he did defend me. | wasn’t stupid either | knew

they still sneaked off to have sex. | should be more bothered with it if | was really giving him a chance. But it

keptoff his back it would always be the same. He would be on my case for two days. Tellinghow much he

missed me. How much he lovedand how he would prove tothat he was my only true mate.

Nodding along, giving vague hints ofwanting to believe him or seeing he was trying more and more already

took everything out of me. He would then follow his word with touches. Rough demanding touches | was sure he

figured would please me. They never would not even if | did actually feel something for him. All his touches did

was make it clear tothat | dodged a bullet when he rejected me.

The problem was no matter how much | wanted to play along. No matter how important it was forto make

David believe that he stood a chance with me. | could not stop my body from shuddering, backing away on

instinct from his repulsive touch. He would get frustrated,



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Hannah would notice and she would start brushing up on him when she brought us our supplies. She would call

him Alpha in sensual whispers, barely dressed.

He would always grunt he was going to see her out and be gone for at least thirty minutes. Often, even more,

coming back with the stench of sex and Hannah surrounding him. | would scrunch up my nose on instinct at the

smell of it. Something he seemed to take pleasure from. Maybe in his mind, this was a part of him breaking me

down. Showinghow easy it was for him to be with someone else. To try and makeso jealous that | would

want him to mark me, so | had sclaim. over him.

The cruel thing about this is, that if your mate has sex with another wolf you feel it. It is one of the cruelest

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things you can do to your mate. It feels like your heart is breaking, your skin will crawl. And the blood in your

veins will get so boiling hot it hurts and burns you from the inside out. As your body spams trying to fight the

overwhelming sensation flooding your body.

| was sure David and | weren't mates, in fact, Hannah and him didn’t seem to be able to keep their hands to

themselves when they were close. So he should just mark her and go on with his life. With their lives. But he

didn’t because he was still so convinced that | was his mate. And yet thinking | was, he risked hurtinglike

that every the took Hannah outside to fuck her. | saw this place as a dungeon, he saw it as the hhe built

for the two of us. Talking like he didn’t care about being the Alpha anymore as long as he had me. So in his mind,

he was cheating on his mate, doing so on or against the hhe built her. Enjoying any



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reaction he would get fromwhen he returned.

It showedthe depths of his insanity and wickedness. Makingwonder how in eighteen years of being

friends | missed how horribly vile he was. How dark and evil the boy | thought I loved for so many years truly


Just like the fact | seemed to have been blind to the fact that Hannah truly liked him. | always knew she did, but

like most of the pack members, | figured she liked his status. She loved the idea of becoming his Luna. The

leader of the pack but the more | saw the two of them together | saw the truth. For sfucked up reason she

seemed to really love him. Her eyes would light up when he would growl atthat he would see her out. It was

something more than lust | was sure of that.

It explained why she hatedso much too, even after he rejectedhe did not choose her. It did make me

wonder why she had seemed so excited about the idea of Griffin choosing her as his chosen mate. Even now she

seemed to get deadset on getting Griffin instead. Was she just doing what David wanted to make him happy?

Was she so sacrificial in her love for him? | could hardly imagine Hannah as sacrificial, then again | never

considered her capable of loving either. And somehow she did. Somehow she managed to love the most

despicable person known to our kind. She knew about him killing his parents and she still loved him.

Today when she cin looking pained at how close David and | were sitting. Something | did to make him

believe in the fact that | was getting used to the idea of taking him back as my mate. | was certain she really did

love David. The other thing | was certain of was the fact that he



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would have sex with her again today. Since | had been refusing him for three days straight again. Hannah

seemed to sense it too. Brushing up against him more than ever, she somehow smelled of feromones. To the

point where she even smelled good to me.

We both seemed surprised at David's utter lack of response to her flirting. The heady scent of his arousal filled

the cramped dungeon. Where on days like this he would normally tellhe was going to walk her out. He didn’t

even look at her now when he dismissed her. Thanking her for the supplies and telling her, we would see her

tomorrow. She snarled atto have fun, saying she hoped I liked it rough. Her words chilledto the bone

ever since arriving here | was scared to death he would force himself on me.

Up until now, he had seemed determined to make sure the sex was consensual. Which it would never be, but

him trying to getto, all while he was letting out sfrustrations on Hannah benefitted me. Not only was

the thought of having sex with David absolutely repulsing to me. The only thing that would be worse was the

knowledge that Griffin would feel the pain of his mate having sex with someone else. He might even understand

or feel it was not consensual but it would only make him hurt more.

And even now that it had been three weeks, even now that he had been so close only to leave again. | was still

sure he would cfor me, he would never leavehere to die.

“Dress cute, we're going out today you are about to see your sister-in-law again” David addressed me

completely ignoring Hannah and her



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The odd situations, the sudden change of heart aboutgoing out. And the petrified look in Hannah's eyes

madeswallow with fear. There was a ball stuck in my throat now blocking it so | could not swallow down my

breakfast. Something was so terribly wrong and | was about to find out what it was.

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As promised after breakfast David had takenout of the dungeon. He had placed a collar around my neck like

I was a damn dog with silver spikes. If | tried to run away from him the spikes would stabin the throat and

they were long enough to kill me. | had no other option than to obediently walk alongside him.

For a moment | thought | had figured out where we were, but when we started walking he started walking in the

opposite direction of where | believed the pack would be. Until | noticed a shallow grave in the woods, my heart

clenched hoping it was just a coincidence we walked past this.

But as David stopped | knew it wasn't.

“He lies your beloved sister-in-law” He spoke not even mentioning her


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“My father madereject you, he made Hannah try to be with the prince before being with me. So I killed

them, to have you back but she” he said as he angrily waved at the shallow grave.

“She did not obey my Alpha voice, she ran of to warn that prince of yours. | wish you were different but | guess |

need to force people to do what | want even you, my mate. So the nice David is gone now” He snarled as he

yankedcloser by the leash he was holding connected to the collar. | closed my eyes knowing what would

happen tonow.
