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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 350
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125 Griffin

“Well, | guess you are over missing your mate, aren't you? | hope David kills Ayla because it would be more

merciful than you breaking her heart like this.” Tessie screamed at me.

She was right, this would break Ayla’s heart if it was true. They had to know right that | would never replace Ayla.

Let alone with the girl that hurt her. But if Hannah was involved in kidnapping her, she knows where Ayla is. We

need to know why she is here and what motivates her, so we can get to Ayla. And | would do anything | needed

to do. His mate’s yelling had alerted Jay, who now ran into the room, Dillion hot on his tail.

Dillion knewwell enough to know | would never do this willingly, but Jay saw red. | could see he was fighting

to not let his wolf take over and kill me. The only way out of this now was to use my Royal Alpha, voice on my in-

laws. | hated that | had to, but it was the only way. | command them to go to Jay's office and wait forthere.

They do ast they are told, but | can see the fire in Jay’s eyes. A mixture of disappointment and pure hatred.

All | can hope for now is that they not only see my point. For now, | turn to Hannah, struggling just as much as

Jay and Tessie are not to hurt her.

“Hannah, | get what you're doing, but we need to talk you cannot just





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crawl in bed with me. Your wing in the pack house is still intact. So | would advise you to go and wait on me

there” | tell her, it doesn’t cout as sweet as | wanted it to be.

But it is the best | can do, and since she giveswhat | can only imagine is supposed to be a sultry smile, |

guess | didn’t do too bad.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“What the hell is going on Griffin” Dillion mindlinksthe second the door closes. Still careful enough to make

sure Hannah cannot overhear

1. us.

“I trust you, and | know how much you love Ayla, but | swear to the Moon Goddess if you hurt our Firecracker |

will never speak to you ever again!” He continues, at least he trustedenough to not jump to - conclusions.

And | cannot blhim for being a bit protective over Ayla. She isn’t just his friend, she is his future Luna and

Queen. So he should feel this sense of loyalty towards her.

Wanting to be safe, | answer him using our mind link too.

“I need Hannah, to get my Darling back. Now | need to get dressed and talk to her parents, but I still feel weak,

so please help me”

An understanding dawns on his face as he quickly helpsget into a pair of sweats and a shirt. There is no

sense in dressing up for this




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meeting. | still want this to feel like a family meeting. Not like official business, and | am fairly sure the

Hemmings will see it my way when | explain to them why I did not have Hannah arrested right away.

When | am dressed, | make my way to Jay's office as quickly as | can to find Daniel there too. Which would have

been a good thing if it was not for him punchingin the face. With how weak | feel and it being a surprise

attack, he knocksto the floor. Luckily enough I did not pass out, although | could have done with Krystel

screaming at him telling him, she regrets being his mate when he is clearly this aggressive.

This all is getting out of hand rapidly, and Dan seems conflicted between groveling at his mate's feet or

punchingin the face again.


“Krys, he thinks | am cheating on Ayla with the she-wolf that tormented her. They all do, so it is my fault for

obviously not being clear enough about how much | love my mate” | tell Krystel hoping to make the other's

aware of how little trust they have given me.

“Listen, Griffin, | am sorry, the thing is | trusted you. After | first met you, back when Ayla was still conflicted

about you, | have sung your praises so much | seemed like your damn cheerleader. If she goes. through all of

this, to find you having moved on with Hannah. She will die and so for a moment, | felt guilty about it. But you're

right deep down | know you would never do something like that. Please can you forgive me” Dan rushes to


Truthfully, if the tables were turned, and | thought he had moved on




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from Krystel so quickly, | would have been the same. And so | tell him exactly that. Before telling everyone why, |

need Hannah to think there. might be something between us. | require her to trustenough, to at least be

careless in going to visit David. Because | have no illusions. about her reasoning. The fact that she stole Ayla’s

shirt Tessie planned on bringing toto makefeel a bit better says it all.

At the stime,being sick now is a great excuse to not talk to Hannah too much. Just see what she was

getting up to, find out more about her motives to suddenly claim her place as my mate since Ayla had

supposedly toldshe would make a good Queen.


The next day | woke up feeling a bit better after sleeping for most of the day. All | did the day before was sleep

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

and eat. Tessie who felt terrible. for jumping to conclusions hovered overlike my own Mom would have To

the point where | would not be surprised if she sat in the chair to watchsleep, just to make sure | was

breathing evenly.

Now | was still feeling a little weak, but | was strong enough to go talk to Hannah and ask her what was up with

her suddenly coming back to her old pack. Not to mention slipping into bed with me, referring toas her

mate. Even if she would pretend to be aware of what Ayla wroteabout her being a good Queen. Even

choosing your chosen mate was something you had to do with care. And you would need to accept each

other first.



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Jay had spent most of yesterday trying to find out how in the hell it had been possible for Hannah to get into the

pack house. Turns out, since. she had always been a part of the pack. Respected by most, even if that mostly

had to do with her father’s status. None of the guards thought about stopping her, or asking their new Alpha if

she was welcin the pack. With her not having accepted Jay as her new Alpha it had been a stupid thing to


It made all of us wonder if there was anything left to save as far as the Blood Moon pack was concerned. And

with all the work piling up, finding Ayla beceven more pressing. It would not be long before | would have to

return to my duties as Crown Prince. The search for Ayla would still continue, of course. But it would be without

me, and that was something | wanted to avoid at all costs.

Hence, the reason forgoing to speak to Hannah to try to find out more about her motives. When | was still

sick. We learned the hard way we couldn't put our trust in the BloodMoon pack, because at this moment the

pack and the loyalty towards the pack even with their new Alpha and Luna was too broken. We could not expect

them to behave like a pack when for so long they were not treated as one. And honestly, Jay did his best, he was

a good Alpha and Tessie was a good Luna, but neither of them had their heart in it and it showed.
