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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 358
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133 Griffin

My sweet, wonderful mate, unconscious on the c

the cold cave floor. Even

now that she was curled up, | could see how matted her hair was. How skinny she had gotten. And | saw her

body covered in bruises. It triggered something protective deep inside of me. | just barely managed to tell the

others to leave the two of us alone. She is fully dressed, but the clothes are draping off her body. They are too

big on her now. | remember when we first met. She was so ashamed of her scars, that | never minded them. And

if these wounds turn into scars too. I still would not mind, but I know she would. So | want to hide as many

wounds and bruises as | can.

| shift back to my human form, not minding | am as naked as | was the day | was born, and | walk over. She

seems so peaceful on the one hand But on the other hand, it is so clear that She is not okay. That she wasn’t just

sleeping because she was exhausted. So, like | intended to do, | covered her bruises the best | could before |

lifted her in my arms and

carried her out of the cave.

| carried her like that in my arms all the way to the pack house. Asking her to cback to me, whispering

sweet nothing's in her ear all the time. Asking her to cback to me. Telling her about the plans | had for the

two of us. Every single thing | could think of to get her to get back to me, but nothing helped. Of course, Jay and

Tessie had been brought up to speed. The two of them were waiting for us, together with Daniel and Krystel.

Collin, Dillion, Jessa, and Gerald had been in the forest withwhen | found Ayla, and they had walked



133 Griffin

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| carried her to the pack house.


288 Vouchers

After | had brought her to the pack hospital, placed her in a bed, and washed her. Because | could not stomach

the idea of anyone else touching her. Tessie cover to check up on her daughter. Not as a mother but as a

pack doctor, for me, it was a bonus to know that her doctor loved her as much as | did. But | was not stupid, |

realized how critical her condition was. So for Tessie to work on her own daughter as a patient who might not

make it must be terrifying and heartbreaking.

“What happened?” Tessie asked me, her tone cold and professional.

| feel like she was keeping herself detached from the situation. So she could be as professional as she could.

Without falling victim to the emotions that would cinto play from seeing her doctor like that.

“I do not know we found her like that, on the floor of a hidden cave./ though. One of the other warriors found a

backpack full of candy bars. and cans of sodas. So our best guess is that she was too exhausted and hungry with

not having been fed enough. The bag got too heavy for her, so she dumped it. And it seemed like she had just

laid down for a little nap. | have no idea why it has gotten so much more than just a little nap. All I do know is

that she is not waking up” I told Tessie all the.

information I had.




133 Griffin

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I knew it wasn’t much to go on, but it was all | knew. Tessie askedto leave the room so she could examine

Ayla. | did not want to leave her side, | had missed her for so long. And she had missedso | wanted her to

feel her close to me. | knew in my heart that feelingclose, would make her cback to us, back to me

sooner. Still, 1 did not want to bother Tessie as she was doing her job, and neither did | want her to think | did not

trust her. Reluctantly, | got up to leave the room and give Ayla and Tessie the privacy and space that they

needed. But not before bending over and giving Tessie one last kiss on the forehead, whispering

to her.

“Cback to me, Darling, | cannot do this alone, | need you here with me”


That last kiss to the forehead was two hours ago. Tessie still had not cout of the room she was in with Ayla.

And | was getting anxious, why would she not cout to tell us what was wrong?

A firm hand on my knee stoppedfrom shaking it so much.

“She is in good hands Griff, and there is no way our Fire Cracker is not pulling through,” Dillion told me, but he

was pale, and his eyes were glossy.

He was trying to reassure himself as much as he was trying to reassure



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1. me. The two of us and everyone else in the waiting room breathed a sigh of relief when Tessie finally walked

out of the room.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“She has been getting a medicine that | did not know of, and finding out what it was or did wasn’t easy. |

managed to find out it is a medicine. given to control someone’s shifts. Meaning that with all the abuse she has

been through, she has been forced to ignore her wolf too. The exhaustion and hunger combined with the

medicines and their effects made her slip into a coma. Tessie’s explanation madeboil with anger. At the

stime, | am sick with worry, wanting to do anything and everything | can do to get Ayla out of her coma.

sok AAK

When | asked Tessie what | could do to help Ayla if there was anything | could do to help her with. She told|

needed to take care of Ayla. Be with her care for her and talk to her. There was no proof that what | would tell her

would matter. People are known to just read a story to the person in a coma. Because it is more the sound of

your voice than the words coming out.

First, though | wanted to take care of her just like Tessie suggested | would. Not wanting to leave her side for

even a second. | had asked Jessa to get Ayla all her favorite toiletries and lotion and whatever it was that she

used. | had handed her my black card and she was back soon enough with a ton of stuff. She had savedthe

receipts. | just crumpled them up and threw them away. Not only do | fully trust Jessa. If she had stolen from me

that would have been fine too. As long as she did get the items | needed. The items Ayla liked the most and

since |


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recognized a few of the bottles from our bedroom | knew Jessa had done a great job.

| crawled into the bed with Ayla, lifting her until she was like in a sitting position when | was done. It gave me

free access to her hair just as | wanted to. Starting with spraying in sdetangling spray and then patiently

brushing small bits of her hair. To make it soft and bouncy again. And as | did | sang for her. There was so much |

wanted to tell her it stoppedfrom talking to her at all. | could not find the words that would do justice to what

| was feeling now.
