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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 372
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147 Griffin

Since | still hadn't gotten a text from Ayla asking where | was, by the t| brought her family to our chambers.

So | had just assumed she was still sleeping. What | did not expect was to find her at her breakfast table, hair

tied up in a messy bun. Only wearing her panties and my black T-shirt. Because again it did things to my body it

should not do. Not with Ayla still having to recover from all she has been through. | was scared to death to give

her the idea her body was the only thing | was interested in.

Nor did | want her to feel pressured to make love to me, or to complete the mating process even if it constantly

was on my mind. Her walking out of the bathroom in tight leggings that looked like someone seived leather

around her figure to make it perfectly with only one of my white dress shirts. Did not make it any easier on me,

but I didn’t want to let it go to my head. Most likely she just didn’t have anything to wear., Taking one of my

shirts out of my closet just to be warm and comfortable. But | had missed her in every aspect of life, and | even

know it is natural for mates to feel this drawn to each other. Especially since we haven't completed the mating

process yet.

It was another urge | had to control, maybe | should go and talk to my dad about this. It wouldn't be the first

tnot even in my relationship with Ayla where | asked him for advice. On the other hand there was a

possibility he could not helpsince he had never been through. something like this. | know he has been telling




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147 Driffin

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He had been so understanding aboutnot getting anything done while | was looking for Ayla. And then when |

didn’t want to leave her bedside because she was in a coma for weeks. Yesterday he had toldthat he was

glad | started to get back to work. Remindingthat as royalty we were never excused from our jobs. And that

in the Ayla and | needed to get the work done together as a team. Meaning that wherever | slacked off no matter

how understandable it might be. In the end Ayla would end up having to work harder to make up for lost time.

That didn’t fit the future Ayla and | had planned out together. We had promised each other to work extra hard

during the weekdays so that we could have our weekends off. The cup of coffee | would make here in bed, every

morning, and the weekends would be to be quality ttogether. Just the two of us now, and back then we had

soon hoped to have a little family to spend our weekends with. There were sdelays now, but to me, that was

still the future | wanted. The future we wanted together, so Dad's words triggered something in me. An urge to

work harder, and do more, so that Ayla would not have to work harder on my


It was the one thing | felt like | could hold on to. The only thing I felt like | could do was to make sure our future

could go on as planned. To make sure none of this messed with our future. Because it was the only thing I could

control. | could not control how soon we would find David, nor could I control when the trial for Hannah would be

held. A trial where Ayla would have to be the key witness, yet another thing | had to tell her about. A thing that

scaredbecause | had no idea how that would affect Ayla’s healing process. My mate being so weak and hurt

both mentally and physically was yet another thing I could not



147 Griffin

control or speed up.

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Hell, I could not even control my own body, stop it from acting like a hormonal teenager whenever | saw Ayla do

or wear anything remotely sexy. And there was a whole lot she could do or wear that | considered sexy. Work and

how much work | got done, how hard | worked. How much work there would be left for Ayla to pick up when she

got back to it was the only thing | could control. And judging from the massive to- do list Ayla had written it

wouldn't be long before she would want to go back to working.

It was only when | saw setting up an office that | was reminded of the fact that | had made her, an office. | hoped

she liked it, and that maybe it was already taking sof the load of her. As | knew myself it wasn’t easy to put

together an office. Making all the choices, and keeping an eye out for the contractors’ work.

Tonight | would also help her with making a list of people I think are a good fit for her to have as her Gemma. For

now, | wanted to show her the office | made her. And then have her get back to her family so that they can help

her unpack everything.


Today had been torturous, | was sure she didn’t do it on purpose. Ayla isn’t a tease and she knows her body isn't

ready to do much more than kissing yet. But I lost count of how many times she had to raise her arms. to get

something. Pulling my shirt up so high that it no longer covered.

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her perfectly round ass. She seemed to crave my touch to be around me, which was normal seeing as we had

been apart for so long. | felt the stowards her, but she brushed up onso many times. Her hand just

barely touching spots that madelose the ability to think clearly and now feeling this hot and bothered | had

to go to the airport to pick up her pregnant Sister and brother-in-law. So | had to hop to take a cold shower just

to make sure | was somewhat presentable when | went to pick them up. And hopefully, wash the smell of my

near-constant arousal off of me.


| wasn’t looking forward to picking up Kate and Tim but it ended up being a good thing. Being away from Ayla for

a little bit when | knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was safe helped me. It gavea bit of a breather

from all the conflicting feelings | had.

But when | walked into our living room where Ayla had spent the last hours unpacking her books and pointing out

where they needed to go.. Since she had bectoo tired to do it herself. | did not get the reaction | expected.

She got up and hugged Kate and Tim telling them how happy she was to see the two of them. She then excused

herself right away and fled to the bedroom where we could all hear her cry. With no idea to what made her this

sad | decided | should just go and find out what happened, so | could be there for her.
