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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 386
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161 Griffin

Everyone kept tellingAyla would say yes to me. Her family toldthat she has always wanted to uphold the

family tradition of getting married to her mate. We were officially mated, and about to try for pups. For human

couples marrying is the last big step, the one commitment you could not easily get out of. With being mated it

was different for us wolves, yet my stomach was in knots as | watched her walk in with her


Look as stunning as ever in the dress-Jessa had helped pick out for me. Since | know my darling likes to match

clothes so much | wore a dress shirt in the exact scolor blue with a gold tie. After talking it over with our

friends, and her family | cup with the plan to proceed with the ritual as we normally would. At the end, Ayla

would need to give a speech to thank the pack for welcoming her in our midst. Where | as Ayla’s partner would

give a shorter speech thanking them for letting my mate be part of our pack.

During my speech | would not just thank my pack, I would thank Ayla too. And that would end up in me

proposing to her. We all liked the idea of Ayla already being a member of the pack when | proposed. Not that her

being engaged towould change anything about the pack’s answers to the question if we would allow her in

the pack. Every one of them had cto love-Ayla. Well all but one, Cynthia still resented Ayla, it is why | didn’t

like the idea of her being released before the party. Sadly | couldn't tell Ayla without spoiling the surprise

meaning that | had to take a huge risk.



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One voice not accepting her joining the pack would not change much. In fact Cynthia still would even if she was

still locked up. As a member of the pack connected to the mindlink her voice would be heard. But | feared she

would say or do something when | proposed to Ayla. And | didn’t want anything to taint that memory. When she

pressedabout why | didn’t want to release Cynthia today like she had cup with. | couldn't exactly come

out and say well | don’t want her to ruin the surprise proposal. | have been thinking about it for months but

suddenly had to rush now because | want you to be my fiancée when you're pregnant. Marrying before you give

birth or right after depending on what you want.

Bad as it may be | had even looked at reasons to postpone her release. Set things into motion today just as |

promised Ayla | would. Just have it take so long that we couldn't get it done on time. Only when the Princess and

the Crown Prince want to release a prisoner processing takes about an hour. Of course | could ask them to

release her tomorrow

tell Ayla | tried my best. But | would never lie to my mate so | had no other choice then to hope for the best. At

least Dillion and Gerald new they would keep an eye on her with their mates. Reassuringa little.


When | went dress shopping with Jessa we had bumped into Cynthia. She was all alone and no longer had any of

her friends with her. Maybe because Ayla had won them over, or because what David had done. showed every

pack member how batshit crazy he was. Making it clear how much abuse she must have gone through before |

met her. Or maybe they just saw how happy Ayla madeand how much disrespect Cynthia showed her for it.

Whatever it was it pleasedto see she was


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still suffering from the consequences of her behavior. Both because it was a sign of the packs’ loyalty to Ayla and

me. Secondly as a ruler | knew | could not blher for this forever. But as the mate of the woman she had

offended so | still held a grudge for her.

I was shocked.

Now | had spotted her in the crowd in the full ballroom. by the amount of work everyone had managed to pull off

in such a short notice. The ballroom smelled of my favorite food. White and silver balloons and streamers filled

the ceilings. Still it did not compare to the beauty of Ayla’s smile when she noticedin the crowd. Jay and her

made their way towards me. It was a good thing that tonight Ayla would no longer be a part of Jay’s pack

officially because even | could tell he was getting emotional. Now with the pack transfer Ayla seemed to think

nothing of it as it made sense.


“Silver Moon Pack, we are gathered here today to ask you to let my son’s mate, my wonderful daughter-in-law

and your Princess beca part of the Silver Moon Pack. Is there any objection against this?” After a bit of small

talk the ceremony had finally started with Dad as the Alpha leading it all. As he asked the pack members if there

were any objections. | scanned the crowd for Cynthia. Relieved to see her father holding her by the arm stopping

her from saying anything.

Reassured | face Ayla again just enough to hear Dad declare. “There are no objections from the Silver Moon Pack.

Who here is present to break the bond with the White Oak Pack?”

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The rest of the ceremony went by quickly, Ayla gave a wonderful speech thanking the pack. Promising to not

only be the best future Luna and Queen there could be. But to never forget she was just another pack member

either. There was a fine line between being a pack’s leader and seeing yourself as more than the other members

of the pack. It was a line Ayla understood and never crossed. Yet another thing I loved her for, and now I could

finally publicly declare all of those things.

There was a mixture of shock, disbelief and hope on her face as | kneeled down and took one of her hands in


“Ayla my darling, there is so much | want to tell you know and yet there aren’t enough words to tell you what you

mean to me. For different reason we both feared we would never have this future. Now we had to

move up this ceremony because in a few hours we will be trying for our first pup. You made my life infinitely

better and you don’t even know half of it. That is why | want the entire world to know that you are mine as much

as | am yours. Just not wolves who will see your ncarved on my collarbone as it is carved in my heart and

soul. No | want every human, and other being who sees us to know too. So my darling, my love will you do me

the absolute honor of marrying me?”

As | finished the speech that had drifted quite a bit from the one | wrote | opened the black velvet box. Hoping

that she would love it, ignoring the fact that | could see Cynthia moving from the corner of my eye. Eagerly

awaiting Ayla’s answer.